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Last active July 3, 2023 01:36
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PdqSort C# Port
// PdqSort:
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Configs;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Environments;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Jobs;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
namespace SortBench;
public class SortBenchTest
// Partitions below this size are sorted using insertion sort.
const int InsertionSortThreshold = 24;
// Partitions above this size use Tukey's ninther to select the pivot.
const int NintherThreshold = 128;
// When we detect an already sorted partition, attempt an insertion sort that allows this
// amount of element moves before giving up.
const int PartialInsertionSortLimit = 8;
static ref T UnguardedAccess<T>(Span<T> span, int index)
return ref Unsafe.Add(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(span), index);
static Span<T> UnguardedSlice<T>(Span<T> span, int begin, int end)
return MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin), end - begin);
static bool Compare<T>(T left, T right, IComparer<T> comparer)
return comparer.Compare(left, right) < 0;
static void HeapSort<T>(Span<T> span, IComparer<T> comparer)
if (span.Length == 0) return;
int n = span.Length;
for (int i = n >> 1; i >= 1; i--)
DownHeap(span, i, n, comparer);
for (int i = n; i > 1; i--)
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, 0), ref UnguardedAccess(span, i - 1));
DownHeap(span, 1, i - 1, comparer);
static void DownHeap<T>(Span<T> span, int i, int n, IComparer<T> comparer)
T d = UnguardedAccess(span, i - 1);
while (i <= n >> 1)
int child = 2 * i;
if (child < n && Compare(UnguardedAccess(span, child - 1), UnguardedAccess(span, child), comparer))
if (!Compare(d, UnguardedAccess(span, child - 1), comparer))
UnguardedAccess(span, i - 1) = UnguardedAccess(span, child - 1);
i = child;
UnguardedAccess(span, i - 1) = d;
// Sorts [begin, end) using insertion sort with the given comparison function.
static void InsertionSort<T>(Span<T> span, int begin, int end, IComparer<T> comparer)
if (begin == end) return;
for (var i = begin + 1; i < end; i++)
var sift = i;
var sift1 = i - 1;
// Compare first so we can avoid 2 moves for an element already positioned correctly.
if (Compare(UnguardedAccess(span, sift), UnguardedAccess(span, sift1), comparer))
var tmp = UnguardedAccess(span, sift);
UnguardedAccess(span, sift--) = UnguardedAccess(span, sift1);
while (sift != begin && Compare(tmp, UnguardedAccess(span, --sift1), comparer));
UnguardedAccess(span, sift) = tmp;
// Sorts [begin, end) using insertion sort with the given comparison function. Assumes
// *(begin - 1) is an element smaller than or equal to any element in [begin, end).
static void UnguardedInsertionSort<T>(Span<T> span, int begin, int end, IComparer<T> comparer)
if (begin == end) return;
for (var i = begin + 1; i < end; i++)
var sift = i;
var sift1 = i - 1;
// Compare first so we can avoid 2 moves for an element already positioned correctly.
if (Compare(UnguardedAccess(span, sift), UnguardedAccess(span, sift1), comparer))
var tmp = UnguardedAccess(span, sift);
UnguardedAccess(span, sift--) = UnguardedAccess(span, sift1);
while (Compare(tmp, UnguardedAccess(span, --sift1), comparer));
UnguardedAccess(span, sift) = tmp;
// Attempts to use insertion sort on [begin, end). Will return false if more than
// partial_insertion_sort_limit elements were moved, and abort sorting. Otherwise it will
// successfully sort and return true.
static bool PartialInsertionSort<T>(Span<T> span, int begin, int end, IComparer<T> comparer)
if (begin == end) return true;
var limit = 0;
for (var i = begin + 1; i < end; i++)
var sift = i;
var sift1 = i - 1;
// Compare first so we can avoid 2 moves for an element already positioned correctly.
if (Compare(UnguardedAccess(span, sift), UnguardedAccess(span, sift1), comparer))
var tmp = UnguardedAccess(span, sift);
UnguardedAccess(span, sift--) = UnguardedAccess(span, sift1);
while (sift != begin && Compare(tmp, UnguardedAccess(span, --sift1), comparer));
UnguardedAccess(span, sift) = tmp;
limit += i - sift;
if (limit > PartialInsertionSortLimit) return false;
return true;
// Partitions [begin, end) around pivot *begin using comparison function comp. Elements equal
// to the pivot are put in the right-hand partition. Returns the position of the pivot after
// partitioning and whether the passed sequence already was correctly partitioned. Assumes the
// pivot is a median of at least 3 elements and that [begin, end) is at least
// insertion_sort_threshold long.
static (int Pivot, bool HasPartitioned) PartitionRight<T>(Span<T> span, int begin, int end, IComparer<T> comparer)
// Move pivot into local for speed.
var pivot = UnguardedAccess(span, begin);
var first = begin;
var last = end;
// Find the first element greater than or equal than the pivot (the median of 3 guarantees
// this exists).
while (Compare(UnguardedAccess(span, ++first), pivot, comparer)) ;
// Find the first element strictly smaller than the pivot. We have to guard this search if
// there was no element before *first.
if (first - 1 == 0) while (first < last && !Compare(UnguardedAccess(span, --last), pivot, comparer)) ;
else while (!Compare(UnguardedAccess(span, --last), pivot, comparer)) ;
// If the first pair of elements that should be swapped to partition are the same element,
// the passed in sequence already was correctly partitioned.
bool hasPartitioned = first >= last;
// Keep swapping pairs of elements that are on the wrong side of the pivot. Previously
// swapped pairs guard the searches, which is why the first iteration is special-cased
// above.
while (first < last)
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, first), ref UnguardedAccess(span, last));
while (Compare(UnguardedAccess(span, ++first), pivot, comparer)) ;
while (!Compare(UnguardedAccess(span, --last), pivot, comparer)) ;
// Put the pivot in the right place.
var pivotPosition = first - 1;
UnguardedAccess(span, begin) = UnguardedAccess(span, pivotPosition);
UnguardedAccess(span, pivotPosition) = pivot;
return (pivotPosition, hasPartitioned);
// Similar function to the one above, except elements equal to the pivot are put to the left of
// the pivot and it doesn't check or return if the passed sequence already was partitioned.
// Since this is rarely used (the many equal case), and in that case pdqsort already has O(n)
// performance, no block quicksort is applied here for simplicity.
static int PartitionLeft<T>(Span<T> span, int begin, int end, IComparer<T> comparer)
var pivot = UnguardedAccess(span, begin);
var first = begin;
var last = end;
while (Compare(pivot, UnguardedAccess(span, --last), comparer)) ;
if (last + 1 == end) while (first < last && !Compare(pivot, UnguardedAccess(span, ++first), comparer)) ;
else while (!Compare(pivot, UnguardedAccess(span, ++first), comparer)) ;
while (first < last)
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, first), ref UnguardedAccess(span, last));
while (Compare(pivot, UnguardedAccess(span, --last), comparer)) ;
while (!Compare(pivot, UnguardedAccess(span, ++first), comparer)) ;
var pivotPosition = last;
UnguardedAccess(span, begin) = UnguardedAccess(span, pivotPosition);
UnguardedAccess(span, pivotPosition) = pivot;
return pivotPosition;
static void Swap<T>(ref T a, ref T b)
var t = a;
a = b;
b = t;
static void Sort2<T>(ref T a, ref T b, IComparer<T> comparer)
if (Compare(b, a, comparer))
Swap(ref a, ref b);
// Sorts the elements *a, *b and *c using comparison function comp.
static void Sort3<T>(ref T a, ref T b, ref T c, IComparer<T> comparer)
Sort2(ref a, ref b, comparer);
Sort2(ref b, ref c, comparer);
Sort2(ref a, ref b, comparer);
static void PdqSort<T>(Span<T> span, int begin, int end, IComparer<T> comparer, int badAllowed, bool leftmost = true)
while (true)
var size = end - begin;
// Insertion sort is faster for small arrays.
if (size < InsertionSortThreshold)
if (leftmost) InsertionSort(span, begin, end, comparer);
else UnguardedInsertionSort(span, begin, end, comparer);
// Choose pivot as median of 3 or pseudomedian of 9.
var mid = size / 2;
if (size > NintherThreshold)
Sort3(ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin), ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + mid), ref UnguardedAccess(span, end - 1), comparer);
Sort3(ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + 1), ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + mid - 1), ref UnguardedAccess(span, end - 2), comparer);
Sort3(ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + 2), ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + mid + 1), ref UnguardedAccess(span, end - 3), comparer);
Sort3(ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + mid - 1), ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + mid), ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + mid + 1), comparer);
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin), ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + mid));
Sort3(ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + mid), ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin), ref UnguardedAccess(span, end - 1), comparer);
// If *(begin - 1) is the end of the right partition of a previous partition operation
// there is no element in [begin, end) that is smaller than *(begin - 1). Then if our
// pivot compares equal to *(begin - 1) we change strategy, putting equal elements in
// the left partition, greater elements in the right partition. We do not have to
// recurse on the left partition, since it's sorted (all equal).
if (!leftmost && !Compare(UnguardedAccess(span, begin - 1), UnguardedAccess(span, begin), comparer))
begin = PartitionLeft(span, begin, end, comparer) + 1;
var (pivot, hasPartitioned) = PartitionRight(span, begin, end, comparer);
// Check for a highly unbalanced partition.
var leftSize = pivot - begin;
var rightSize = end - (pivot + 1);
var highlyUnbalanced = leftSize < size / 8 || rightSize < size / 8;
// If we got a highly unbalanced partition we shuffle elements to break many patterns.
if (highlyUnbalanced)
// If we had too many bad partitions, switch to heapsort to guarantee O(n log n).
if (--badAllowed == 0)
HeapSort(UnguardedSlice(span, begin, end), comparer);
if (leftSize >= InsertionSortThreshold)
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin), ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + leftSize / 4));
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, pivot - 1), ref UnguardedAccess(span, pivot - leftSize / 4));
if (leftSize > NintherThreshold)
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + 1), ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + leftSize / 4 + 1));
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + 2), ref UnguardedAccess(span, begin + leftSize / 4 + 2));
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, pivot - 2), ref UnguardedAccess(span, pivot - (leftSize / 4 + 1)));
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, pivot - 3), ref UnguardedAccess(span, pivot - (leftSize / 4 + 2)));
if (rightSize >= InsertionSortThreshold)
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, pivot + 1), ref UnguardedAccess(span, pivot + 1 + rightSize / 4));
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, end - 1), ref UnguardedAccess(span, end - rightSize / 4));
if (rightSize > NintherThreshold)
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, pivot + 2), ref UnguardedAccess(span, pivot + 2 + rightSize / 4));
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, pivot + 3), ref UnguardedAccess(span, pivot + 3 + rightSize / 4));
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, end - 2), ref UnguardedAccess(span, end - (1 + rightSize / 4)));
Swap(ref UnguardedAccess(span, end - 3), ref UnguardedAccess(span, end - (2 + rightSize / 4)));
// If we were decently balanced and we tried to sort an already partitioned
// sequence try to use insertion sort.
if (hasPartitioned &&
PartialInsertionSort(span, begin, pivot, comparer) &&
PartialInsertionSort(span, pivot + 1, end, comparer))
// Sort the left partition first using recursion and do tail recursion elimination for
// the right-hand partition.
PdqSort(span, begin, pivot, comparer, badAllowed, leftmost);
begin = pivot + 1;
leftmost = false;
static void Sort<T>(T[] array, IComparer<T> comparer)
PdqSort(array, 0, array.Length, comparer, BitOperations.Log2((uint)array.Length));
static IEnumerable<int> GetRandomSequence(int count, bool near)
while (count-- > 0) yield return near ? Random.Shared.Next(0, count / 4) : Random.Shared.Next();
static IEnumerable<int> GetReverseSequence(int count)
while (count-- > 0) yield return count;
static IEnumerable<int> GetOrderSequence(int count)
var i = 0;
while (count-- > 0) yield return i++;
static IEnumerable<int> GetPeekSequence(int count)
var mid = count / 2;
var i = 0;
while (mid-- > 0)
yield return i++;
while (count-- > 0) yield return i--;
static IEnumerable<int> GetReversePeekSequence(int count)
var mid = count / 2;
while (mid-- > 0)
yield return mid;
var i = 0;
while (count-- > 0) yield return i++;
[Params(10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000)]
public int size;
public void GlobalSetup()
a_allEqual = new int[size];
p_allEqual = new int[size];
a_randomNear = new int[size];
p_randomNear = new int[size];
a_random = new int[size];
p_random = new int[size];
a_sequence = new int[size];
p_sequence = new int[size];
a_reverse = new int[size];
p_reverse = new int[size];
a_peek = new int[size];
p_peek = new int[size];
a_reversePeek = new int[size];
p_reversePeek = new int[size];
allEqual = Enumerable.Repeat(1, size).ToArray();
randomNear = GetRandomSequence(size, true).ToArray();
random = GetRandomSequence(size, false).ToArray();
sequence = GetOrderSequence(size).ToArray();
reverse = GetReverseSequence(size).ToArray();
peek = GetPeekSequence(size).ToArray();
reversePeek = GetReversePeekSequence(size).ToArray();
public void InitIteration()
allEqual.CopyTo(a_allEqual, 0);
allEqual.CopyTo(p_allEqual, 0);
random.CopyTo(a_random, 0);
random.CopyTo(p_random, 0);
randomNear.CopyTo(a_randomNear, 0);
randomNear.CopyTo(p_randomNear, 0);
sequence.CopyTo(a_sequence, 0);
sequence.CopyTo(p_sequence, 0);
reverse.CopyTo(a_reverse, 0);
reverse.CopyTo(p_reverse, 0);
peek.CopyTo(a_peek, 0);
peek.CopyTo(p_peek, 0);
reversePeek.CopyTo(a_reversePeek, 0);
reversePeek.CopyTo(p_reversePeek, 0);
private int[] allEqual, randomNear, random, sequence, reverse, peek, reversePeek;
private int[] a_allEqual, a_randomNear, a_random, a_sequence, a_reverse, a_peek, a_reversePeek;
private int[] p_allEqual, p_randomNear, p_random, p_sequence, p_reverse, p_peek, p_reversePeek;
class Config : ManualConfig
public Config()
.WithEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_TieredPgo", "1")
.WithRuntime(CoreRuntime.CreateForNewVersion("net7.0", ".NET 7.0")));
static void Main(string[] args)
BenchmarkRunner.Run<SortBenchTest>(null, args);
struct MyComparer<T> : IComparer<T>
public int Compare(T? x, T? y)
return Comparer<T>.Default.Compare(x, y);
public void ArraySort_AllEqual()
Array.Sort(a_allEqual, new MyComparer<int>());
public void PdqSort_AllEqual()
Sort(p_allEqual, new MyComparer<int>());
public void ArraySort_RandomNear()
Array.Sort(a_randomNear, new MyComparer<int>());
public void PdqSort_RandomNear()
Sort(p_randomNear, new MyComparer<int>());
public void ArraySort_Random()
Array.Sort(a_random, new MyComparer<int>());
public void PdqSort_Random()
Sort(p_random, new MyComparer<int>());
public void ArraySort_Sequence()
Array.Sort(a_sequence, new MyComparer<int>());
public void PdqSort_Sequence()
Sort(p_sequence, new MyComparer<int>());
public void ArraySort_ReverseSequence()
Array.Sort(a_reverse, new MyComparer<int>());
public void PdqSort_ReverseSequence()
Sort(p_reverse, new MyComparer<int>());
public void ArraySort_Peek()
Array.Sort(a_peek, new MyComparer<int>());
public void PdqSort_Peek()
Sort(p_peek, new MyComparer<int>());
public void ArraySort_ReversePeek()
Array.Sort(a_reversePeek, new MyComparer<int>());
public void PdqSort_ReversePeek()
Sort(p_reversePeek, new MyComparer<int>());
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hez2010 commented Apr 23, 2022

Benchmark result (.NET 7 with PGO+QJFL+OSR enabled):

Method size Mean Error StdDev Median Ratio
ArraySort_AllEqual 10 1,463.4 ns 32.23 ns 58.12 ns 1,500.0 ns 1
PdqSort_AllEqual 10 834.1 ns 20.59 ns 78.67 ns 800.0 ns 0.57
ArraySort_RandomNear 10 1,357.4 ns 33.12 ns 138.41 ns 1,300.0 ns 1
PdqSort_RandomNear 10 933.5 ns 22.61 ns 91.20 ns 900.0 ns 0.69
ArraySort_Random 10 1,465.6 ns 32.81 ns 76.05 ns 1,500.0 ns 1
PdqSort_Random 10 954.5 ns 22.99 ns 67.42 ns 900.0 ns 0.65
ArraySort_Sequence 10 1,279.4 ns 25.42 ns 41.04 ns 1,300.0 ns 1
PdqSort_Sequence 10 829.0 ns 22.52 ns 80.72 ns 800.0 ns 0.65
ArraySort_ReverseSequence 10 1,715.1 ns 38.26 ns 149.87 ns 1,700.0 ns 1
PdqSort_ReverseSequence 10 931.0 ns 24.61 ns 78.48 ns 900.0 ns 0.54
ArraySort_Peek 10 1,458.0 ns 32.85 ns 79.35 ns 1,500.0 ns 1
PdqSort_Peek 10 981.1 ns 23.38 ns 39.71 ns 1,000.0 ns 0.67
ArraySort_ReversePeek 10 1,429.2 ns 32.56 ns 93.94 ns 1,400.0 ns 1
PdqSort_ReversePeek 10 937.8 ns 22.62 ns 78.10 ns 900.0 ns 0.66
ArraySort_AllEqual 100 2,789.1 ns 61.69 ns 131.48 ns 2,800.0 ns 1
PdqSort_AllEqual 100 1,585.6 ns 35.64 ns 111.07 ns 1,600.0 ns 0.57
ArraySort_RandomNear 100 5,160.0 ns 88.53 ns 82.81 ns 5,200.0 ns 1
PdqSort_RandomNear 100 3,783.1 ns 76.42 ns 169.33 ns 3,700.0 ns 0.73
ArraySort_Random 100 5,508.3 ns 101.57 ns 79.30 ns 5,500.0 ns 1
PdqSort_Random 100 4,245.5 ns 88.54 ns 166.29 ns 4,200.0 ns 0.77
ArraySort_Sequence 100 3,443.8 ns 73.83 ns 145.73 ns 3,400.0 ns 1
PdqSort_Sequence 100 1,253.0 ns 29.03 ns 68.43 ns 1,300.0 ns 0.36
ArraySort_ReverseSequence 100 4,566.7 ns 90.67 ns 97.01 ns 4,600.0 ns 1
PdqSort_ReverseSequence 100 1,621.5 ns 35.87 ns 83.84 ns 1,600.0 ns 0.36
ArraySort_Peek 100 6,846.7 ns 139.19 ns 130.20 ns 6,900.0 ns 1
PdqSort_Peek 100 4,163.0 ns 86.57 ns 121.36 ns 4,200.0 ns 0.61
ArraySort_ReversePeek 100 7,307.7 ns 103.27 ns 86.23 ns 7,300.0 ns 1
PdqSort_ReversePeek 100 4,050.0 ns 82.14 ns 94.59 ns 4,000.0 ns 0.55
ArraySort_AllEqual 1000 22,796.2 ns 357.98 ns 298.93 ns 22,850.0 ns 1
PdqSort_AllEqual 1000 2,746.8 ns 59.74 ns 91.23 ns 2,750.0 ns 0.12
ArraySort_RandomNear 1000 60,628.6 ns 829.46 ns 735.30 ns 60,450.0 ns 1
PdqSort_RandomNear 1000 38,600.0 ns 684.45 ns 571.55 ns 38,500.0 ns 0.64
ArraySort_Random 1000 65,485.7 ns 829.97 ns 735.74 ns 65,600.0 ns 1
PdqSort_Random 1000 40,953.3 ns 565.50 ns 528.97 ns 40,800.0 ns 0.63
ArraySort_Sequence 1000 29,757.1 ns 130.62 ns 115.79 ns 29,700.0 ns 1
PdqSort_Sequence 1000 3,255.2 ns 67.21 ns 98.51 ns 3,300.0 ns 0.11
ArraySort_ReverseSequence 1000 47,523.1 ns 827.02 ns 690.60 ns 47,400.0 ns 1
PdqSort_ReverseSequence 1000 4,520.0 ns 92.14 ns 86.19 ns 4,500.0 ns 0.1
ArraySort_Peek 1000 102,807.7 ns 1,237.26 ns 1,033.17 ns 102,800.0 ns 1
PdqSort_Peek 1000 32,327.3 ns 638.66 ns 784.33 ns 32,300.0 ns 0.31
ArraySort_ReversePeek 1000 101,040.0 ns 399.60 ns 373.78 ns 101,200.0 ns 1
PdqSort_ReversePeek 1000 32,715.4 ns 535.21 ns 446.93 ns 32,800.0 ns 0.32
ArraySort_AllEqual 10000 331,531.5 ns 6,628.85 ns 25,170.65 ns 321,700.0 ns 1
PdqSort_AllEqual 10000 17,445.8 ns 339.40 ns 441.32 ns 17,550.0 ns 0.05
ArraySort_RandomNear 10000 796,320.7 ns 15,901.33 ns 44,849.99 ns 782,350.0 ns 1
PdqSort_RandomNear 10000 495,809.5 ns 9,681.32 ns 11,524.93 ns 494,300.0 ns 0.62
ArraySort_Random 10000 802,008.3 ns 10,294.17 ns 8,037.01 ns 798,100.0 ns 1
PdqSort_Random 10000 523,595.2 ns 10,427.60 ns 12,413.32 ns 519,900.0 ns 0.65
ArraySort_Sequence 10000 382,656.2 ns 6,258.24 ns 6,146.43 ns 386,250.0 ns 1
PdqSort_Sequence 10000 22,395.7 ns 442.49 ns 559.61 ns 22,400.0 ns 0.06
ArraySort_ReverseSequence 10000 671,491.3 ns 12,820.65 ns 16,214.02 ns 672,900.0 ns 1
PdqSort_ReverseSequence 10000 32,521.1 ns 654.01 ns 726.93 ns 32,700.0 ns 0.05
ArraySort_Peek 10000 1,653,403.6 ns 32,723.50 ns 69,736.44 ns 1,627,400.0 ns 1
PdqSort_Peek 10000 332,523.5 ns 5,159.49 ns 5,298.41 ns 334,300.0 ns 0.2
ArraySort_ReversePeek 10000 1,550,048.3 ns 29,011.67 ns 42,524.93 ns 1,534,900.0 ns 1
PdqSort_ReversePeek 10000 334,310.3 ns 6,278.59 ns 9,203.08 ns 332,300.0 ns 0.22
ArraySort_AllEqual 100000 3,829.3 us 71.13 us 55.54 us 3,830.1 us 1
PdqSort_AllEqual 100000 302.7 us 5.87 us 15.47 us 297.7 us 0.08
ArraySort_RandomNear 100000 9,242.4 us 135.47 us 126.71 us 9,264.8 us 1
PdqSort_RandomNear 100000 6,155.5 us 79.26 us 70.26 us 6,160.2 us 0.67
ArraySort_Random 100000 10,288.1 us 125.94 us 105.16 us 10,306.8 us 1
PdqSort_Random 100000 6,454.4 us 121.92 us 140.41 us 6,423.8 us 0.63
ArraySort_Sequence 100000 5,080.0 us 94.07 us 83.39 us 5,072.1 us 1
PdqSort_Sequence 100000 421.7 us 5.25 us 4.66 us 422.9 us 0.08
ArraySort_ReverseSequence 100000 9,445.3 us 136.01 us 127.22 us 9,454.7 us 1
PdqSort_ReverseSequence 100000 323.9 us 6.12 us 19.18 us 311.6 us 0.03
ArraySort_Peek 100000 21,027.5 us 410.74 us 384.21 us 21,061.0 us 1
PdqSort_Peek 100000 3,614.3 us 70.26 us 91.36 us 3,590.5 us 0.17
ArraySort_ReversePeek 100000 21,216.7 us 194.14 us 181.60 us 21,215.7 us 1
PdqSort_ReversePeek 100000 3,690.6 us 55.66 us 46.48 us 3,681.0 us 0.17
ArraySort_AllEqual 1000000 48,913.4 us 286.55 us 223.72 us 48,967.5 us 1
PdqSort_AllEqual 1000000 5,175.4 us 103.50 us 1,085.55 us 5,314.0 us 0.11
ArraySort_RandomNear 1000000 112,398.0 us 848.60 us 708.62 us 112,358.6 us 1
PdqSort_RandomNear 1000000 74,713.3 us 1,222.39 us 1,143.43 us 74,416.4 us 0.66
ArraySort_Random 1000000 116,767.4 us 1,071.41 us 1,002.20 us 116,511.4 us 1
PdqSort_Random 1000000 77,163.1 us 541.12 us 451.86 us 77,059.6 us 0.66
ArraySort_Sequence 1000000 66,112.9 us 1,227.28 us 1,147.99 us 65,879.6 us 1
PdqSort_Sequence 1000000 5,845.8 us 116.89 us 1,016.63 us 6,014.9 us 0.09
ArraySort_ReverseSequence 1000000 105,905.3 us 1,072.63 us 1,003.34 us 105,948.4 us 1
PdqSort_ReverseSequence 1000000 7,452.4 us 149.00 us 1,133.04 us 7,546.2 us 0.07
ArraySort_Peek 1000000 262,358.3 us 1,217.47 us 1,079.26 us 262,020.5 us 1
PdqSort_Peek 1000000 42,478.6 us 657.92 us 549.40 us 42,695.4 us 0.16
ArraySort_ReversePeek 1000000 261,885.1 us 1,831.46 us 1,623.54 us 262,027.0 us 1
PdqSort_ReversePeek 1000000 42,101.3 us 499.68 us 390.11 us 42,174.1 us 0.16

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