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Last active December 22, 2015 06:49
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Wave form function generator in Matlab, it also plays the wave sound.
%%% Example:
%%% Create a 3000Hz triangel wave data for 3 seconds, and
%%% play the wave data at 44100Hz (default) sample rate, also
%%% save to .wav file.
%%% wave = OSCILLATOR('Triangle', 3, 3000);
%%% soundsc(wave, 44100);
%%% wavwrite(wave, 44100, 'noise.wav');
function wave = oscillator(varargin)
%OSCILLATOR generates a standard waveform, click train, or noise
% OSCILLATOR(wavetype,duration,frequency)
% Input arguments:
% wavetype (string):
% 'Sinusoid'
% 'Triangle'
% 'Square'
% 'Sawtooth'
% 'Reverse Sawtooth'
% 'Linear Sweep'
% 'Log Sweep'
% 'Click Train'
% 'White Noise'
% 'Pink Noise'
% 'Brown Noise'
% 'Blue Noise'
% 'Violet Noise'
% 'Grey Noise'
% 'Speech Noise'
% duration (in seconds)
% frequency (in Hz)
% NOTE: linear and log sweeps require [start stop] frequency vector
% Optional input arguments:
% OSCILLATOR(wavetype,duration,frequency,gate,phase,sample_freq)
% gate (in seconds): duration of a raised cosine on/off ramp
% phase (in radians): starting phase of the waveform.
% sample_rate (in samples): 44100 is default, custom rates are possible
% Examples:
% wave = OSCILLATOR('Sinusoid',1,1000); % simple pure tone at 1000 Hz.
% wave = OSCILLATOR('Sawtooth',2,440); % 2 second sawtooth at 440 Hz.
% wave = OSCILLATOR('Pink Noise',1); % 1 second of pink (1/F) noise
% wave = OSCILLATOR('Linear Sweep',2,[440 880]); % linear sweep from 440 to 880 Hz.
% wave = OSCILLATOR('Log Sweep',2,[20 20000],.01); % ramped on/off log sweep.
% wave = OSCILLATOR('White Noise',1,[],0.1); %ramped on and off noise
% wave = OSCILLATOR('Sinusoid',1,220,0,pi/2,48000); %pure tone with a
% starting phase of 90 degrees and sample rate set to 48000.
% Omitting 'wavetype' sets it to sinusoid, omitting 'duration' sets it to
% one second, and omitting 'frequency sets it to 440 Hz. Gate is set to 0,
% phase to 0 and sample rate to 44100; All output waves are scaled to a
% peak absolute value of 1.0
% Note that the grey noise is *generic* grey and is based the ISO 66-phon
% Equal-loudness contour.
% (c) W. Owen Brimijoin - MRC Institute of Hearing Research
% Tested on Matlab R2011b and R14
% Version 1.0 18/05/12 - original
% Version 1.1 29/06/12 - added pink and speech-shaped noise options
% Version 1.2 26/06/13 - added swept sine and brown and grey noise options
% Version 1.3 05/07/13 - added blue and violet and changed noise generation
% to a slower but more accurate ifft method.
%input handling:
switch nargin,
case 0, wavetype='Sinusoid';duration=1;frequency=440;gate=0;phase=0;sample_rate=44100;
case 1, wavetype=varargin{1};duration=1;frequency=440;gate=0;phase=0;sample_rate=44100;
case 2, wavetype=varargin{1};duration=varargin{2};frequency=440;gate=0;phase=0;sample_rate=44100;
case 3, wavetype=varargin{1};duration=varargin{2};frequency=varargin{3};gate=0;phase=0;
case 4, wavetype=varargin{1};duration=varargin{2};frequency=varargin{3};gate=varargin{4};
phase=0;sample_rate = 44100;
case 5, wavetype=varargin{1};duration=varargin{2};frequency=varargin{3};gate=varargin{4};
phase=varargin{5};sample_rate = 44100;
case 6, wavetype=varargin{1};duration=varargin{2};frequency=varargin{3};gate=varargin{4};
phase=varargin{5};sample_rate = varargin{6};
otherwise, error('incorrect number of input arguments');
%for noise, frequency is likely omitted or 0, set to default to avoid error:
if isempty(frequency) || any(frequency==0), frequency=1;end
%start input checking:
if ~isstr(wavetype),
error('1st argument ''wavetype'' must be a string.')
if ~isnumeric(duration) || numel(duration) ~= 1 || duration < 0 || ~isreal(duration),
error('2nd argument ''duration'' must be a single positive number.')
if ~isnumeric(frequency) || ~ismember(numel(frequency),[1 2]) || sum(frequency <= 0) || ~isreal(frequency) || sum(frequency>=sample_rate/2),
error('3rd argument ''frequency'' must be 1 or 2 (for sweeps) positive numbers less than or equal to the Nyquist.')
if ~isnumeric(gate) || numel(gate) ~= 1 || gate < 0 || ~isreal(gate) || 2*gate>duration,
error('optional 4th argument ''gate'' must be a positive number less than or equal to half the duration.')
if ~isnumeric(phase) || numel(phase) ~= 1 || ~isreal(phase),
error('optional 5th argument ''phase'' should be a single number between -2pi and 2pi.')
if ~isnumeric(sample_rate) || numel(sample_rate) ~= 1 || sample_rate < 0 || ~isreal(sample_rate),
error('optional 6th argument ''sample_rate'' must be a single positive number.')
if numel(frequency)>1,
if ~any(strcmpi(wavetype,{'log sweep','linear sweep'})),
error('For signals apart from sweeps, ''frequency'' must be 1 positive number.')
if any(strcmpi(wavetype,{'log sweep','linear sweep'})),
error('For swept sine signals, ''frequency'' must be 2 positive numbers.')
%end input checking
num_samples = floor(sample_rate*duration);%duration in samples
phase = mod(phase,2*pi)/(2*pi); %phase rescaled from 2*pi to 1
switch lower(wavetype), %generate the chosen waveform:
case 'sinusoid',
% use in-built sine function, offset by the phase argument:
wave = sin((2*pi*phase)+(2*pi*frequency*linspace(0,duration,num_samples)))';
case 'triangle',
% use modulo to fold a line from 0 to frequency, sign-reverse positive values and rescale:
wave = 2*mod(phase+.25+linspace(0,duration*frequency,num_samples)',1)-1;
wave(wave>0) = -wave(wave>0);wave = 2*(wave+0.5);
case 'square',
% same as sinusoid...
wave = sin((2*pi*phase)+(2*pi*frequency*linspace(0,duration,num_samples)))';
% all positive values set to 1 and all negative values to -1:
wave(wave>=0) = 1;wave(wave<0)=-1;
case 'sawtooth',
% simple modulo with phase added linearly:
wave = 2*mod(phase+.5+linspace(0,duration*frequency,num_samples)',1)-1;
case 'reverse sawtooth',
% same as sawtooth...
wave = 2*mod(phase+.5+linspace(0,duration*frequency,num_samples)',1)-1;
% but sign-reversed:
wave = -wave;
case 'linear sweep',
% based on a linearly increasing frequency vector, generate swept sine:
t = linspace(0,duration,num_samples);
wave = sin(2*pi*((frequency(2)-frequency(1)).*(duration.^-1)./2.*(t.^2) + frequency(1).*t + phase))';
case 'log sweep',
% based on the natural logarithm of linearly increasing time and frequency vectors, generate swept sine:
t = linspace(0,duration,num_samples);
freq = duration/log(frequency(2)/frequency(1))*(frequency(1)*(frequency(2)/frequency(1)).^(t/duration)-frequency(1));
wave = sin(2*pi * (freq + phase))';
case {'click train','click'},
% change phase argument to a fraction of the signal period:
phase_vals = mod(round(-phase/frequency*sample_rate),round(1/frequency*sample_rate));
% use the index 'phase offset' to specify location of 1 values:
wave(phase_vals+round([1:1/frequency*sample_rate:num_samples])) = 1;
% ensure that the signal is the correct duration:
wave(1+num_samples)=0; wave = wave(1:num_samples)';
case {'white noise','white','noise'},
% use rand to create noise, wave is then normalized to a max of 1:
wave = 2*(rand(num_samples,1)-0.5);wave = wave./max(abs(wave));
case {'pink noise','pink'},
b = -1; %set beta value
%create frequency vector folded at center:
freqs = [linspace(0,.5,floor(num_samples/2)),fliplr(linspace(0,.5,ceil(num_samples/2)))]';
freqs = (freqs.^2).^(b/2);
freqs(freqs==inf) = 0; %to prevent inf errors
phase_vals = rand(num_samples,1);
%now apply an inverse fft:
wave = real(ifft(sqrt(freqs).*(cos(2*pi*phase_vals)+i*sin(2*pi*phase_vals))));
wave = wave./max(abs(wave)); %normalize to +/- 1.
case {'brown noise','brown'},
b = -2; %set beta value
%create frequency vector folded at center:
freqs = [linspace(0,.5,floor(num_samples/2)),fliplr(linspace(0,.5,ceil(num_samples/2)))]';
freqs = (freqs.^2).^(b/2);
freqs(freqs==inf) = 0; %to prevent inf errors
phase_vals = rand(num_samples,1);
%now apply an inverse fft:
wave = real(ifft(sqrt(freqs).*(cos(2*pi*phase_vals)+i*sin(2*pi*phase_vals))));
wave = wave./max(abs(wave)); %normalize to +/- 1.
case {'blue noise','blue'},
b = 1; %set beta value
%create frequency vector folded at center:
freqs = [linspace(0,.5,floor(num_samples/2)),fliplr(linspace(0,.5,ceil(num_samples/2)))]';
freqs = (freqs.^2).^(b/2);
freqs(freqs==inf) = 0; %to prevent inf errors
phase_vals = rand(num_samples,1);
%now apply an inverse fft:
wave = real(ifft(sqrt(freqs).*(cos(2*pi*phase_vals)+i*sin(2*pi*phase_vals))));
wave = wave./max(abs(wave)); %normalize to +/- 1.
case {'violet noise','violet'},
b = 2; %set beta value
%create frequency vector folded at center:
freqs = [linspace(0,.5,floor(num_samples/2)),fliplr(linspace(0,.5,ceil(num_samples/2)))]';
freqs = (freqs.^2).^(b/2);
freqs(freqs==inf) = 0; %to prevent inf errors
phase_vals = rand(num_samples,1);
%now apply an inverse fft:
wave = real(ifft(sqrt(freqs).*(cos(2*pi*phase_vals)+i*sin(2*pi*phase_vals))));
wave = wave./max(abs(wave)); %normalize to +/- 1.
case {'grey noise','grey'},
%values from the ISO 66-phon Equal-loudness contour (adjusted for
%optimal spline interpolation):
freqs = [1 5 15 36 75 138 235 376 572 835 1181 1500 2183 2874 3718 ...
4800 5946 7377 9051 10996 13239 15808 18735 22050].*sample_rate/44100;
dB_vals = [61 61 56 40 25 17 11 7 5 4 6 8 3 1 1 4 9 14 17 16 10 5 2 1];
%create level vector for use in inverse Fourier transform:
freq = linspace(0,sample_rate/2*duration/2,floor(num_samples/2));
spl = spline(freqs,dB_vals,freq); %upsample
levels = [spl,fliplr(spl)]; %reflect vector
levels = 10.^(levels'./10); %change to power
levels(levels==inf) = 0; %remove infinite values
phase_vals = rand(length(levels),1); %generate random phase vals
%now apply an inverse fft:
wave = real(ifft(sqrt(levels).*(cos(2*pi*phase_vals)+i*sin(2*pi*phase_vals))));
wave = wave./max(abs(wave));
case {'speech noise','speech'},
%values from Byrne et al (1994) JASA manuscript (adjusted for
%optimal spline interpolation):
freqs = [1 10 50 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 ...
1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12000 18000 22050].*sample_rate/44100;
dB_vals = [35 36 38.6 43.5 54.4 57.7 56.8 60.2 60.3 59.0 62.1 62.1 60.5 ...
56.8 53.7 53.0 52.0 48.7 48.1 46.8 45.6 44.5 44.3 43.7 43.4 43 41 38];
%create level vector for use in inverse Fourier transform:
freq = linspace(0,sample_rate*duration/2,floor(num_samples/2));
spl = spline(freqs,dB_vals,freq);
levels = [spl,fliplr(spl)]; %reflect vector
levels = 10.^(levels'./10); %change to power
levels(levels==inf) = 0; %remove infinite values
phase_vals = rand(length(levels),1); %generate random phase vals
%now apply an inverse fft:
wave = real(ifft(sqrt(levels).*(cos(2*pi*phase_vals)+i*sin(2*pi*phase_vals))));
wave = wave./max(abs(wave));
display('Unrecognized waveform type');wave = [];return
if gate>0,
% create the raised cosine ramp:
t = linspace(0,pi/2,floor(sample_rate*gate))';
gate = (cos(t)).^2;
% ramp the beginning of the signal on:
wave(1:length(gate)) = wave(1:length(gate)).*flipud(gate);
% ramp the end of the signal off:
wave(end-length(gate)+1:end) = wave(end-length(gate)+1:end).*gate;
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