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Created June 4, 2022 05:20
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Well-known MSRPC named pipes
Named pipe Description Service or process Interface identifier
atsvc atsvc interface (Scheduler service) mstask.exe 1ff70682-0a51-30e8-076d-740be8cee98b v1.0
AudioSrv AudioSrv interface (Windows Audio service) AudioSrv 3faf4738-3a21-4307-b46c-fdda9bb8c0d5 v1.0
browser (ntsvcs alias) browser interface (Computer Browser service) Browser 6bffd098-a112-3610-9833-012892020162 v0.0
cert ICertPassage interface (Certificate services) certsrv.exe 91ae6020-9e3c-11cf-8d7c-00aa00c091be v0.0
Ctx_Winstation_API_Service winstation_rpc interface termsrv.exe 5ca4a760-ebb1-11cf-8611-00a0245420ed v1.0
DAV RPC SERVICE davclntrpc interface (WebDAV client service) WebClient c8cb7687-e6d3-11d2-a958-00c04f682e16 v1.0
dnsserver DnsServer interface (DNS Server service) dns.exe 50abc2a4-574d-40b3-9d66-ee4fd5fba076 v5.0
epmapper epmp interface (RPC endpoint mapper) RpcSs e1af8308-5d1f-11c9-91a4-08002b14a0fa v3.0
eventlog (ntsvcs alias) eventlog interface (Eventlog service) Eventlog 82273fdc-e32a-18c3-3f78-827929dc23ea v0.0
HydraLsPipe Terminal Server Licensing lserver.exe 3d267954-eeb7-11d1-b94e-00c04fa3080d v1.0
InitShutdown InitShutdown interface winlogon.exe 894de0c0-0d55-11d3-a322-00c04fa321a1 v1.0
keysvc IKeySvc interface (Cryptographic services) CryptSvc 8d0ffe72-d252-11d0-bf8f-00c04fd9126b v1.0
keysvc ICertProtect interface (Cryptographic services) CryptSvc 0d72a7d4-6148-11d1-b4aa-00c04fb66ea0 v1.0
locator NsiS interface (RPC Locator service) locator.exe d6d70ef0-0e3b-11cb-acc3-08002b1d29c4 v1.0
llsrpc llsrpc interface (Licensing Logging service) llssrv.exe 342cfd40-3c6c-11ce-a893-08002b2e9c6d v0.0
lsarpc (lsass alias) lsarpc interface lsass.exe 12345778-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ab v0.0
lsarpc (lsass alias) dssetup interface lsass.exe 3919286a-b10c-11d0-9ba8-00c04fd92ef5 v0.0
msgsvc (ntsvcs alias) msgsvcsend interface (Messenger service) messenger 5a7b91f8-ff00-11d0-a9b2-00c04fb6e6fc v1.0
nddeapi nddeapi interface (NetDDE service) netdde.exe 2f5f3220-c126-1076-b549-074d078619da v1.2
netdfs netdfs interface (Distributed File System service) Dfssvc 4fc742e0-4a10-11cf-8273-00aa004ae673 v3.0
netlogon (lsass alias) netlogon interface (Net Logon service) Netlogon 12345678-1234-abcd-ef00-01234567cffb v1.0
ntsvcs pnp interface (Plug and Play service) PlugPlay 8d9f4e40-a03d-11ce-8f69-08003e30051b v1.0
plugplay pnp interface (Plug and Play Windows Vista service) PlugPlay 8d9f4e40-a03d-11ce-8f69-08003e30051b v1.0
policyagent PolicyAgent interface (IPSEC Policy Agent (Windows 2000)) PolicyAgent d335b8f6-cb31-11d0-b0f9-006097ba4e54 v1.5
ipsec winipsec interface (IPsec Services) PolicyAgent 12345678-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ab v1.0
ProfMapApi pmapapi interface winlogon.exe 369ce4f0-0fdc-11d3-bde8-00c04f8eee78 v1.0
protected_storage IPStoreProv interface (Protected Storage) lsass.exe c9378ff1-16f7-11d0-a0b2-00aa0061426a v1.0
ROUTER Remote Access mprdim.dll 8f09f000-b7ed-11ce-bbd2-00001a181cad v0.0
samr (lsass alias) samr interface lsass.exe 12345778-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ac v1.0
scerpc SceSvc services.exe 93149ca2-973b-11d1-8c39-00c04fb984f9 v0.0
SECLOGON ISeclogon interface (Secondary logon service) seclogon 12b81e99-f207-4a4c-85d3-77b42f76fd14 v1.0
SfcApi sfcapi interface (Windows File Protection) winlogon.exe 83da7c00-e84f-11d2-9807-00c04f8ec850 v2.0
spoolss spoolss interface (Spooler service) spoolsv.exe 12345678-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ab v1.0
srvsvc (ntsvcs alias) srvsvc interface (Server service) services.exe (w2k) or svchost.exe (wxp and w2k3) 4b324fc8-1670-01d3-1278-5a47bf6ee188 v3.0
ssdpsrv ssdpsrv interface (SSDP service) ssdpsrv 4b112204-0e19-11d3-b42b-0000f81feb9f v1.0
svcctl (ntsvcs alias) svcctl interface (Services control manager) services.exe 367aeb81-9844-35f1-ad32-98f038001003 v2.0
tapsrv tapsrv interface (Telephony service) Tapisrv 2f5f6520-ca46-1067-b319-00dd010662da v1.0
trkwks trkwks interface (Distributed Link Tracking Client) Trkwks 300f3532-38cc-11d0-a3f0-0020af6b0add v1.2
W32TIME (ntsvcs alias) w32time interface (Windows Time (Windows 2000 and XP)) w32time 8fb6d884-2388-11d0-8c35-00c04fda2795 v4.1
W32TIME_ALT w32time interface (Windows Time (Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista)) w32time 8fb6d884-2388-11d0-8c35-00c04fda2795 v4.1
winlogonrpc GetUserToken interface winlogon.exe a002b3a0-c9b7-11d1-ae88-0080c75e4ec1 v1.0
winreg winreg interface (Remote registry service) RemoteRegistry 338cd001-2244-31f1-aaaa-900038001003 v1.0
winspipe winsif interface (WINS service) wins.exe 45f52c28-7f9f-101a-b52b-08002b2efabe v1.0
wkssvc (ntsvcs alias) wkssvc interface (Workstation service) services.exe (w2k) or svchost.exe (wxp and w2k3) 6bffd098-a112-3610-9833-46c3f87e345a v1.0
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