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Created January 19, 2024 22:39
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//txt on svrs, common dbo gen log, atlasbridge, bogaboo proc info,
#connect cluster('').database('sqlbi')
print ("Welcome")
print now()
// 8 machines in Azure
.show cluster
.show commands | where * has 'TableName'
.show extents
| summarize sum(OriginalSize), sum(ExtentSize) by TableName
| where TableName startswith "BIAzure"
| extend compRatio = sum_OriginalSize / sum_ExtentSize
// ~30TB of data in 4 different tables (traces and perormance counters)
// Data is compressed and indexed (x10.2 for traces, x21-34 for performance counters)
// Compressed data and index are persisted to blob and cached on SSD
.show table BIAzureTraceMsitScus extents
| summarize size=format_bytes(sum(OriginalSize),0,'TB'), compressed=format_bytes(sum(CompressedSize),0,'TB')
BIAzureTraceMsitScus | count
// The trace table contains 40.9 billion records from 40 days (~1 billion records/day)
BIAzureTraceMsitScus | take 10
// For starters, let's get an idea of how many errors we have had in a single day
// Aggregate trace records by trace level over 24 hours
// Using: Group By/ Aggregate over huge data size
| where TraceTimeStamp > datetime(2015-03-31 14:00) and TraceTimeStamp < datetime(2015-04-01 14:00)
| summarize count() by Level
// Total of 800 million records split into 5 levels
// Sample trace lines
| where TraceTimeStamp > datetime(2015-03-31 14:00) and TraceTimeStamp < datetime(2015-04-01 14:00)
| where Level == 2
| parse Role with RoleType "_" * //new column extract first part of data before the underscroll
| limit 10
// Error distribution for 1day, by role type
let startTime = datetime(2015-03-31 14:00);
| where TraceTimeStamp >= startTime and TraceTimeStamp < startTime + 1d
| where Level == 2
| parse Role with RoleType "_" *
| summarize count() by RoleType, bin(TraceTimeStamp, 10min)
| render timechart //show table
// Most frustrated user
let startTime = datetime(2015-03-31 14:00);
let LookupInput =
| where TraceTimeStamp >= startTime and TraceTimeStamp < startTime + 1d
| where ClientActivityId <> "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
| where EventText has "Event: NotifyAccessTokenCreated (token=<User=" //authed and session created
| extend UserID= extract(@'User=(\w+)', 1, EventText) //extract the userid
| project UserID, ClientActivityId
| join kind=inner (
| where Level == 2 //then correlate by the error
| summarize by ClientActivityId
) on ClientActivityId
| summarize Errors=count() by UserID
| top 10 by Errors desc
// That user's error distribution
let startTime = datetime(2015-03-31 14:00);
let LookupInput =
| where TraceTimeStamp >= startTime and TraceTimeStamp < startTime + 1d
| where ClientActivityId <> "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
| where EventText has "Event: NotifyAccessTokenCreated (token=<User=3309D7035B54096D748C83889EA8CE87CBA253736BECAFDF2D00AB99BF06317D"
| project ClientActivityId
| join (
| where Level == 2
| where EventText has "Exception object created"
| extend ExceptionType = extract("Exception object created: (.*?):", 1, EventText) //what kind of error from the stack
| summarize by ClientActivityId, ExceptionType
) on ClientActivityId
| summarize count() by ExceptionType
| render barchart
// Analyzing the flow of a specific error
| where ClientActivityId == '1cf69634-9bb4-42bf-bc01-b71813062d38'
| extend Trace_Level = iff(Level == 2, "Error" , "Info")
| project TraceTimeStamp, Trace_Level, EventText
// click search "error" started with info, then error
// starting from 41B records table
// not really knowing what I'm looking for
// to finding a needle in a haystack
// identified a specific user, that suffered the most errors on a specific day
// what kind of error, bucketing the errors and going back to traces to troubleshoot
// very powerful tool for any developer thats understanding live services
// lets have a look at another table.
// the performance counter table
| take 10
| count
// 30K time series of performance counters data over a month
// 35b records overall
// Find the top 3 machines with highest CPU and their behavior over a day
// over millions of timeseries in the table
let startTime = datetime(2015-03-31 14:00);
let LookupInput =
| where TIMESTAMP >= startTime and TIMESTAMP < startTime + 1d
| where CounterName == @"\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time";
let Instances = toscalar(
| summarize max_CPU=max(CounterValue) by RoleInstance
| top 3 by max_CPU desc
| summarize makelist(RoleInstance));
| where RoleInstance in (Instances)
| summarize avg_CPU=avg(CounterValue) by RoleInstance, bin(TIMESTAMP, 5m)
| project TIMESTAMP, RoleInstance, avg_CPU
| render timechart
// Are there other machines in that PowerBI Cluster that exhibit similar behaviour?
// Detect jump shapes across all 98 instances
let startTime = datetime(2015-03-31 14:00);
let LookupInput =
| where TIMESTAMP >= startTime and TIMESTAMP < startTime + 1d;
| where CounterName == @"\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"
| make-series cval=avg(CounterValue) default=0 on TIMESTAMP in range(startTime, startTime+1d-15m, 15m) by RoleInstance
| extend shapes=series_shapes(cval, false) //allows me to very quickly find similar paterns
| extend jump=todouble(shapes.jump)
| where jump > 0.3
| render timechart
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