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Last active February 15, 2024 02:51
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.show tables details
.show database extents partitioning statistics
//note, it takes the DM 45mins - 1hr to start the partitioning process + however long to generate the heterougenious extents.
//so partitioning can take a while to finish creating the extents.
//alert if the partitioning percentage drops:
.show diagnostics | project TableWithMinPartitioningPercentage, MinPartitioningPercentageInSingleTable
//get more partitioning info on the extent level:
.show table PartitionedTable extents details
| summarize totalRows=sum(RowCount), totalPartitionedRows = sumif(RowCount, isnotempty(Partition))
| extend percentage = todouble(totalPartitionedRows) / todouble(totalRows)
.show table BIAzureAdditionalRawCounterFiveMinuteMsitScus_partitioned policy partitioning
| summarize count() by CounterName
| render linechart
// lets have a look at another table.
// the performance counter table
| take 10
| count
// 30K time series of performance counters data over a month
// 35b records overall
// Find the top 3 machines with highest CPU and their behavior over a day
// over millions of timeseries in the table
let startTime = datetime(2015-03-31 14:00);
let LookupInput =
| where TIMESTAMP >= startTime and TIMESTAMP < startTime + 1d
| where CounterName == @"\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time";
let Instances = toscalar(
| summarize max_CPU=max(CounterValue) by RoleInstance
| top 3 by max_CPU desc
| summarize makelist(RoleInstance));
| where RoleInstance in (Instances)
| summarize avg_CPU=avg(CounterValue) by RoleInstance, bin(TIMESTAMP, 5m)
| project TIMESTAMP, RoleInstance, avg_CPU
| render timechart
// Are there other machines in that PowerBI Cluster that exhibit similar behaviour?
// Detect jump shapes across all 98 instances
let startTime = datetime(2015-03-31 14:00);
let LookupInput =
| where TIMESTAMP >= startTime and TIMESTAMP < startTime + 1d;
| where CounterName == @"\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"
| make-series cval=avg(CounterValue) default=0 on TIMESTAMP in range(startTime, startTime+1d-15m, 15m) by RoleInstance
| extend shapes=series_shapes(cval, false) //allows me to very quickly find similar paterns
| extend jump=todouble(shapes.jump)
| where jump > 0.3
| render timechart
#connect cluster("").database("sqlbi")
let startTime = datetime(2015-03-31 14:00);
let LookupInput =
| where TIMESTAMP >= startTime and TIMESTAMP < startTime + 1d
| where CounterName == @"\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time";
let Instances = toscalar(
| summarize max_CPU=max(CounterValue) by RoleInstance
| top 3 by max_CPU desc
| summarize make_list(RoleInstance));
| where RoleInstance in (Instances)
| summarize avg_CPU=avg(CounterValue) by RoleInstance, bin(TIMESTAMP, 5m)
| project TIMESTAMP, RoleInstance, avg_CPU
| render timechart
.show table BIAzureAdditionalRawCounterFiveMinuteMsitScus_partitioned policy partitioning
let startTime = datetime(2015-03-31 14:00);
let LookupInput =
| where TIMESTAMP >= startTime and TIMESTAMP < startTime + 1d
| where CounterName == @"\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time";
let Instances = toscalar(
| summarize max_CPU=max(CounterValue) by RoleInstance
| top 3 by max_CPU desc
| summarize make_list(RoleInstance));
| where RoleInstance in (Instances)
| summarize avg_CPU=avg(CounterValue) by RoleInstance, bin(TIMESTAMP, 5m)
| project TIMESTAMP, RoleInstance, avg_CPU
| render timechart
// compare number of scanned extents side by side using stats
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