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Created April 16, 2020 02:10
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A WebAPI Controller for use in an Umbraco 8 Website in the event that you need to re-save/re-publish all Content nodes
namespace MyProject.Core.WebApi
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using Dragonfly.NetModels;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Umbraco.Core.Models;
using Umbraco.Web;
using Umbraco.Web.Composing;
using Umbraco.Web.WebApi;
// NOTE: The "StatusMessage" model is present in Dragonfly.Net, which can be installed via NuGet, if desired. (
// Otherwise, edit to return the messages in a different format
public class AuthorizedApiController : UmbracoAuthorizedApiController
private UmbracoHelper umbracoHelper = Current.UmbracoHelper;
/// /Umbraco/backoffice/Api/AuthorizedApi/RepublishAllContent?EmptyRecycleBin=false
public HttpResponseMessage RepublishAllContent(bool EmptyRecycleBin = false)
var returnSB = new StringBuilder();
var msgMain = new StatusMessage(true);
var currentUser = Security.CurrentUser;
Current.Logger.Info(typeof(AuthorizedApiController), "RepublishAllContent() running for user {User}...", currentUser.Name);
msgMain.MessageDetails += $"Running for {currentUser.Name}...\n";
var topNodes = Services.ContentService.GetRootContent().OrderBy(n => n.SortOrder);
var allNodeResults = new List<NodeSaveResult>();
foreach (var node in topNodes)
var loopResults = LoopNodes(node);
var nodeMsg = string.Join("\n", allNodeResults.Select(n => n.ResultMsg));
var counterSuccess = allNodeResults.Count(n => n.ResultSuccess == true);
var counterFailure = allNodeResults.Count(n => n.ResultSuccess == false);
msgMain.MessageDetails += nodeMsg;
msgMain.Message =
$"RepublishAllContent(): {counterSuccess} node(s) were saved/published. {counterFailure} node(s) failed.";
if (EmptyRecycleBin)
msgMain.MessageDetails += "\nEmptyRecycleBin was run.";
Current.Logger.Info(typeof(AuthorizedApiController), "RepublishAllContent() completed for user {User}...", currentUser.Name);
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msgMain);
return new HttpResponseMessage()
Content = new StringContent(
private IEnumerable<NodeSaveResult> LoopNodes(IContent ContentNode)
var allResults = new List<NodeSaveResult>();
var currNode = ContentNode.Id;
//Do current Node
var result = ReSaveNode(ContentNode);
//Look for Children
long total = 0;
var countChildren = Services.ContentService.CountChildren(ContentNode.Id);
if (countChildren > 0)
var children = Services.ContentService.GetPagedChildren(ContentNode.Id, 0, countChildren, out total).OrderBy(n => n.SortOrder).ToList();
foreach (var childNode in children)
currNode = childNode.Id;
var childResults = LoopNodes(childNode);
catch (Exception e)
Current.Logger.Error(typeof(AuthorizedApiController), "RepublishAllContent() ERROR at Node {NodeId}", currNode);
return allResults;
private NodeSaveResult ReSaveNode(IContent ContentNode)
var saveResult = new NodeSaveResult();
saveResult.NodeId = ContentNode.Id;
var status = ContentNode.Published ? "Published" : "Unpublished";
saveResult.PublishStatus = status;
var resultMsg = "";
if (ContentNode.Published)
var result = Services.ContentService.SaveAndPublish(ContentNode);
resultMsg = result.Result.ToString();
if (result.Success)
saveResult.ResultSuccess = true;
saveResult.ResultSuccess = false;
var allMsgs = result.EventMessages.GetAll().Select(n => n.Category + " - " + n.Message);
var eventsString = string.Join(" \n\r ", allMsgs);
Current.Logger.Warn(typeof(AuthorizedApiController), "RepublishAllContent() Unable to Save & Publish Node {NodeId}: {EventMessages}", ContentNode.Id, eventsString);
var result = Services.ContentService.Save(ContentNode);
resultMsg = result.Result.ToString();
if (result.Success)
saveResult.ResultSuccess = true;
saveResult.ResultSuccess = false;
var allMsgs = result.EventMessages.GetAll().Select(n => n.Category + " - " + n.Message);
var eventsString = string.Join(" \n\r ", allMsgs);
Current.Logger.Warn(typeof(AuthorizedApiController), "RepublishAllContent() Unable to Save Node {NodeId}: {EventMessages}", ContentNode.Id, eventsString);
saveResult.ResultMsg = $"Node #{ContentNode.Id} ({status}) : {resultMsg}";
return saveResult;
internal class NodeSaveResult
public int NodeId { get; set; }
public string ResultMsg { get; set; }
public bool ResultSuccess { get; set; }
public string PublishStatus { get; set; }
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