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Last active October 26, 2017 13:40
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## Installing
$ docker version
$ docker run hello-world // Runs the Hello World sample. Downloads from Dockerhub if it isn't available locally
$ docker ps -a // Prints out all available containers on local machine
$ docker ps // Prints out all running containers on local machine
## Searching and runing
$ docker search whalesay | grep docker // Searches docker hub and filters with grep
$ docker run docker/whalesay cowsay Hello
$ docker images // Prints out list of all local images. Docker makes containers out of images
## Remove image
$ docker image rm -f a50e3329bb40 // Docker id, given by running docker images
## Create an image
1. Create Dockerfile (must have that name), eg:
FROM docker/whalesay:latest
RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y fortunes
CMD /usr/games/fortune -a | cowsay
2. Build image
$ docker build -t henrik-whalesay .
3. Run
$ docker run henrik-whalesay
## Run web app
$ docker run -d -p 80:80 going-docker
One liner to stop / remove all of Docker containers:
$ docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
## Docker on Zeit
1. Create Dockerfile. It must include the line EXPOSE 80 (or whatever port should be used).
2. Deploy by typing $ now
If the application uses any enviroment variables they are set like this:
$ now -e PASSWORD="fsdjfsf"
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