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Last active January 15, 2019 20:56
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Blazing fast and human readable time diffs lines of output when running build commands like fastlane
#!/usr/bin/env xcrun swift
import Darwin
import Foundation
struct ANSIColors {
static let clear = "\u{001B}[0m"
static let red = "\u{001B}[38;5;160m"
static let orange = "\u{001B}[38;5;202m"
static let yellow = "\u{001B}[38;5;220m"
static let green = "\u{001B}[0;32m"
static let blue = "\u{001B}[0;36m"
static let grey = "\u{001B}[38;5;237m"
struct Config {
enum DiffMode: String {
case fastlane
case live
var scriptName = "time-diff"
var diffMode =
var low = 1
var medium = 5
var high = 10
var summaryLimit = 20
var resetRegex: NSRegularExpression? = nil
func colorCode(duration: TimeInterval) -> String {
if Int(duration) >= high {
} else if Int(duration) >= medium {
} else if Int(duration) >= low {
return ANSIColors.yellow
} else {
return ANSIColors.grey
func resetMatch(_ string: String) -> Bool {
if let resetRegex = config.resetRegex {
if let _ = resetRegex.firstMatch(in: string, range: NSMakeRange(0, (string as NSString).length)) {
return true
return false
extension String {
func usage(error: String) -> Never {
let scriptLocation = CommandLine.arguments.first ?? "time-diff.swift"
print(, "👉 ", error, ANSIColors.clear, separator: "")
print(, "Script failed ", scriptLocation, ANSIColors.clear, separator: "")
let defaultConfig = Config()
Usage: \(scriptLocation) [-l low] [-m medium] [-h high] [-r reset-mark] [-d diff-mode] [-s summary-limit] [-f --fastlane]
-l, --low Threshold in seconds for low duration color formatting (default: \(defaultConfig.low))
-m, --medium Threshold in seconds for medium duration color formatting (default: \(defaultConfig.medium))
-h, --high Threshold in seconds for high duration color formatting (default: \(defaultConfig.high))
-r, --reset-mark String match to reset total counter (default: none)
-d, --diff-mode Valid options is "live" or "fastlane (default: live)
-s, --summary-limit Maximum number of lines in summary (default: \(defaultConfig.summaryLimit))
-f, --fastlane Shortcut for --diff-mode fastlane --reset-mark "Step :"
Example: \(scriptLocation) --low \(defaultConfig.low) --medium \(defaultConfig.medium) --high \(defaultConfig.high) --reset-mark "Step: " --diff-mode \(defaultConfig.diffMode.rawValue) --summary-limit \(defaultConfig.summaryLimit)
Example: fastlane build | \(scriptLocation) -f
func parseCLIArguments() -> Config {
var config = Config()
var arguments = CommandLine.arguments
while arguments.isEmpty == false {
let argument = arguments.removeFirst()
switch argument {
case "-d", "--diff-mode":
guard !arguments.isEmpty else {
usage(error: "Missing value on option option")
guard let diffMode = Config.DiffMode(rawValue: arguments.removeFirst().lowercased()) else {
usage(error: "Bad value sent to option option")
config.diffMode = diffMode
case "-r", "--reset-mark":
guard !arguments.isEmpty else {
usage(error: "Missing value on --reset mark")
do {
config.resetRegex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: arguments.removeFirst())
} catch {
usage(error: "Bad regex pattern passed to \(argument) option. Error: \(error.localizedDescription))")
case "-l", "--low":
guard !arguments.isEmpty, let value = Int(arguments.removeFirst()) else {
usage(error: "Bad value passed to \(argument) option")
config.low = value
case "-m", "--medium":
guard !arguments.isEmpty, let value = Int(arguments.removeFirst()) else {
usage(error: "Bad value passed to \(argument) option")
config.medium = value
case "-h", "--high":
guard !arguments.isEmpty, let value = Int(arguments.removeFirst()) else {
usage(error: "Bad value passed to \(argument) option")
config.high = value
case "-s", "--summary-limit":
guard !arguments.isEmpty, let value = Int(arguments.removeFirst()) else {
usage(error: "Bad value passed to \(argument) option")
config.summaryLimit = value
case "-f", "--fastlane":
if config.resetRegex == nil {
config.resetRegex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "Step: ")
config.diffMode = .fastlane
usage(error: "Unknown argument \"\(argument)\"")
return config
extension String {
func leftPadding(toLength: Int, withPad character: Character) -> String {
if self.count < toLength {
return String(repeatElement(character, count: toLength - self.count)) + self
} else {
return self
func parseFastlaneDate(string: String) -> TimeInterval? {
let scanner = Scanner(string: string)
var hours: Int = 0
var minutes: Int = 0
var seconds: Int = 0
if scanner.scanInt(&hours),
scanner.scanString(":", into: nil),
scanner.scanString(":", into: nil),
scanner.scanInt(&seconds) {
return TimeInterval(seconds) + (TimeInterval(minutes) * 60) + (TimeInterval(hours) * 60 * 60)
return nil
class Chapter {
struct Offender {
var duration: TimeInterval
var timestamp: TimeInterval
var line: String
var name: String
var offenders: [Offender] = []
var endTime: TimeInterval? = nil
var startTime: TimeInterval? = nil
var duration: TimeInterval? {
if let endTime = endTime, let startTime = startTime {
return endTime - startTime
return nil
var limit: Int {
didSet {
init(name: String, limit: Int) { = name
self.limit = limit
func addLineIfSlow(duration: TimeInterval, minimumLimit: TimeInterval, timestamp: TimeInterval, line: String) {
guard duration > minimumLimit else {
if duration > offenders.last?.duration ?? 0 || offenders.count < limit {
offenders.append(Offender(duration: duration, timestamp: timestamp, line: line))
func sortOffendersByTimeStamp() {
offenders.sort { $0.timestamp < $1.timestamp }
func sortOffendersByDuration() {
offenders.sort { $0.duration > $1.duration }
func trim() {
while offenders.count > limit {
let config = parseCLIArguments()
var lastTime: Double? = nil
var time: Double? = nil
var chapter: Chapter = Chapter(name: "First chapter\n", limit: config.summaryLimit)
var total: Chapter = Chapter(name: "Everything\n", limit: config.summaryLimit)
var chapters: [Chapter] = [chapter]
var lastLine: String? = nil
while let line = readLine(strippingNewline: false) {
switch config.diffMode {
case .fastlane:
let dateString = String(line.prefix(9).suffix(8))
time = parseFastlaneDate(string: dateString) ?? time
case .live:
time = Date().timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
if lastTime == nil {
lastTime = time
if chapter.startTime == nil {
chapter.startTime = time
if total.startTime == nil {
total.startTime = time
if config.resetMatch(line) {
"Reseting timer ---------------- ",
line, separator: "", terminator: "")
if let time = time {
chapter.endTime = time
chapter = Chapter(name: line, limit: config.summaryLimit)
chapter.startTime = time
else if let time = time, let chapterTime = chapter.startTime {
let lastDiff = time - (lastTime ?? 0)
let chapterDiff = time - chapterTime
print(config.colorCode(duration: lastDiff),
String(format: "+ %.0f", lastDiff).leftPadding(toLength: 7, withPad: " "),
" seconds",
" = ",
String(format: "%.0f", chapterDiff).leftPadding(toLength: 5, withPad: " "),
" seconds ",
line, separator: "", terminator: "")
if let lastLine = lastLine {
chapter.addLineIfSlow(duration: lastDiff, minimumLimit: TimeInterval(config.low), timestamp: time, line: lastLine)
total.addLineIfSlow(duration: lastDiff, minimumLimit: TimeInterval(config.low), timestamp: time, line: lastLine)
else {
print(" ", line, separator: "", terminator: "")
lastTime = time
lastLine = line
chapter.endTime = time
total.endTime = time
let onlyOneChapterBesidesTotal = chapters.count == 2
if onlyOneChapterBesidesTotal == true {
func printSummary(chapter: Chapter) {
String(format: "%.0f", chapter.duration ?? 0).leftPadding(toLength: 6, withPad: " "),
" seconds in total ",,
"# ",
ANSIColors.clear,, separator: "", terminator: "")
for offender in chapter.offenders {
print(config.colorCode(duration: offender.duration),
String(format: "%.0f", offender.duration).leftPadding(toLength: 15, withPad: " "),
" seconds ",,
" ",
offender.line, separator: "", terminator: "")
if chapter.offenders.count == 0 {
"".leftPadding(toLength: 15, withPad: " "),
" (No significant events)\n",
ANSIColors.clear, separator: "", terminator: "")
if config.summaryLimit > 0 {
print("\n\n",, "========================= Summary by timestamp =========================", ANSIColors.clear, "\n", separator: "")
for chapter in chapters {
printSummary(chapter: chapter)
print("\n",, "========================= Summary by duration ==========================", ANSIColors.clear, "\n", separator: "")
for chapter in chapters {
printSummary(chapter: chapter)
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hfossli commented Aug 2, 2018


Usage: ./time-diff.swift [-l low] [-m medium] [-h high] [-r reset-mark] [-d diff-mode] [-s summary-limit]
  -l, --low                   Threshold in seconds for low duration color formatting (default: 1)
  -m, --medium                Threshold in seconds for medium duration color formatting (default: 5)
  -h, --high                  Threshold in seconds for high duration color formatting (default: 10)
  -r, --reset-mark            String match to reset total counter (default: none)
  -d, --diff-mode             Valid options is "live" or "fastlane (default: live)
  -s, --summary-limit         Maximum number of lines in summary (default: 20)

Example: ./time-diff.swift --low 1 --medium 5 --high 10 --reset-mark "Step: " --diff-mode live --summary-limit 20

Use with fastlane

fastlane build | ./time-diff.swift --diff-mode fastlane --reset-mark "Step: "

Use with any commands

command | ./time-diff.swift

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hfossli commented Aug 2, 2018

Get a beatuiful summary once the command is done

$ fastlane build | ./time-diff.swift --diff-mode fastlane --reset-mark "Step: "

skjermbilde 2018-08-02 kl 15 04 05

Read output while running your commands

$ fastlane build | ./time-diff.swift --diff-mode fastlane --reset-mark "Step: "

skjermbilde 2018-08-02 kl 14 53 28

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