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Created September 23, 2016 19:54
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Improving setNameWithFormat: in RAC
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
@interface RACSignal : NSObject
- (instancetype)someOperatorWithObject:(NSObject *)object;
- (NSString *)name;
@implementation RACSignal {
NSString *(^_nameBlock)(void);
- (instancetype)someOperatorWithObject:(NSObject *)object
return [self setNameBlock:^NSString *{
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"transformed using `someOperatorWithObject` with object %@", [object description]];
- (NSString *)name
return _nameBlock();
- (instancetype)setNameBlock:(NSString *(^)(void))nameBlock
__block NSString *cache;
_nameBlock = [^NSString *{
if(cache == nil)
cache = nameBlock();
return cache;
} copy];
return self;
@interface Foo : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL descriptionRequested;
@implementation Foo
- (NSString *)description
self.descriptionRequested = YES;
return @"<Foo 0xFOOBAR>";
@interface RACSignalTest : XCTestCase
@implementation RACSignalTest
- (void)testFooIsolated
Foo *foo = [Foo new];
XCTAssertTrue(!foo.descriptionRequested, @"");
[foo description];
XCTAssertTrue(foo.descriptionRequested, @"");
- (void)testWithSignal
Foo *foo = [Foo new];
RACSignal *signal = [[RACSignal new] someOperatorWithObject:foo];
XCTAssertTrue(!foo.descriptionRequested, @"");
XCTAssertEqualObjects([signal name], @"transformed using `someOperatorWithObject` with object <Foo 0xFOOBAR>");
XCTAssertTrue(foo.descriptionRequested, @"");
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