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Last active January 2, 2024 00:27
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Start a node.js server using NSTask in Swift.
let mainBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
let pathToNode = mainBundle.pathForResource("node", ofType: "")! as String
let pathToNodeApp = mainBundle.pathForResource("server", ofType: "js", inDirectory: "Server")! as String
let pathToAppFolder = (pathToNodeApp as NSString).stringByDeletingLastPathComponent
task = NodeTask(nodeJSPath: pathToNode, appPath: pathToNodeApp, currentDirectoryPath: pathToAppFolder)
import Foundation
import Cocoa
class NodeTask: NSObject {
private let processIdentifier = NSProcessInfo.processInfo().processIdentifier
private let nodeTask = NSTask()
private let readPipe = NSPipe()
private let errorPipe = NSPipe()
private let queue = dispatch_queue_create("NodeTask.output.queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)
private var running = false
init(nodeJSPath: String, appPath: String, currentDirectoryPath: String) {
readPipe.fileHandleForReading.readabilityHandler = { [unowned self] (handler: NSFileHandle!) in
dispatch_async(self.queue) {
if self.running {
let data = handler.readDataToEndOfFile()
errorPipe.fileHandleForReading.readabilityHandler = { [unowned self] (handler: NSFileHandle!) in
dispatch_async(self.queue) {
if self.running {
let data = handler.readDataToEndOfFile()
nodeTask.currentDirectoryPath = currentDirectoryPath
nodeTask.launchPath = nodeJSPath
nodeTask.arguments = [appPath, "\(processIdentifier)"]
nodeTask.qualityOfService = .UserInitiated
nodeTask.standardOutput = readPipe
nodeTask.standardError = errorPipe
deinit {
func launch() {
if !running {
print("------------------------------ Node launch ------------------------------")
running = true
func quit() {
dispatch_sync(self.queue) {
private func terminate() {
if running {
print("------------------------------ Node quit ------------------------------")
running = false
private func stringFromData(data: NSData) -> String {
return NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)!.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet()) as String
private func onRead(data: NSData) {
let text = stringFromData(data)
if text != "" {
print("Node: \(text)")
private func onError(data: NSData) {
let text = stringFromData(data)
if text != "" {
print("------------------------------ Node fatal error ------------------------------")
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I'm pretty sure you can do convert it line by line to objc

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elmcapp commented May 27, 2022

I'm pretty sure you can do convert it line by line to objc

Would you be willing to convert this.
I have no experience with swift or objective-c. I'm currently learning

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hfossli commented May 27, 2022


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