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Created September 25, 2012 23:41
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KH Assignment 2
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int n, i, j; //We initialize the variables.
//we don't give a shit what is in there (garbage atm)
int sum=0; //this time we DO care what it is. our sum starts at 0.
//I think main has to take parameters for it to be legal.
//I haven't coded C++ in a while, sorry.
//Maybe double check this from examples.
int main() {
cout << "Enter a positive integer: ";
cin >> n;
//So n is now our user's number.
j = n;
//Now j=n, but that will change in our loop.
for ( i=1; i<=n; /*do nothing*/)
//Don't know how familiar you are with for loops yet. But basically,
//this is what the for loop definition line means:
// - At the beginning of the loop, i is set to 1.
// - The loop only runs while i <= n.
// - Every time the loop finishes running, we do nothing.
// (I could put something instead of "do nothing" but I put it in the loop.)
//i starts at 0 and increases by one every iteration.
//j starts at whatever the user enters (n) and decreases by one each iteration.
//so this follows the form of the assignment,
// 1*n + 2*(n-1) + 3*(n-2) + ... + (n-1)*2 + n*1
cout << i*j << endl;
sum = sum + i*j;
//here we increase i and decrease j, in preparation for the next iteration.
i++; j--;
//once we reach here we are done iwth the loop. so we print the sucker.
cout << "The sum is " << sum << endl;
//I did not write a loop to allow the user to go again.
//If you need help with that then let me know.
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