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Created November 26, 2018 11:12
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FilePond typing draft
declare module 'filepond' {
type Func = (...args: any[]) => any
type Source = string | File | Blob
type Headers = {[header: string]: string}
type Process = (
isFinite: boolean,
loaded: number,
total: number,
) => void
type Query = number | string
type ServerApiObjProcessFuncReturns = {
abort: () => void
type ServerApiObjProcessFunc = (
fieldName: string,
file: File,
metadata: any,
load: (requestId: string | object) => void,
error: (errorText: string) => void,
progress: Process,
abort: () => void,
) => ServerApiObjProcessFuncReturns
type ServerApiObjRevertFunc = {
uniqueFileId: string
load: () => void
error: () => void
type ServerApiObjLoadAndRestoreFunc = (
uniqueFileId: string,
load: () => void,
error: () => void,
progress: Process,
abort: () => void,
headers: Headers,
) => void
type ServerApiObjFetchFunc = (
url: string,
load: (file: File) => void,
error: () => void,
progress: Process,
abort: () => void,
headers: (headersString: string) => void,
) => void
type ServerApiObjProcessObj = {
url: string
method?: string
withCredentials?: boolean
headers?: Headers
timeout?: number
onload?: (response: any) => void
onerror?: (response: any) => void
type ServerApiObj = {
url?: string
| string
| ServerApiObjProcessObj
| ServerApiObjProcessFunc
revert?: string | ServerApiObjRevertFunc
restore?: string | ServerApiObjLoadAndRestoreFunc
load?: string | ServerApiObjLoadAndRestoreFunc
fetch?: string | ServerApiObjFetchFunc
type FilePondOptionsServerApi = string | ServerApiObj
export type FilePondOptions = {
acceptedFileTypes?: string[]
allowBrowse?: boolean
allowDrop?: boolean
allowFileEncode?: boolean
allowFileSizeValidation?: boolean
allowFileTypeValidation?: boolean
allowImageCrop?: boolean
allowImageEdit?: boolean
allowImageExifOrientation?: boolean
allowImagePreview?: boolean
allowImageResize?: boolean
allowImageTransform?: boolean
allowMultiple?: boolean
allowPaste?: boolean
allowReplace?: boolean
allowRevert?: boolean
beforeRemoveFile?: Func
captureMethod?: string
className?: string
dropOnElement?: boolean
dropOnPage?: boolean
dropValidation?: boolean
fileValidateTypeDetectType?: Func
fileValidateTypeLabelExpectedTypes?: string
fileValidateTypeLabelExpectedTypesMap?: {
[key: string]: string
files?: Array<string | File | Blob>
iconDone?: string
iconProcess?: string
iconRemove?: string
iconRetry?: string
iconUndo?: string
id?: string
ignoredFiles?: string[]
imageCropAspectRatio?: string
imageEditAllowEdit?: boolean
imageEditIconEdit?: string
imageEditImageTurnRight?: boolean
imageEditInstantEdit?: boolean
imageEditResizeKeyCodes?: any
imagePreviewHeight?: number
imagePreviewMaxFileSize?: number
imagePreviewMaxHeight?: number
imagePreviewMinHeight?: number
imagePreviewTransparencyIndicator?: string
imageResizeMode?: string
imageResizeTargetHeight?: number
imageResizeTargetWidth?: number
imageResizeUpscale?: boolean
imageTransformOutputMimeType?: string
imageTransformOutputQuality?: number
imageTransformOutputQualityMode?: string
instantUpload?: boolean
labelButtonAbortItemLoad?: string
labelButtonAbortItemProcessing?: string
labelButtonProcessItem?: string
labelButtonRemoveItem?: string
labelButtonRetryItemLoad?: string
labelButtonRetryItemProcessing?: string
labelButtonUndoItemProcessing?: string
labelDecimalSeparator?: string
labelFileAdded?: string
labelFileCountPlural?: string
labelFileCountSingular?: string
labelFileLoadError?: string
labelFileLoading?: string
labelFileProcessing?: string
labelFileProcessingAborted?: string
labelFileProcessingComplete?: string
labelFileProcessingError?: string
labelFileRemoved?: string
labelFileSizeNotAvailable?: string
labelFileTypeNotAllowed?: string
labelFileWaitingForSize?: string
labelIdle?: string
labelMaxFileSize?: string
labelMaxFileSizeExceeded?: string
labelMaxTotalFileSize?: string
labelMaxTotalFileSizeExceeded?: string
labelTapToCancel?: string
labelTapToRetry?: string
labelTapToUndo?: string
labelThousandsSeparator?: string
maxFileSize?: number
maxFiles?: number
maxTotalFileSize?: number
name?: string
onaddfile?: Func
onaddfileprogress?: Func
onaddfilestart?: Func
onerror?: Func
oninit?: Func
onpreparefile?: Func
onprocessfile?: Func
onprocessfileabort?: Func
onprocessfileprogress?: Func
onprocessfilerevert?: Func
onprocessfilestart?: Func
onremovefile?: Func
onupdatefiles?: Func
onwarning?: Func
required?: boolean
server?: FilePondOptionsServerApi
styleButtonProcessItemPosition?: string
styleButtonRemoveItemPosition?: string
styleImageEditButtonEditItemPosition?: string
styleLoadIndicatorPosition?: string
stylePanelAspectRatio?: string
stylePanelLayout?: string
styleProgressIndicatorPosition?: string
type FileStatuses =
| 'IDLE'
| 'INIT'
type FileOrigins = 'INPUT' | 'LIMBO' | 'LOCAL'
type AddFileOptions = {
index: number
type FilePondInstance = {
setOptions: (filePondOptions: FilePondOptions) => void
addFile: (
source: Source,
options: AddFileOptions,
) => Promise<File>
addFiles: (
sources: Source[],
options: AddFileOptions,
) => void
removeFile: (query: Query) => void
processFile: (query: Query) => Promise<File>
processFiles: (
sources: Source[],
options: AddFileOptions,
) => void
getFile: (query: Query) => File
getFiles: () => File[]
browse: () => void
destroy: () => void
const supported: () => boolean
const FileStatus: {[status in FileStatuses]: number}
const FileOrigin: {[origin in FileOrigins]: number}
const OptionTypes: {[option in keyof FilePondOptions]: string}
const create: Func
const destroy: Func
const parse: Func
const find: Func
const getOptions: Func
const setOptions: Func
const registerPlugin: Func
// tslint:disable:max-classes-per-file
declare module 'react-filepond' {
import * as React from 'react'
import {
registerPlugin as fpRegisterPlugin,
} from 'filepond'
class FilePondElement extends HTMLElement {
public pond: FilePondInstance
type FilePondProps =
| {
ref: React.RefObject<FilePondElement>
| FilePondOptions
class FilePond extends React.Component<FilePondProps> {}
const registerPlugin: typeof fpRegisterPlugin
const File: any // it's a filepond's react component
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Hello! Has your sample been used for creation an official typings for FilePond? If not, can You help me with this one, for ex. how to use it in my project?

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