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Created May 9, 2012 15:41
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### lines commented-out with single '#' are default values
### lines commented-out with double '##' are examples
### NOTE: this is bash syntax - no spaces around "="
# error_bell=off # sound terminal bell when command return code is not zero. (use setterm to set pitch and duration)
# max_file_list_length=100 # in characters
count_only=on # off - display file list; on - display file count
# rawhex_len=5 # length of git rawhex revision id display (use 0 to hide it)
############################################################ MODULES
# git_module=on
# svn_module=off
# hg_module=on
# vim_module=on
########################################################### DEFAULT OBJECTS
### Default objects are not displayed. Example:
## default_user=lvv
## default_host="ahp" # remote host is always shown
## default_domain="lvvnet"
########################################################### Current Working Dir display
# cwd_cmd='\w' # display full path
## cwd_cmd='\W' # display only last dir of path
## cwd_cmd='cwd_truncate 40' # display only last N chars of path
########################################################### ETC
# Some don't like hostname in uppercase
# upcase_hostname=on # =off
# Some don't like long hostname
# short_hostname=off # =on
# Do not do VCS parsing for listed directories
# useful for directories for which it is difficult to maintain .gitignore so
# they are always dirty (ex: home, /etc) or directory with huge repo (ex: linux src)
## vcs_ignore_dir_list=" /etc $HOME /usr/src/linux.git "
########################################################### COLOR
### directory, exit code, root color
# cols=`tput colors`
# if [[ -n "$cols" && $cols -ge 8 ]]; then # if terminal supports colors
# dir_color=CYAN
# rc_color=red
# user_id_color=blue
# root_id_color=magenta
# else # B/W terminal
# dir_color=bw_bold
# rc_color=bw_bold
# fi
### prompt character for root/non-root, default '>' for both
# prompt_char='>'
# root_prompt_char='>'
## prompt_char='$'
## prompt_char='➔'
## root_prompt_char='#'
##### Per host color
### Per host color. If not set, color will be derived from hostname checksum).
### Variable name is uppercase-short-hostname with appended "_host_color"
### Example per-host-color config:
## TASHA_host_color=cyan
## AL_host_color=green
## AHP_host_color=white
##### VCS (version control system) state colors
# init_vcs_color=WHITE # initial
# clean_vcs_color=blue # nothing to commit (working directory clean)
# modified_vcs_color=red # Changed but not updated:
# added_vcs_color=green # Changes to be committed:
# mixed_vcs_color=yellow #
# untracked_vcs_color=BLUE # Untracked files:
# op_vcs_color=MAGENTA
# detached_vcs_color=RED
hex_vcs_color=WHITE # git revision id: bright black (makes gray)
# :vim:ft=sh ts=8 sw=8 et:
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