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Last active December 18, 2020 19:53
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{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror #-}
module Sudoku where
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
import Data.List (intercalate, sortOn)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
type Value = Int
type Cell = NonEmpty Value
type Pos = Int
type Puzzle = [(Pos, Cell)]
cells :: Puzzle -> [Cell]
cells = map snd . sortOn fst
getXY :: Pos -> (Int, Int)
getXY n = (n `mod` 9, n `div` 9)
conflictsWith :: Pos -> Pos -> Bool
conflictsWith p p' =
let (x, y) = getXY p
(x', y') = getXY p'
in x == x' || y == y' || (x `div` 3 == x' `div` 3 && y `div` 3 == y' `div` 3)
constrain :: Pos -> Value -> Puzzle -> Maybe Puzzle
constrain focus v =
mapM (\(p, c) -> (p,) <$> if p `conflictsWith` focus then restrict c else pure c)
restrict = NE.nonEmpty . NE.filter (/= v)
sortByComplexity :: Puzzle -> Puzzle
sortByComplexity = sortOn (NE.length . snd)
solve :: Puzzle -> Puzzle
solve = head . search
search (sortByComplexity -> (p, vs) : cs) = do
v <- NE.toList vs
cs' <- maybeToList (constrain p v cs)
((p, v :| []) :) <$> search cs'
search _ = [[]]
-- IO
pretty :: Puzzle -> String
pretty = prettyLines . map prettyCell . cells
prettyCell (x :| []) = intToDigit x
prettyCell _ = ' '
prettyLines =
("-------------------\n" ++)
. (++ "\n-------------------")
. intercalate "|-----+-----+-----|\n"
. chunksOf 60
. intercalate "\n"
. map (("| " ++) . (++ " |") . intercalate " | " . chunksOf 3)
. chunksOf 9
readPuzzle :: String -> Puzzle
readPuzzle = zip [0 ..] . map (makeCell . read . pure)
makeCell 0 = 1 :| [2 .. 9]
makeCell n = n :| []
-- Testing
testPuzzleEasy :: Puzzle
testPuzzleEasy =
testPuzzleHard :: Puzzle
testPuzzleHard =
testPuzzleHardest :: Puzzle
testPuzzleHardest =
solves :: Puzzle -> Puzzle -> Bool
solves p1 p2 = and $ zipWith solvesCell (cells p1) (cells p2)
solvesCell (x :| []) xs = x `elem` xs
solvesCell _ _ = False
runTests :: Bool
runTests =
solve testPuzzleEasy `solves` testPuzzleEasy
&& solve testPuzzleHard `solves` testPuzzleHard
&& solve testPuzzleHardest `solves` testPuzzleHardest
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