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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Resource Name handling routines
:copyright: 2014 by PyVISA-sim Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from pyvisa import constants
class InvalidResourceName(ValueError):
"""Exception raised when the resource name cannot be parsed.
def __init__(self, resource_name, msg):
self.resource_name = resource_name
self.msg = msg
def from_syntax(cls, resource_name, syntax, ex=None):
"""Creates an exception providing the correct syntax and more information
if ex:
msg = "The syntax is '%s' (%s)." % (syntax, ex)
msg = "The syntax is '%s'." % syntax
return cls(resource_name, msg)
def __str__(self):
return " Invalid resource name string: '%s'\n%s" % (self.resource_name,
# :type: set[str]
# Resource Class for Interface type
# :type: dict[str, set[str]]
_RESOURCE_CLASSES = defaultdict(set)
# :type: dict[(str, str), ResourceName]
# DEFAULT Resource Class for a given interface type.
# :type: dict[str, str]
def register_subclass(cls):
"""Register a subclass for a given interface type and resource class.
key = (cls.interface_type, cls.resource_class)
if key in _SUBCLASSES:
raise ValueError('Class already registered for %s and %s' % key)
_SUBCLASSES[(cls.interface_type, cls.resource_class)] = cls
if cls.is_rc_optional:
if cls.interface_type in _DEFAULT_RC:
raise ValueError('Default already specified for %s' %
_DEFAULT_RC[cls.interface_type] = cls.resource_class
return cls
class ResourceName(object):
"""Base class for ResourceNames to be used as a Mixin
# Interface type string
interface_type = ''
# Resource class string
resource_class = ''
# Specifices if the resource class part of the string is optional.
is_rc_optional = False
# Formatting string for canonical
_canonical_fmt = ''
# VISA syntax for resource
_visa_syntax = ''
# Resource name provided by the user (not empty only when parsing)
user = ''
def from_string(cls, resource_name):
"""Parse a resource name and return a ResourceName
:type resource_name: str
:rtype: ResourceName
:raises InvalidResourceName: if the resource name is invalid.
# TODO Remote VISA
uname = resource_name.upper()
for interface_type in _INTERFACE_TYPES:
# Loop through all known interface types until we found one
# that matches the beginning of the resource name
if not uname.startswith(interface_type):
if len(resource_name) == len(interface_type):
parts = ()
parts = resource_name[len(interface_type):].split('::')
# Try to match the last part of the resource name to
# one of the known resource classes for the given interface type.
# If not possible, use the default resource class
# for the given interface type.
if parts and parts[-1] in _RESOURCE_CLASSES[interface_type]:
parts, resource_class = parts[:-1], parts[-1]
resource_class = _DEFAULT_RC[interface_type]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidResourceName(
'no specified default resource class for %s' %
# Look for the subclass
subclass = _SUBCLASSES[(interface_type, resource_class)]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidResourceName(resource_name,
'Could find parser for %s and %s' %
(interface_type, resource_class))
# And create the object
rn = subclass.from_parts(*parts)
rn.user = resource_name
return rn
except ValueError as ex:
raise InvalidResourceName.from_syntax(resource_name, ex)
raise InvalidResourceName(resource_name, 'unknown interface type')
def __str__(self):
return self._canonical_fmt.format(self)
def build_rn_class(interface_type, resource_parts, resource_class,
"""Builds a resource name class by mixing a named tuple and ResourceName.
It also registers the class.
:param interface_type: the interface type
:type: interface_type: str
:param resource_parts: each of the parts of the resource name indicating
name and default value. Use None for mandatory
:type resource_parts: tuple[(str, str)]
:param resource_class: the resource class
:type resource_class: str
:param is_rc_optional: indicates if the resource class part is optional
:type is_rc_optional: boolean.
interface_type = interface_type.upper()
resource_class = resource_class.upper()
syntax = interface_type
fmt = interface_type
fields = []
# Contains the resource parts but using python friendly names
# (all lower case and replacing spaces by underscores)
p_resource_parts = []
kwdoc = []
# Assemble the syntax and format string based on the resource parts
for ndx, (name, default_value) in enumerate(resource_parts):
pname = name.lower().replace(' ', '_')
p_resource_parts.append((pname, default_value))
sep = '::' if ndx else ''
fmt += sep + '{0.%s}' % pname
if default_value is None:
syntax += sep + name
syntax += '[' + sep + name + ']'
kwdoc.append('- %s (%s)' % (pname, 'required' if default_value is None
else default_value))
fmt += '::' + resource_class
if not is_rc_optional:
syntax += '::' + resource_class
syntax += '[' + '::' + resource_class + ']'
doc = """%s %s"
Can be created with the following keyword only arguments:
Format :
""" % (resource_class, interface_type, ' \n'.join(kwdoc), syntax)
class _C(namedtuple('Internal', ' '.join(fields)), ResourceName):
def __new__(cls, **kwargs):
new_kwargs = dict(p_resource_parts, **kwargs)
for key, value in new_kwargs.items():
if value is None:
raise ValueError(key + ' is a required parameter')
return super(_C, cls).__new__(cls, **new_kwargs)
def from_parts(cls, *parts):
if len(parts) < sum(1 for _, v in p_resource_parts if v is not None):
raise ValueError('not enough parts')
elif len(parts) > len(p_resource_parts):
raise ValueError('too many parts')
(k, default), rp = p_resource_parts[0], p_resource_parts[1:]
# The first part (just after the interface_type) is the only
# optional part which can be and empty and therefore the
# default value should be used.
p, pending = parts[0], parts[1:]
kwargs = {k: default if p == '' else p}
# The rest of the parts are consumed when mandatory elements are required.
while len(pending) < len(rp):
(k, default), rp = rp[0], rp[1:]
if default is None:
if not parts:
raise ValueError(k + ' part is mandatory')
p, pending = pending[0], pending[1:]
if not p:
raise ValueError(k + ' part is mandatory')
kwargs[k] = p
kwargs[k] = default
# When the length of the pending provided and resource parts
# are equal, we just consume everything.
kwargs.update((k, p) for (k, v), p in zip(rp, pending))
return cls(**kwargs)
_C.interface_type = interface_type
_C.resource_class = resource_class
_C.is_rc_optional = is_rc_optional
_C._canonical_fmt = fmt
_C._visa_syntax = syntax
_C.__name__ = interface_type + resource_class.title()
_C.__doc__ = doc
return register_subclass(_C)
# Build subclasses for each resource
GPIBInstr = build_rn_class('GPIB',
(('board', '0'), ('primary address', None),
('secondary address', constants.VI_NO_SEC_ADDR)),
GPIBIntfc = build_rn_class('GPIB', (('board', '0'), ), 'INTFC', False)
ASRLInstr = build_rn_class('ASRL', (('board', '0'), ), 'INSTR')
TCPIPInstr = build_rn_class('TCPIP', (('board', '0'), ('host address', None),
('LAN device name', 'inst0'), ), 'INSTR')
TCPIPSocket = build_rn_class('TCPIP', (('board', '0'), ('host address', None),
('port', None), ), 'SOCKET', False)
USBInstr = build_rn_class('USB',
(('board', '0'), ('manufacturer ID', None),
('model code', None), ('serial number', None),
('USB interface number', '0')), 'INSTR')
USBRaw = build_rn_class('USB', (('board', '0'), ('manufacturer ID', None),
('model code', None), ('serial number', None),
('USB interface number', '0')), 'RAW', False)
def to_canonical_name(resource_name):
"""Parse a resource name and return the canonical version.
:type resource_name: str
:rtype: str
return str(ResourceName.from_string(resource_name))
parse_resource_name = ResourceName.from_string
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I like it. We could add a utility function returning a ResourceName given a dict (or **kwargs) which would do the job of my assemble_resource_name, this avoid the necessity to now the class to use for this kind of resource.

I actually prefer to keep the interface type as string.

Regarding the questions :

  • I don't think we need to worry about pre-calculating the canonical name for now (the cost should not be that high)
  • I am fine with str. Let's see how it turns out.
  • I agree no positional argument.
  • I thought the plan was to integrate this in pyvisa and use it in pyvisa-py and pyvisa-sim, so I miss the point of being independent from it.

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hgrecco commented Apr 10, 2015

The idea is to integrate it with pyvisa and therefore you are completely right. It does not have to be independent, but it could be a nice extra bonus in case somebody wants it.

Regarding your utility function. Do you mean to return a ResourceName or a canonical resource name string. In any case the core could be something like this.

class ResourceName(object):

   # Code

    def from_kwargs(cls, **kwargs):
        interface_type = kwargs.pop('interface_type')
        resource_class = kwargs.pop('resource_class', _DEFAULT_RC[interface_type])

            resource_class = _DEFAULT_RC[interface_type]
        except KeyError:
            raise InvalidResourceName(
                'no specified default resource class for %s' %

        # Look for the subclass
            subclass = _SUBCLASSES[(interface_type, resource_class)]
        except KeyError:
            raise InvalidResourceName(resource_name,
                                      'Could find parser for %s and %s' %
                                      (interface_type, resource_class))

        # And create the object
            rn = subclass(**kwargs)
            rn.user = resource_name
            return rn
        except ValueError as ex:
            raise InvalidResourceName.from_syntax(resource_name, ex)

and then we could have something like:

def assemble_canonical_name(**kwargs):
    return str(ResourceName.from_kwargs(**kwargs)

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hgrecco commented Apr 10, 2015

by the way, I am trying YAPF as a way to format python code automatically. It is quite nice and might be a way to standarize this and Lantz.

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