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Created December 7, 2021 17:41
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Use external Kafka for microks

Running Microcks with Kafka cluster managed by Strimzi


  1. Start minikube (I'm using mac so driver is hyperkit
minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8192 --driver hyperkit
  1. Enable ingress addon
minikube addons enable ingress
  1. (Optional) patch ingress to enable TLS passthrough
kubectl patch -n ingress-nginx deployment/ingress-nginx-controller --type='json' \    
-p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-","value":"--enable-ssl-passthrough"}]'
  1. Create microcks namespace
kubectl create namespace microcks
  1. Install Strimzi in microcks namespace
kubectl apply -f '' -n microcks
  1. Create the managed Kafka cluster (this is a one node cluster)
kubectl apply -f '' -n microcks
  1. Install microcks
kubectl apply -f '' -n microcks
  1. Create the microcks install CR with external Kafka async feature
curl -s | sed 's/KUBE_APPS_URL/'$(minikube ip)'' | kubectl apply -n microcks -f -

Access microcks

Open a browser and go to microcks.${minikube ip}, you can use admin/microcks123 to login. Note that if you are using self signed certs, you might need to access and accept the cert for keycloack first. In that case navigate to microcks-keycloak.${minikube ip} You can check the ingress created to get the actual ip used.

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