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Created June 17, 2021 21:55
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(set-logic HORN)
(declare-datatypes ((heapOfInt 0) )
(((heap-heapOfInt (rk-heapOfInt Int) (value-heapOfInt Int) (left-heapOfInt heapOfInt) (right-heapOfInt heapOfInt)) (hleaf-heapOfInt))))
(declare-datatypes ((listOfInt 0) )
(((cons-listOfInt (head-listOfInt Int) (tail-listOfInt listOfInt)) (nil-listOfInt))))
(declare-fun len (listOfInt Int) Bool)
(declare-fun leq (Int Int Bool) Bool)
(declare-fun rightheight (heapOfInt Int) Bool)
(declare-fun plus (Int Int Int) Bool)
(declare-fun hsize (heapOfInt Int) Bool)
(declare-fun rank (heapOfInt Int) Bool)
(declare-fun less (Int Int Bool) Bool)
(declare-fun mergea (Int heapOfInt heapOfInt heapOfInt) Bool)
(declare-fun qheapsorta (heapOfInt listOfInt listOfInt) Bool)
(declare-fun merge (heapOfInt heapOfInt heapOfInt) Bool)
(declare-fun qheapsort (listOfInt listOfInt) Bool)
(declare-fun hinsertall (listOfInt heapOfInt heapOfInt) Bool)
(declare-fun heapsorta (heapOfInt listOfInt) Bool)
(declare-fun hinsert (heapOfInt Int heapOfInt) Bool)
(declare-fun heapsort (listOfInt listOfInt) Bool)
(declare-fun hasleftistproperty (heapOfInt Bool) Bool)
(declare-fun ff () Bool)
(forall ( (A Int) )
(= A 0)
(len nil-listOfInt A)
(forall ( (A Int) (B listOfInt) (C Int) (D Int) )
(= C (+ 1 D))
(len B D)
(len (cons-listOfInt A B) C)
(forall ( (A Int) )
(= A 0)
(rightheight hleaf-heapOfInt A)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C heapOfInt) (D heapOfInt) (E Int) (F Int) )
(= E (+ 1 F))
(rightheight D F)
(rightheight (heap-heapOfInt A B C D) E)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C Int) )
(= C (+ A B))
(>= A 0)
(>= B 0)
(plus A B C)
(forall ( (A Int) )
(= A 0)
(hsize hleaf-heapOfInt A)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C heapOfInt) (D heapOfInt) (E Int) (F Int) (G Int) (H Int) )
(= E (+ 1 F))
(hsize C G)
(hsize D H)
(plus G H F)
(hsize (heap-heapOfInt A B C D) E)
(forall ( (A Int) )
(= A 0)
(rank hleaf-heapOfInt A)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C heapOfInt) (D heapOfInt) )
(rank (heap-heapOfInt A B C D) A)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C Bool) )
(<= A B)
(= C true)
(leq A B C)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C Bool) )
(>= A (+ B 1))
(= C false)
(leq A B C)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C Bool) )
(<= A (- B 1))
(= C true)
(less A B C)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C Bool) )
(>= A B)
(= C false)
(less A B C)
(forall ( (A Int) (B heapOfInt) (C heapOfInt) (D Int) (E Bool) (F Int) (G Int) (H Int) )
(= E true)
(= D (+ 1 F))
(leq G H E)
(rank B H)
(rank C G)
(rank C F)
(mergea A B C (heap-heapOfInt D A B C) )
(forall ( (A Int) (B heapOfInt) (C heapOfInt) (D Int) (E Bool) (F Int) (G Int) (H Int) )
(= E false)
(= D (+ 1 F))
(leq G H E)
(rank B H)
(rank C G)
(rank B F)
(mergea A B C (heap-heapOfInt D A C B) )
(forall ( (A listOfInt) )
(qheapsorta hleaf-heapOfInt A A)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C heapOfInt) (D heapOfInt) (E listOfInt) (F listOfInt) (G heapOfInt) )
(merge C D G)
(qheapsorta G (cons-listOfInt B E) F)
(qheapsorta (heap-heapOfInt A B C D) E F)
(forall ( (A listOfInt) (B listOfInt) (C heapOfInt) )
(hinsertall A hleaf-heapOfInt C)
(qheapsorta C nil-listOfInt B)
(qheapsort A B)
(forall ( (A heapOfInt) )
(merge A hleaf-heapOfInt A)
(forall ( (A heapOfInt) )
(merge hleaf-heapOfInt A A)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C heapOfInt) (D heapOfInt) (E Int) (F Int) (G heapOfInt) (H heapOfInt) (I heapOfInt) (J Bool) (K heapOfInt) )
(= J true)
(less F B J)
(mergea B C K I)
(merge D (heap-heapOfInt E F G H) K)
(merge (heap-heapOfInt A B C D) (heap-heapOfInt E F G H) I)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C heapOfInt) (D heapOfInt) (E Int) (F Int) (G heapOfInt) (H heapOfInt) (I heapOfInt) (J Bool) (K heapOfInt) )
(= J false)
(less F B J)
(mergea F G K I)
(merge (heap-heapOfInt A B C D) H K)
(merge (heap-heapOfInt A B C D) (heap-heapOfInt E F G H) I)
(heapsorta hleaf-heapOfInt nil-listOfInt)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C heapOfInt) (D heapOfInt) (E listOfInt) (F heapOfInt) )
(merge C D F)
(heapsorta F E)
(heapsorta (heap-heapOfInt A B C D) (cons-listOfInt B E))
(forall ( (A heapOfInt) )
(hinsertall nil-listOfInt A A)
(forall ( (A Int) (B listOfInt) (C heapOfInt) (D heapOfInt) (E heapOfInt) )
(hinsertall B C E)
(hinsert E A D)
(hinsertall (cons-listOfInt A B) C D)
(forall ( (A listOfInt) (B listOfInt) (C heapOfInt) )
(hinsertall A hleaf-heapOfInt C)
(heapsorta C B)
(heapsort A B)
(forall ( (A Bool) )
(= A true)
(hasleftistproperty hleaf-heapOfInt A)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C heapOfInt) (D heapOfInt) (E Bool) (F Int) (G Int) (H Int) )
(= E true)
(= A (+ 1 F))
(hasleftistproperty C E)
(hasleftistproperty D E)
(leq G H E)
(rightheight C H)
(rightheight D G)
(rightheight D F)
(hasleftistproperty (heap-heapOfInt A B C D) E)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C heapOfInt) (D heapOfInt) (E Bool) )
(= E false)
(hasleftistproperty C E)
(hasleftistproperty (heap-heapOfInt A B C D) E)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C heapOfInt) (D heapOfInt) (E Bool) )
(= E false)
(hasleftistproperty D E)
(hasleftistproperty (heap-heapOfInt A B C D) E)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C heapOfInt) (D heapOfInt) (E Bool) (F Int) (G Int) )
(= E false)
(leq F G E)
(rightheight C G)
(rightheight D F)
(hasleftistproperty (heap-heapOfInt A B C D) E)
(forall ( (A Int) (B Int) (C heapOfInt) (D heapOfInt) (E Bool) (F Int) )
(= E false)
(not (= A (+ 1 F)))
(rightheight D F)
(hasleftistproperty (heap-heapOfInt A B C D) E)
(forall ( (A heapOfInt) (B Int) (C heapOfInt) (D Int) )
(= D 1)
(merge (heap-heapOfInt D B hleaf-heapOfInt hleaf-heapOfInt) A C)
(hinsert A B C)
(forall ( (A Bool) (B Bool) (C heapOfInt) (D Int) (E heapOfInt) )
(= A true)
(= B false)
(hinsert C D E)
(hasleftistproperty E B)
(hasleftistproperty C A)
(assert (not ff))
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