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Created April 2, 2013 18:44
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Available WebPI software

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PS C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer> .\WebpiCmd.exe /List

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/List /ListOption:<list-option>
Valid values for 'ListOption' option are:
'List' command should not be specified with parameters: Application, Products
PS C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer> .\WebpiCmd.exe /List /ListOption:Available

The software that you obtain using the Web Plaform Installer Command Line Tool is licensed to you by its owner.  Microso
ft grants you no rights for third party software.
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Current language of installers is English

--Available Products
ID                   Title
AdvancedLogging      Advanced Logging
AppFabric            Windows Server AppFabric
ApplicationInitialization Application Initialization 1.0
ARR                  Application Request Routing 2.5 with KB2589179
ARRv2_5              Application Request Routing 2.5
ARRv2_5_KB2589179    KB2589179 for Application Request Routing 2.5
ARRv2Update          Hotfix for Application Request Routing 2.1
ARRv3                Application Request Routing 3.0 Beta
ASP                  IIS: ASP
ASPDOTNETandWebTools2012_2 ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2
ASPNET               IIS: ASP.NET
ASPNET_REGIIS        Execute ASP.NET IIS Registration tool
ASPNET_REGIIS_NET4   Execute ASP.NET IIS Registration tool
AzureNodePowershell  Windows Azure SDK for Node.js - May 2012
AzureNodeSDK         Windows Azure SDK for Node.js - October 2012
AzurePHPSDK          Windows Azure SDK for PHP - October 2012
AzurePythonSDK       Windows Azure SDK for Python - June 2012
AzurePythonSDK_Oct2012 Windows Azure SDK for Python - October 2012
AzurePythonSDKCore   Windows Azure SDK for Python (Core) - June 2012
AzurePythonSDKCore_Oct2012 Windows Azure SDK for Python (Core) - October 2012
BasicAuthentication  IIS: Basic Authentication
CGI                  IIS: CGI
ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication IIS: Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
CustomLogging        IIS: Custom Logging
DACFX                Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Data-Tier Application Framework (DACFx) (March 2013)
DBManager            Database Manager 1.0
DbManagerUpdate      Database Manager 1.0 Hotfix
DefaultDocument      IIS: Default Document
DigestAuthentication IIS: Digest Authentication
DirectoryBrowse      IIS: Directory Browsing
Django               Django 1.4 (Python)
DynamicContentCompression IIS: Dynamic Content Compression
DynamicIPRestrictionsRTW Dynamic IP Restrictions 1.0
ECacheUpdate         Hotfix for External Cache 1.0
ExpressionEncoder4   Expression Encoder 4 with Service Pack 2
ExpressionWeb        Expression Web 4 Trial
ExternalCache        External Cache 1.0
FSharpVWD11          F# Tools for Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web
FTPExtensibility     IIS: FTP Extensibility
FTPServer            IIS: FTP Publishing Service 7.5
HDINSIGHT-PREVIEW    Microsoft HDInsight Developer Preview
HTTPErrors           IIS: HTTP Errors
HTTPLogging          IIS: HTTP Logging
HTTPRedirection      IIS: HTTP Redirection
IIS6ManagementConsole IIS: IIS 6 Management Console
IIS6ScriptingTools   IIS: IIS 6 Scripting Tools
IIS6WPICompatibility IIS: IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
IIS7                 IIS Recommended Configuration
IIS7_ExtensionLessURLs IIS7 Support for Extensionless URLs
IISClientCertificateMappingAuthentication IIS: Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
IISExpress           IIS 7.5 Express
IISExpress_7_5       IIS 7.5 Express (Sep 2011)
IISExpress_ByPlatform IIS 8.0 Express (Windows Vista and up) Or IIS 7.5 Express (Windows XP)- August 2012
IISExpress8RC        IIS 8.0 Express Release Candidate
IISManagementConsole IIS: Management Console
IISManagementScriptsAndTools IIS: Management Scripts and Tools
iisnode32            IISNode for IIS Express
iisnodedev32         IISNode for IIS Express
IPSecurity           IIS: IP and Domain  Restrictions
ISAPIExtensions      IIS: ISAPI Extensions
ISAPIFilters         IIS: ISAPI Filters
KB980423-Win7        KB980423
KB983484-Win7        KB983484
LoggingTools         IIS: Logging Tools
ManagementService    IIS: Management Service
MediaServices        IIS Media Services 4.1
MetabaseAndIIS6Compatibility IIS: IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
ModSecurityIIS       ModSecurity IIS
MVC                  ASP.NET MVC 1.0
MVC2                 ASP.NET MVC 2
MVC3                 ASP.NET MVC 3 (Visual Studio 2010)
MVC3Loc              ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update Language Packs
MVC3LocInstaller     ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update Language Packs Installer
MVC4Vs2010_Loc       ASP.NET MVC 4 with Language Packs (August 2012)
MySQL                MySQL Windows 5.1
MySQLConnector       MySQL Connector/Net
MySQLdbPython        MySQLdb (32-bit Python 2.7)
NETExtensibility     IIS: .NET Extensibility
NETFramework35       .NET Framework 3.5 SP 1
NETFramework4        Microsoft .NET Framework 4
NETFramework45       Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
NETFramework4PU3     Microsoft .NET Framework 4 - Runtime Update 3
NETFramework4Update402 Microsoft .NET Framework 4 - Update 4.0.2
NETFramework4Update402_KB2544514_Only Microsoft .NET Framework 4 - Update 4.0.2 only
NodeJSExt            Node.js extensions for IIS 7.x
ODBCLogging          IIS: ODBC Logging
OfficeToolsForVS2012RTW Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012
PHP53                PHP 5.3.19
PHP53ForIISExpress   PHP 5.3.19 For IIS Express
PHP54                PHP 5.4.9
PHP54ForIISExpress   PHP 5.4.9 For IIS Express
PHPManager           PHP Manager for IIS
PyPI                 PyPI (Python)
Python27             Python 2.7 (32-bit)
PythonToolsForVS     Python Tools for Visual Studio 2010 - 1.5
PythonToolsForVS2012 Python Tools for Visual Studio 2012 - 1.5
RequestFiltering     IIS: Request Filtering
RequestMonitor       IIS: Request Monitor
RIAServicesToolkitMay2010 WCF RIA Services Toolkit May 2010
SEOToolkit           Search Engine Optimization Toolkit
ServerSideIncludes   IIS: Server Side Includes
ServiceBus           Service Bus 1.0
ServiceBusCU1        Service Bus 1.0 Cumulative Update 1
Silverlight4Toolkit  Silverlight 4 Toolkit April 2010 Release
Silverlight4Tools    Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010
Silverlight5Tools    Silverlight 5 Tools for Visual Studio 2010
SMO                  SQL Server Shared Management Objects (2012 on Vista and up) or (2010 on XP or 2003 server)(
SMO_10_5             SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects
SMO_11_0             SQL Server 2012 Shared Management Objects (April 2012)
SmoothStreamingClient Smooth Streaming Client 2.0
SPF2010RTMfarm       SharePoint Foundation 2010 Farm
SPF2010RTMstandalone SharePoint Foundation 2010 Standalone
SQLCE                Microsoftr SQL Serverr Compact Latest
SQLCE_4_0            Microsoftr SQL Serverr Compact 4.0 SP1
SQLCE40RTW           Microsoftr SQL Serverr Compact 4.0
SQLCEforWM           Microsoftr SQL Serverr Compact 4.0 SP1 CTP1
SQLCETools           Microsoftr SQL Serverr Compact Latest Scripting Tools
SQLCETools_4_0       Microsoftr SQL Serverr Compact 4.0 SP1 Scripting Tools
SQLCEVSTools         Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Tools for SQL Server Compact 4.0
SQLCEVSTools_4_0     Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Tools for SQL Server Compact 4.0
SQLCEVSToolsInstaller_4_0 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Tools for SQL Server Compact 4.0 Installer
SQLCLRTypes          Microsoft System CLR Types for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1 (Latest)
SQLDOM               Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1 Transact-SQL ScriptDom (Latest)
SQLDriverPHP53IIS    Microsoft Drivers 3.0 for PHP v5.3 for SQL Server in IIS
SQLDriverPHP53IISExpress Microsoft Drivers 3.0 for PHP v5.3 for SQL Server in IIS Express
SQLDriverPHP54IIS    Microsoft Drivers 3.0 for PHP v5.4 for SQL Server in IIS
SQLDriverPHP54IISExpress Microsoft Drivers 3.0 for PHP v5.4 for SQL Server in IIS Express
SQLExpress           SQL Server Express 2008 R2 Service Pack 2
SQLExpressAdv        SQL Server 2008 Express with Advanced Services
SQLExpressTools      SQL Server 2008 Express with Tools
SQLLocalDB           Microsoft SQL Express LocalDB Edition 11.0
SQLManagementStudio  SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio Express with SP1
SSDTVS2010           Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2010
SSDTVS2012           Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2012
SSMAAccess           SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access
SSMAMySQL            SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL
SSMAOracle           SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle
SSMASybase           SQL Server Migration Assistant for Sybase
StaticContent        IIS: Static Content
StaticContentCompression IIS: Static Content Compression
SuperPreview         Expression SuperPreview Trial
Tracing              IIS: Tracing
TransformManager_1_1 IIS Transform Manager 1.1
URLAuthorization     IIS: URL Authorization
UrlRewrite2          URL Rewrite 2.0
VC9Redist            Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package
VS2010SI             Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Integrated)
VS2010SP1Pack        Visual Studio 2010 SP1 (March 2011)
VS2012LS2NOSQL       LightSwitch in Visual Studio 2012 - Server Configuration without local SQL Express
VS2012LS2SQL         LightSwitch in Visual Studio 2012 - Server Configuration with local SQL Express
VSLSNOSQL            Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 Server Runtime without Local SQL
VSLSSQL              Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 Server Runtime and Local SQL
VSPageInspector_v1   Page Inspector Developer Preview (VS11 Developer Preview)
VWD                  Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web (Latest)
VWD_RTW              Visual Web Developer 2010 Express
VWD11AzurePack       Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web with Windows Azure SDK (Latest)
VWD11AzurePack_1_7_1 Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web with Windows Azure SDK 1.7.1
VWD11AzurePack_1_8_1 Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web with Windows Azure SDK 1.8.1 - February 2013
VWD2008              Visual Web Developer 2008 Express with SP1
VWD2010SP1AzurePack  Visual Web Developer Express 2010 SP1 (Latest)
VWD2010SP1AzurePack_1_7_1 Visual Web Developer Express 2010 SP1 with Azure SDK 1.7.1
VWD2010SP1AzurePack_1_8_1 Visual Web Developer Express 2010 SP1 with Azure SDK 1.8.1 - February 2013
VWDOrVs11AzurePack   Windows Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2012) - Latest
VWDOrVs11AzurePack_1_7_1 Windows Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2012) 1.7.1 - June 2012 SP1
VWDOrVs11AzurePack_1_8_1 Windows Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2012) 1.8.1 - February 2013
VWDOrVs2010SP1AzurePack Windows Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2010 SP1) - Latest
VWDOrVs2010SP1AzurePack_1_7_1 Windows Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2010 SP1) 1.7.1- June 2012 SP1
VWDOrVs2010SP1AzurePack_1_8_1 Windows Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2010 SP1) 1.8.1 - February 2013
WASConfigurationAPI  IIS: WAS Configuration API
WASNetFxEnvironment  IIS: WAS .NET Environment
WASProcessModel      IIS: WAS Process Model
WCFRIAServices4Server WCF RIA Services Server install for .NET Framework 4.0
WDeploy              Web Deploy 3.0
WDeploy_2_1          Web Deployment Tool 2.1
WDeployNoSMO         Web Deploy 3.0 without bundled SQL support (latest)
WDeployPS            Web Deploy 3.0 for Hosting Servers
WebDAV               IIS: WebDAV 7.5
WebFarmFramework     Web Farm Framework 1.1
WebMatrix            Microsoft WebMatrix 2 Refresh 2
WebsitePanel         WebsitePanel 2.0.0
WFastCgi15Py27       WFastCGI Gateway for IIS and Python 2.7
WHP_Recommended      Recommended Server Configuration for Web Hosting Providers
WIF                  Windows Identity Foundation
WIFSDK               Windows Identity Foundation SDK
WinCache53           Windows Cache Extension 1.3 for PHP 5.3
WinCache53IISExpress Windows Cache Extension 1.3 for PHP 5.3 in IISExpress
WinCache54           Windows Cache Extension 1.3 for PHP 5.4
WinCache54IISExpress Windows Cache Extension 1.3 for PHP 5.4 in IIS Express
WindowsAuthentication IIS: Windows Authentication
WindowsAzureLibrariesNET_1_6 Windows Azure Libraries for .NET 1.6  (November 2011)
WindowsAzureLibrariesNET_1_7 Windows Azure Libraries for .NET 1.7
WindowsAzureLibrariesNET_1_8 Windows Azure Libraries for .NET 1.8
WindowsAzurePowershell Windows Azure PowerShell
WindowsAzureSDK_1_7  Windows Azure SDK 1.7 - June 2012
WindowsAzureSDK_1_8  Windows Azure SDK 1.8 - October 2012
WindowsAzureToolsVS2010_1_6 Windows Azure SDK 1.6 for Visual Studio 2010 (November 2011)
WindowsAzureXPlatCLI Windows Azure Cross-platform Command Line Tools
WindowsManagementFramework Microsoft Windows Management Framework 3.0
WindowsManagementFramework_86_64 Microsoft Windows Management Framework 3.0
WindowsMediaServicesR2 Windows Media Services 2008 R2
WorkflowClient       Workflow Client 1.0
WorkflowCU1          Workflow Manager 1.0 Cumulative Update 1
WorkflowManager      Workflow Manager 1.0
WorkflowManagerTools Workflow Manager Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio 2012

ID                   Title
AcquiaDrupal         Acquia Drupal 7
BabyGekko            Baby Gekko CMS
BitrixNetForgeCms    .NET Forge CMS
BlogEngineNET        BlogEngine.NET
CMSaspNET            .NET CMS
CMSGallery           CMS Gallery
CompositeC1CMS       Composite C1 CMS
DasBlog              DasBlog
dashCommerce         dashCommerce
DotNetAge            DotNetAge
DotNetNuke           .DotNetNuker Community Edition
DotNetNukePro        .DotNetNuker Professional Edition
Dropthings           Dropthings
drupalcommercesql    Drupal Commerce Kickstart
eCB                  MyCommerceBooks
ECCUBEglobal         EC-CUBE
FishopNet            Fishop.Net
galleryserverpro     Gallery Server Pro
Incentive            Incentive
Joomla               Joomla! 2.5
Kartris              Kartris
Kentico              Kentico CMS for ASP.NET
KoobooCMS            Kooboo CMS
KoobooCommunicator   Kooboo Communicator
MageliaWebStore      MageliaWebStore (For IIS )
Mayando              Mayando
MediaWiki            MediaWiki
MerchantTribe        MerchantTribe
MODxEvolution        MODx CMS
mojoPortal           mojoPortal
MonoX                MonoX
Moodle               Moodle
MVCForum             MVC Forum
N2CMS                N2 CMS 2.1 MVC Edition
nearforums           Nearforums
nopCommerce          nopCommerce
nService             nService
NumediaStack         Numedia Stack
ocPortal             ocPortal
OrchardCMS           Orchard CMS
phpBB                phpBB
Piwik                Piwik
RakuCMS              RakuCMS
RedCritterTracker    RedCritter Tracker
RESXManager          RESX Manager
SageFrame            SageFrame
ScrewTurnWiki        ScrewTurn Wiki 3.0
ShoppingCartNET      Shopping Cart .NET
SilverStripeCMS      SilverStripe CMS
Sitefinity           Sitefinity Community Edition
SplendidCRM          SplendidCRM
SQLCMS               SQLCMS
SugarCRM             SugarCRM
surveyproject        Survey Project
TandemServerCMS      Tandem Server CMS
TangoCMS             TangoCMS
TicketSystem         Ticket System
Tiki                 Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
tomeCMS              tomeCMS
Umbraco              Umbraco CMS
Wikiaspnet           Wiki
WordPress            WordPress
YetAnotherForumNET   YetAnotherForum.NET
PS C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer>
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