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Created May 2, 2011 22:47
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z = 3 * 0x41662d2d * 123750872726249
o = []
puts z.to_s(16)
while z != 0
# let's eat through z one byte at a time
l = z >>4 &0xf #shift right then AND with 16 to get the character
r = z &0xf #just AND with 16 to get the XORed with l position in the array
o[r^l]=(l + 97).chr #put the character in the correct spot in the array
z = z >> 8 #start working on the next 8 bits
word = o.join
puts word
# might be fun to generate the number from the word... lets create y!
y = 0
injection_order = [3,6,8,5,0,9,4,7,1,2] # try to get same number above
#injection_order=(0..word.length).to_a.shuffle # get random order
injection_order.each do |index|
l = word[index] - 97
r = index^l
y = y << 4 unless y == 0
y += l
y = y << 4
y += r
puts y.to_s(16)
raise unless y == z # no error
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Copy and paste your code to and it is giving error as below. Do I need to test it on a "real" Ruby install?

=> #<NoMethodError: undefined method `-' for "f":String>

Just really curious what the page looks like

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