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Created June 12, 2018 06:09
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pure-ios-sdk documentation

Pure SDK iOS


The iOS SDK is available for applications targeting the iOS 9.0 SDK and above.


The iOS SDK has no dependencies.


You need a key to use this pod, and Unacast should have provided you with one.


First off find your key and add the following lines to your app's Podfile :

pod 'PureSDK', :podspec => ''

Dynamic Framework

Download the latest version of the pod from :

  1. Open your project in Xcode.
  2. Drag and drop PureSDK.framework into your project. Make sure the Copy files box is checked.
  3. Select the target you wish to integrate the SDK into.
  4. Find the "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" section, and delete the PureSDK.framework entry.
  5. Find the "Embedded Binaries" section, and add the PureSDK.framework that you just included into your project. (This was tested on Xcode 9.4)
Location Permissions

Some of the SDK's data collection source require extra keys in Info.plist, and some require the user to accept a pop up. We will never trigger the permission popups from our code. It is your responsibility to present the permission prompt alert at an appropriate time. What follows is an overview of all possible Info.plist keys that our SDK can use. If you include the key in your Info.plist and the user accepts the relevant pop-up, then the SDK automatically starts collecting data from said source. All keys are optional, but leaving them all out means the SDK will have access to almost no data sources.

  • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription : Describes how your app will use location services in the foreground. You must include this key if you wish to collect location events.
  • NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription : Describes how your app will use location services and explains what extra features you can provide if the always option is selected. The presented alert gives the user the option between "Only when in use", "Always", and "Never". Only used on iOS 11 or later.
  • NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription | Describes how your app will use location services, both in the foreground and background. The presented alert gives the user the option between "Always", and "Never". If your deployment target is at iOS 11 or higher, then you don't need this key, even if you wish to collect location events

As a recap, if your application is targeting iOS 11 or higher and you wish to track location events, then only the WhenInUseUsage and AlwaysAndWhenInUseUsage plist keys are required. If your application is targeting iOS 10 or below, then you need to include all keys for iOS 11 in addition to the AlwaysUsage key.

Find your app's Info.plist, right click, select Open As, tap Source Code and paste the keys you will be using. Remember, these keys will be shown to your users.

<!-- All iOS versions -->
<string>We'll show you interesting things around you.</string>

<!-- iOS 10 and below only -->
<string>We'll show you interesting things around you.</string>

<!-- iOS 11 and above only -->
<string>We'll show you interesting things around you, and with the "always" option, we'll also send you notifications when you come across something cool.</string>


Start the SDK by calling the following method inside your App Delegate:

AppDelegate.m didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

[PureSDK startWithLaunchOptions:launchOptions];

To stop the SDK, call :

[PureSDK stopTracking];


All config variables used by the SDK are provided by an external service. This means it's possible to change the behaviour of the SDK without releasing a new version and configure settings per-device using filters based on device type, iOS version, etc.

Custom Data

The SDK provides methods to send additional metadata about the user or device in addition to events. The difference between metadata and events, is that metadata will replace any existing data with the same type while events will be added and never replaced even when using the same name


To create an event, use :

[PureSDK createEvent:<#(nonnull NSString *)#> payload:<#(nonnull NSDictionary *)#> success:^{
} failure:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {

The type describes what kind of event this is. Events are always added, not replaced. Subsequent calls to createEvent with the same type will create multiple events in the cloud.


[PureSDK associateMetadata:<#(nonnull NSString *)#> payload:<#(nonnull NSDictionary *)#> success:^{
} failure:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {

The type has to be unique for each model you want to preserve. Subsequent calls for associateMetadata with the same type will overwrite the data sent on previous calls.

Data Collection

Location - Enabled only when the required location keys are included. Nearby iBeacons beacons - iBeacons use the same permissions as location. Network Connection Status - Always collected.

Sample Location Event :


Sample iBeacon Event :

    "minor": 2,
    "rssi": 3,
    "major": 1,
    "type": "IBEACON",
    "timestamp": "2018-02-09T19:14:15-08:00",
    "uuid": "2F234454-CF6D-4A0F-ADF2-F4911BA9FFA6"
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