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Created November 9, 2015 15:26
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How to make a custom marshaller for JSON API
case class MyData(id: String, d: Int)
object MyData {
implicit def dataMarshaller: ToEntityMarshaller[MyData] = {
Marshaller.StringMarshaller.wrap(MediaTypes.`application/vnd.api+json`)(data => {
val jo = JsObject("data" ->
JsObject("type" -> JsString("dashboard"), "id" -> JsString(,
"attributes" -> JsObject("exposure" -> JsNumber(data.d)))
object Server extends App with SprayJsonSupport {
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
implicit val ec = system.dispatcher
import MyData._
val route =
path("api" / "dashboards" / Segment) { date =>
get {
complete {
MyData("1", 10000)
val bindingFuture = Http().bindAndHandle(route, "", 4100)
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