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// acceleroMMA7361.h - Library for retrieving data from the MMA7361 accelerometer.
// Copyright 2011-2012 Jef Neefs ( and Jeroen Doggen (
// For more information: variable declaration, changelog,... see AcceleroMMA7361.h
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/// acceleroMMA7361.cpp - Library for retrieving data from the MMA7361 accelerometer.
/// For more information: variable declaration, changelog,... see AcceleroMMA7361.h
// For MKR1000 - changed
#include "AcceleroMMA7361.h"
/// constructor
/// begin function to set pins: sleepPin = 13, selfTestPin = 12, zeroGPin = 11, gSelectPin = 10, xPin = A0, yPin = A1, zPin = A2.
/// When you use begin() with an empty parameter list, these standard values are used
void AcceleroMMA7361::begin()
begin(13, 12, 11, 10, A0, A1, A2);
/// begin variables
/// - int sleepPin: number indicating to which pin the sleep port is attached. DIGITAL OUT
/// - int selfTestPin: number indicating to which pin the selftest port is attached. DIGITAL OUT
/// - int zeroGPin: number indicating to which pin the ZeroGpin is connected to. DIGITAL IN
/// - int gSelectPin: number indication to which pin the Gselect is connected to. DIGITAL OUT
/// - int xPin: number indicating to which pin the x-axis pin is connected to. ANALOG IN
/// - int yPin: number indicating to which pin the y-axis pin is connected to. ANALOG IN
/// - int zPin: number indicating to which pin the z-axis pin is connected to. ANALOG IN
/// - int offset: array indicating the G offset on the x,y and z-axis
/// When you use begin() without variables standard values are loaded: A0,A1,A2 as input for X,Y,Z and digital pins 13,12,11,10 for sleep, selftest, zeroG and gSelect
void AcceleroMMA7361::begin(int sleepPin, int selfTestPin, int zeroGPin, int gSelectPin, int xPin, int yPin, int zPin)
pinMode(sleepPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(selfTestPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(zeroGPin, INPUT);
pinMode(gSelectPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(xPin, INPUT);
pinMode(yPin, INPUT);
pinMode(zPin, INPUT);
_sleepPin = sleepPin;
_selfTestPin = selfTestPin;
_zeroGPin = zeroGPin;
_gSelectPin = gSelectPin;
_xPin = xPin;
_yPin = yPin;
_zPin = zPin;
_sleep = false;
/// setOffSets( int offSetX, int offSetY, int offSetZ): Sets the offset values for the x,y,z axis.
/// The parameters are the offsets expressed in G-force (100 = 1 G)
/// Offsets are added to the raw datafunctions
void AcceleroMMA7361::setOffSets(int xOffSet, int yOffSet, int zOffSet)
if (_refVoltage==3.3)
_offSets[0]= map(xOffSet,0,3300,0,1024);
_offSets[1]= map(yOffSet,0,3300,0,1024);
_offSets[2]= map(zOffSet,0,3300,0,1024);
_offSets[0]= map(xOffSet,0,5000,0,1024);
_offSets[1]= map(yOffSet,0,5000,0,1024);
_offSets[2]= map(zOffSet,0,5000,0,1024);
/// setARefVoltage(double _refV): Sets the AREF voltage to external, (now only takes 3.3 or 5 as parameter)
/// default is 5 when no AREF is used. When you want to use 3.3 AREF, put a wire between the AREF pin and the
/// 3.3 V VCC pin. This increases accuracy
void AcceleroMMA7361::setARefVoltage(double refV)
_refVoltage = refV;
if (refV == 3.3)
//original code : for AVR boards
// analogReference(EXTERNAL);
/// setAveraging(int avg): Sets how many samples have to be averaged in getAccel default is 10.
void AcceleroMMA7361::setAveraging(int avg)
_average = avg;
/// setSensitivity sets the sensitivity to +/-1.5 G (HIGH) or +/-6 G (LOW) using a boolean HIGH (1.5 G) or LOW (6 G)
void AcceleroMMA7361::setSensitivity(boolean sensi)
_sensi = sensi;
digitalWrite(_gSelectPin, !sensi);
/// sleep lets the device sleep (when device is sleeping already this does nothing)
void AcceleroMMA7361::sleep()
if (!_sleep)
digitalWrite(_sleepPin, LOW);
_sleep = true;
/// wake enables the device after sleep (when device is not sleeping this does nothing) there is a 2 ms delay, due to enable response time (datasheet: typ 0.5 ms, max 2 ms)
void AcceleroMMA7361::wake()
if (_sleep == true)
digitalWrite(_sleepPin, HIGH);
_sleep = false;
/// getXRaw(): Returns the raw data from the X-axis analog I/O port of the Arduino as an integer
int AcceleroMMA7361::getXRaw()
return analogRead(_xPin)+_offSets[0]+2;
/// getYRaw(): Returns the raw data from the Y-axis analog I/O port of the Arduino as an integer
int AcceleroMMA7361::getYRaw()
return analogRead(_yPin)+_offSets[1]+2;
/// getZRaw(): Returns the raw data from the Z-axis analog I/O port of the Arduino as an integer
int AcceleroMMA7361::getZRaw()
return analogRead(_zPin)+_offSets[2];
/// getXVolt(): Returns the voltage in mV from the X-axis analog I/O port of the Arduino as a integer
int AcceleroMMA7361::getXVolt()
return _mapMMA7361V(getXRaw());
/// getYVolt(): Returns the voltage in mV from the Y-axis analog I/O port of the Arduino as a integer
int AcceleroMMA7361::getYVolt()
return _mapMMA7361V(getYRaw());
/// getZVolt(): Returns the voltage in mV from the Z-axis analog I/O port of the Arduino as a integer
int AcceleroMMA7361::getZVolt()
return _mapMMA7361V(getZRaw());
/// getXAccel(): Returns the acceleration of the X-axis as a int (1 G = 100.00)
int AcceleroMMA7361::getXAccel()
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0;i<_average;i++)
sum = sum + _mapMMA7361G(getXRaw());
return sum/_average;
/// getYAccel(): Returns the acceleration of the Y-axis as a int (1 G = 100.00)
int AcceleroMMA7361::getYAccel()
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0;i<_average;i++)
sum = sum + _mapMMA7361G(getYRaw());
return sum/_average;
/// getZAccel(): Returns the acceleration of the Z-axis as a int (1 G = 100.00)
int AcceleroMMA7361::getZAccel()
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0;i<_average;i++)
sum = sum + _mapMMA7361G(getZRaw());
return sum/_average;
/// getAccelXYZ(int *_XAxis, int *_YAxis, int *_ZAxis) returns all axis at once as pointers
void AcceleroMMA7361::getAccelXYZ(int *_XAxis, int *_YAxis, int *_ZAxis)
int sum[3];
sum[0] = 0;
sum[1] = 0;
sum[2] = 0;
for (int i = 0;i<_average;i++)
sum[0] = sum[0] + _mapMMA7361G(getXRaw());
sum[1] = sum[1] + _mapMMA7361G(getYRaw());
sum[2] = sum[2] + _mapMMA7361G(getZRaw());
*_XAxis = sum[0]/_average;
*_YAxis = sum[1]/_average;
*_ZAxis = sum[2]/_average;
/// mapMMA7361V: calculates and returns the voltage value derived from the raw data. Used in getXVoltage, getYVoltage, getZVoltage
int AcceleroMMA7361::_mapMMA7361V(int value)
if (_refVoltage==3.3)
return map(value,0,1024,0,3300);
return map(value,0,1024,0,5000);
/// mapMMA7361G: calculates and returns the accelerometer value in degrees derived from the raw data. Used in getXAccel, getYAccel, getZAccel
int AcceleroMMA7361::_mapMMA7361G(int value)
if(_sensi == false)
if (_refVoltage==3.3)
return map(value,0,1024,-825,800);
return map(value,0,1024,-800,1600);
if (_refVoltage==3.3)
return map(value,0,1024,-206,206);
return map(value,0,1024,-260,419);
/// calibrate(): Sets X and Y values via setOffsets to zero. The Z axis will be set to 100 = 1G
void AcceleroMMA7361::calibrate()
Serial.print("\nCalibrating MMA7361011");
double var = 5000;
double sumX = 0;
double sumY = 0;
double sumZ = 0;
for (int i = 0;i<var;i++)
sumX = sumX + getXVolt();
sumY = sumY + getYVolt();
sumZ = sumZ + getZVolt();
if (i%100 == 0)
if (_sensi == false)
setOffSets(1672 - sumX / var,1671 - sumY / var, + 1876 - sumZ / var);
setOffSets(1650 - sumX / var,1650 - sumY / var, + 2450 - sumZ / var);
if (abs(getOrientation())!=3)
Serial.print("\nunable to calibrate");
/// getOrientation returns which axis perpendicular with the earths surface x=1,y=2,z=3 is positive or
/// negative depending on which side of the axis is pointing downwards
int AcceleroMMA7361::getOrientation()
int gemiddelde = 10;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int z = 0;
int xAbs = 0;
int yAbs = 0;
int zAbs = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<gemiddelde ; i++) //We take in this case 10 measurements to average the error a little bit
x = x+getXAccel();
y = y+getYAccel();
z = z+getZAccel();
x= x/gemiddelde;
y = y/gemiddelde;
z = z/gemiddelde;
xAbs = abs(100-abs(x));
yAbs = abs(100-abs(y));
zAbs = abs(100-abs(z));
if (xAbs<yAbs&&xAbs<zAbs)
if (x>0)
return 1;
return -1;
if (yAbs<xAbs&&yAbs<zAbs)
if (y>0)
return 2;
return -2;
if (zAbs<xAbs&&zAbs<yAbs)
if (z>0)
return 3;
return -3;
return 0;
/// getTotalVector returns the magnitude of the total acceleration vector as an integer
int AcceleroMMA7361::getTotalVector()
//original Code
// return sqrt(square(_mapMMA7361G(getXRaw())) + square(_mapMMA7361G(getYRaw())) + square(_mapMMA7361G(getZRaw())));
//For MKR1000 (squre->sq)
return sqrt(sq(_mapMMA7361G(getXRaw())) + sq(_mapMMA7361G(getYRaw())) + sq(_mapMMA7361G(getZRaw())));
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