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Last active June 23, 2017 08:31
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  • Save hhcordero/b9280a790afd2f110862af68570a138f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hhcordero/b9280a790afd2f110862af68570a138f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<h1>Modernising Presentation</h1>
<h3 class="fragment fade-in">using Reveal.JS</h3>
<section data-markdown>
## What is Reveal.JS?
It's a framework that enables you to create beautiful interactive slide decks using HTML (with Markdown support).
<section data-markdown>
## Use case
<section data-markdown>
Don't have Powerpoint or PC/Laptop
<section data-markdown>
On the go
<section data-markdown>
## What do you need to get started?
<section data-markdown>
- GitHub account
- Create your gist in Github and make it public - copy the token part from the gist url
- Access your presentation by appending the token to ie.
<section data-markdown>
# Example gist content
<section data-markdown>
## Speaker View
There's a [speaker view]( It includes a timer, preview of the upcoming slide as well as your speaker notes.
Press the <em>S</em> key to try it out.
<section data-markdown>
## Vertical Slides
Slides can be nested inside of each other.
Use the <em>Space</em> key to navigate through all slides.
<a href="#" class="navigate-down">
<img width="178" height="238" data-src="" alt="Down arrow">
<section data-markdown>
## Basement Level 1
Nested slides are useful for adding additional detail underneath a high level horizontal slide
<section data-markdown>
## Basement Level 2
That's it, time to go back up.
<a href="#/2">
<img width="178" height="238" data-src="" alt="Up arrow" style="transform: rotate(180deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);">
<aside class="notes">
Scroll down
<section data-markdown>
## Point of View
Press <strong>ESC</strong> to enter the slide overview.
Hold down alt and click on any element to zoom in on it using [zoom.js]( Alt + click anywhere to zoom back out.
<section data-markdown>
## Touch Optimized
Presentations look great on touch devices, like mobile phones and tablets. Simply swipe through your slides.
<section data-markdown>
## Markdown support
Write content using inline or external Markdown.
Instructions and more info available in the [readme](
## This is a sample h2 tag in markdown
> This is a block quote
<p class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1">Hit the next arrow...</p>
<p class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2">... to step through ...<span class="fragment">... a</span><span class="fragment"> fragmented</span><span class="fragment"> slide.</span>
<p class="fragment grow">grow</p>
<p class="fragment shrink">shrink</p>
<p class="fragment fade-out">fade-out</p>
<p class="fragment fade-up">fade-up (also down, left and right!)</p>
<p class="fragment current-visible">visible only once</p>
<p class="fragment highlight-current-blue">blue only once</p>
<p class="fragment highlight-red">highlight-red</p>
<p class="fragment highlight-green">highlight-green</p>
<p class="fragment highlight-blue">highlight-blue</p>
<section data-transition="zoom">
<h2>This slide will override the presentation transition and zoom!</h2>
<section data-transition-speed="fast">
<h2>Choose from three transition speeds: default, fast or slow!</h2>
<section data-transition="slide">
The train goes on …
<section data-transition="slide">
and on …
<section data-transition="slide-in fade-out">
and stops.
<section data-transition="fade-in slide-out">
(Passengers entering and leaving)
<section data-transition="slide">
And it starts again.
<section data-background="#dddddd">
<h2>Slide Backgrounds</h2>
<p>All CSS color formats are supported.</p>
<section data-background="" data-markdown>
## Image Backgrounds
<section data-background="" data-markdown>
## ... and GIFs!
<h2>Pretty Code</h2>
<pre><code data-trim data-noescape>
function linkify(selector) {
if (supports3DTransforms) {
var nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i & lt; len; i++) {
var node = nodes[i];
if (!node.className) {
node.className += ' roll';
<section data-markdown>
## Marvelous List
- No order here
- Or here
- Or here
- really!
<section data-markdown>
## Fantastic Ordered List
1. One is smaller than...
2. Two is smaller than...
3. Three!
<section data-markdown>
## Tabular Tables
| Company | Stock Value | CEO |
| ------------- |:-------------:| :-------------|
| Apple | $153.67 | Tim Cook |
| Google | $996.17 | Sundar Pichai |
| Tesla | $335.10 | Elon Musk |
| Amazon | $996.70 | Jeff Bezos |
<section data-markdown>
## Clever Quotes
These guys come in two forms, inline: <q>"The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from"</q> and block:
> "For years there has been a theory that millions of monkeys typing at random on millions of typewriters would reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. The Internet has proven this theory to be untrue."
<section data-markdown>
## Intergalactic Interconnections
You can link between slides internally, [like this](#/3/2).
<section data-markdown>
## Take a Moment
Press B or . on your keyboard to pause the presentation. This is helpful when you're on stage and want to take distracting slides off the screen.
<section data-markdown>
# The End
- [Gist used in presentation](
- Created by [Hakim El Hattab]( / [@hakimel](</small>
- [Reveal.JS source code & documentation](
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