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Created August 22, 2023 00:24
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module Telomare.Cesar where
import Data.Char (ord, chr, isLetter, isLower)
import Text.Read (Lexeme(Char))
input = unlines $ [ "11"
, "middle-Outz"
, "2"
rotate :: Int -> Char -> Char
rotate i c = if isLetter c
then if isLower c
then chr $ 97 + ((i + ord c - 97) `mod` 26)
else chr $ 65 + ((i + ord c - 65) `mod` 26)
else c
solve str =
let aux = lines str
unciphered = aux !! 1
rotation :: Int
rotation = read $ aux !! 2
rotate rotation <$> unciphered
main = interact solve
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Telomare.SimpleTextEditor where
import Control.Monad.State (MonadIO (liftIO), MonadState (get, put), StateT,
input = unlines [ "8"
, "1 abc"
, "3 3"
, "2 3"
, "1 xy"
, "3 2"
, "4"
, "4"
, "3 1"
data Action
= Append String
| Delete Int
| Print Int
| Undo
deriving (Show)
parse :: String -> Action
parse str =
case head str of
'1' -> Append . drop 2 $ str
'2' -> Delete . read . drop 2 $ str
'3' -> Print . read . drop 2 $ str
'4' -> Undo
runActions :: [Action] -> StateT ([(Action, String)], String) IO ()
runActions = \case
[] -> pure ()
(Append str : xs) -> do
(actions, buffer) <- get
put ((Append str, buffer) : actions, buffer <> str)
runActions xs
(Delete i : xs) -> do
(actions, buffer) <- get
put ((Delete i, buffer) : actions, reverse $ drop i (reverse buffer))
runActions xs
(Print i : xs) -> do
(_, buffer) <- get
liftIO . putStrLn $ [buffer !! (i-1)]
runActions xs
(Undo : xs) -> do
(a:actions, buffer) <- get
put (actions, snd a)
runActions xs
solve :: String -> IO ()
solve str =
let actions = parse <$> (tail . lines $ str)
in evalStateT (runActions actions) ([],"")
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