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Last active April 26, 2022 06:24
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Hunter's Event Target System

Here is a little event system I've been working on for Python. I've been trying to make it typesafe as possible, hence the generics and depending on specific classes for event info. This system has a couple neat features:

  1. Automatic event ID creation/decorator based event creation
  2. Events call parent events
  3. Low overhead (computations on IDs are done once and saved, simple dictionary based listener structure)

Creating and listening to events is simple:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from eventtarget import event, EventTarget

class GreetEvent():
    target: str

target = EventTarget() # I recommend inheriting this class instead, but this works too.
target.subscribe(GreetEvent, lambda event: print(f"Hello, {}!")) 

target.emit(GreetEvent("world")) # Prints "Hello, world!"
from abc import ABC, abstractstaticmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Callable, TypeVar
from itertools import chain
import re
class __Event(ABC):
def get_id() -> str:
This event's unique event ID
Used to determine which listener events are added to
def get_ids() -> set[str]:
A set of event IDs that this event inherits from
Used to determine which listeners are called when this event is emitted
E = TypeVar('E', bound=__Event)
class EventTarget():
def __init__(self):
self.__listeners = defaultdict(list)
def subscribe(self, eventType: type[E], listener: Callable[[E], None]):
Subscribes to an event, running a function when it or any of its
subclasses are called.
def unsubscribe(self, eventType: type[E], listener: Callable[[E], None]):
listeners = self.__listeners[eventType.get_id()]
while listener in listeners:
def emit(self, event: E):
Emits an event, running a function on it and all of its base event
classes. Order is non deterministic (parent events may be called before
child events, or vice versa).
listeners = chain(*[self.__listeners[id] for id in event.get_ids()])
for listener in listeners:
__upper_camel_pattern = re.compile(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])')
def event(cls: type):
Implements the event class based on class name and any inherited events.
Other decorators should be called *below* this decorator (this decorator
should be called last).
# create event ID from class name
event_id = __upper_camel_pattern.sub('_', cls.__name__).lower()
# find parents that are also events
event_parents = list(filter(lambda parent: __Event in parent.__mro__, cls.__bases__))
# generate event ids
event_ids = set(chain.from_iterable([
*[parent.get_ids() for parent in event_parents
if parent.get_ids() is not None]
# add event parent class if needed
required_additions = [cls, __Event if len(event_parents) < 1 else None]
actual_additions = [parent for parent in required_additions
if parent is not None]
# implement class
class __AnonymousEvent(*actual_additions):
def get_id():
return event_id
def get_ids():
return event_ids
# fix class data
__AnonymousEvent.__name__ = cls.__name__
__AnonymousEvent.__qualname__ = cls.__qualname__
__AnonymousEvent.__module__ = cls.__module__
__AnonymousEvent.__init__ = cls.__init__
return __AnonymousEvent
from dataclasses import dataclass
import unittest
from eventtarget import event, EventTarget
from unittest import TestCase
class TestEvent():
class TestDataEvent(TestEvent):
message: str
class TestCountDataEvent(TestEvent):
count: int
class TestJointDataEvent(TestDataEvent, TestCountDataEvent):
def __init__(self, message, count):
TestDataEvent.__init__(self, message)
TestCountDataEvent.__init__(self, count)
class TestEventTarget(EventTarget):
def __init__(self):
class TestEventTargetCase(TestCase):
def test_decorated(self):
event = TestEvent()
self.assertEqual(event.get_id(), "test_event")
self.assertSetEqual(event.get_ids(), set(['test_event']))
def test_data_decorated(self):
event = TestDataEvent("hello")
self.assertEqual(event.get_id(), "test_data_event")
self.assertSetEqual(event.get_ids(), set([
self.assertEqual(event.message, "hello")
def test_multiple_decorated(self):
event = TestJointDataEvent("hello", 5)
self.assertEqual(event.get_id(), "test_joint_data_event")
self.assertSetEqual(event.get_ids(), set([
def test_listen_emit(self):
target = TestEventTarget()
called = False
def fn(_):
nonlocal called
called = True
target.subscribe(TestEvent, fn)
event = TestEvent()
self.assertTrue(called, "should have emitted the event")
def test_listen_child(self):
target = TestEventTarget()
called = False
data = None
def fn(_: TestEvent):
nonlocal called
called = True
def child_fn(event: TestDataEvent):
nonlocal data
data = event.message
target.subscribe(TestEvent, fn)
target.subscribe(TestDataEvent, child_fn)
event = TestDataEvent("hello")
self.assertTrue(called, "should have emitted the event")
self.assertEqual(data, "hello", "should have attached the data")
def test_unsubscribe(self):
target = TestEventTarget()
call_count = 0
def fn(_: TestEvent):
nonlocal call_count
call_count += 1
target.subscribe(TestEvent, fn)
event = TestEvent()
self.assertEqual(call_count, 1, "should have listened to the event")
target.unsubscribe(TestEvent, fn)
self.assertEqual(call_count, 1, "should not have listened to the event")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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