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tired of nephs acting like they’re unc

Hugh Francis hhff

tired of nephs acting like they’re unc
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hhff / Dockerfile
Last active October 6, 2022 00:29
Urbit Alpine with optional swapfile setup
FROM alpine:latest
EXPOSE 80/tcp
EXPOSE 34343/udp
COPY ./bin/start-urbit /bin/start-urbit
COPY ./bin/get-urbit-code /bin/get-urbit-code
COPY ./bin/reset-urbit-code /bin/reset-urbit-code
RUN apk add --no-cache curl bash libcap libc6-compat
hhff /
Last active May 12, 2021 17:08
How to enable X-Ray Goggles on a Project

In order to enable X-Ray Goggles on a Replit Project (or any type of website), simply add the following script before the closing </body> tag (or in the <head>, it doesn't actually matter where).


<script src="" class="webxray" data-lang="en-US" data-baseuri=""></script>


hhff /
Last active April 23, 2021 21:32 — forked from conordavidson/
Pairing Interview — Pokédex

For this interview we'll be building a lightweight CRUD app. We'll start by creating some system diagrams and wireframes then build out a server and client.

The application is called Pokedé (we use .io because it's a brilliant startup).

We have some basic functional requirements for this application:

  • We will list Pokémon on a page. We'll pull from the Pokeapi ( to get this list.
  • Users can create an account and login. They can authenticate using email & password, Oauth with Google, or the slick new magic link strategy! Up to you!
  • Once authenticated, users can capture Pokémon. Next to each Pokémon in the list, there will be a capture button. When capturing a Pokémon, the user will be given the oppurtunity to name the capture and add a note. A user can retroactively update this name and note. Captures must be persisted and users cannot capture a Pokémon more than once.

We also have some fun features that we'd like to diagram (but not build):

1. User navigates to / (homepage)
2. User sees a clickable list of Pokemon names
3. User clicks a Pokemon, and they are linked to `/:pokemonName` (/ditto)
4. The Pokedex shows basic information about the Pokemon that the user selected (weight, height, id, and other basic attributes)
5. Nice to Have: The Pokedex enders an image of the pokemon.
6. Nice to Have: Add a button to the Pokemon show page that allows you to "capture" a pokemon if you have not already caught it, and this state should persist over page refresh.
var map = {
pickup: 1,
driver: 2,
fare: 3,
car: 4,
city: 5,
payment_method: 6
The implementation should:
- Implement an endpoint that mirrors
- Make a request to the appropriate resource in
- Reshape the data structure to that described at (ignoring the "links" keyword)
We look for:
- A functional approach to the code style
- The makings of an approach (or at least a solid plan) around testing
hhff / InfoBarTimeDisplay.js
Last active February 1, 2021 18:50
LightOS: InfoBarTimeDisplay
const TimeDisplay = withTime(props => (
render={memo(() => (
<Layout width={12}>
<UIText variant="copy" align="center" lineHeight={FONT_SIZES['copy']}>
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
import {
} from 'state/actions/usersActions';
function isPromise(value) {
if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') {
return value && typeof value.then === 'function';
hhff / swig_filters.js
Last active February 10, 2019 21:44
webhook2contentful: swig_filters.js modifications
module.exports.init = function (swig) {
/* ...Snip */
/* Paste this at the end of the file */
let oldGoogleImageSize;
[googleImageSize, oldGoogleImageSize] =
/* This is all the same... just here for context */
swig.setFilter('upper', upper);
hhff / .env
Last active February 19, 2019 03:00
webhook2contentful: Sample config