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Last active July 11, 2024 09:41
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DevRel questions

11th Annual Developer Relations Survey:


During the past 12 months, where did you work as a Developer Relations practitioner or perform functions directly related to developer relations? (Choose ALL that apply)

  • Agency or Consulting company
  • Company
  • I took medical or parental leave during the past year
  • I voluntarily left DevRel (Took a job outside DevRel, got promoted outside DevRel, retired, faced burnout)
  • I was laid off during the past year.
  • Independent or Freelance
  • Organization (Not-for-profit, government, academia, etc.)
  • I did not perform Developer Relations functions in the laast 12 months
  • Other (please specify)

Which resources have been the most effective in supporting your professional development in developer relations? (Choose your top 3)

  • Blogs
  • Books
  • Colleagues
  • Conferences or Meetups
  • In-house company training or workshops
  • Industry Reports
  • On the job
  • Online DevRel communities
  • Online education: Podcasts, webinars, newsletters, videos, etc.
  • Peers
  • Post-secondary education
  • Social media

Which of these activities do you spend the most time on in your most recent DevRel role? (Choose your top 5)

  • Advocacy - liaison with developers and deliver feedback to internal teams
  • Content development - Education - videos, workshops, tutorials, webinars, etc.
  • Content development - Marketing - blogs, websites, marketing materials
  • Content development - Technical - Docs, Getting Started Guides, etc.
  • Content production
  • Customer success
  • Data collection and reporting
  • Developer Experience - SDK creation, API governance, Developer tools, etc.
  • Events - Attending
  • Events - Booth Management
  • Events - Organizing your own (conferences, workshops, etc.)
  • Events - Public speaking
  • Events - Sponsoring
  • Internal company relations
  • Managing champion or ambassador programs
  • Managing online communities
  • Managing program and team
  • Marketing and outreach
  • Product development
  • Research / Staying up to date
  • Sales support
  • Social media
  • Strategy and planning
  • Support - answering support tickets, forum questions

Which type of developers does your developer program support? (Choose ALL that apply)

  • External - customers or users of our product or service
  • External - ISVs, partners, integrators
  • Internal - users or teams employed by our organization who use our product or service
  • Internal - we support the productivity of our organization's development teams
  • Not sure
  • N/A

Which department(s) does your DevRel team formally report to?

  • CEO
  • CTO
  • DevOps
  • Engineering
  • Innovation
  • Marketing
  • Not sure
  • Product
  • Revenue / Growth
  • Sales
  • Success
  • Support
  • N/A
  • Other (please specify)

Which of these functions are represented on your organization's DevRel team(s)? (Choose ALL that apply)

  • Community Managers
  • Community Ops
  • Developer Advocates
  • Developer Educators
  • Developer Experience Engineers
  • Developer Marketing
  • Evangelists
  • Events Managers
  • Integration Engineers
  • Product Development
  • Product Marketing
  • Technical Support
  • Technical Writers
  • Other (please specify)

To what level is the value of DevRel communicated across your organization? (Choose ALL that apply)

  • Founders / C-level
  • Directors / Team Heads
  • Engineering teams
  • Product teams
  • Marketing teams
  • Sales teams
  • Not sure
  • Other (please specify)

How often do you collaborate with other teams in your organization?

Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually Never N/A
  • C-Level
  • Customer Success
  • DevOps
  • Engineering
  • Marketing
  • Product
  • Revenue / Growth
  • Sales
  • Support

* Who do you consider to be part of your developer community? (Choose ALL that apply)

  • Advocates or Champions
  • Customers
  • Developer community members (Stack Overflow, GitHub, etc.)
  • Forum users (own, Discord, Slack, Reddit, etc.)
  • Newsletter / alert signups
  • Partners
  • Product Managers / Product Decision Makers
  • Social channel followers (ie., Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.)
  • Trial users
  • N/A
  • Other (please specify)

* How do you define 'active' community members? (Choose your Top 3)

  • Action taken in a repository, like GitHub
  • Community tool metrics
  • Content creation, like publishing blogs, newsletters, or YouTube videos
  • Event attendance - online
  • Knowledge sharing, like answering questions on Reddit or Stack Overflow
  • Percentage of API calls
  • Posts created in your own community chat apps, like Discord or Slack
  • Product usage
  • Replies or reactions to others' posts in community chat apps, like Discord or Slack
  • Resource usage - docs reviewed, code copied
  • Social media activity, like publishing, commenting, liking, sharing, or retweeting
  • Website usage, like content bookmarks or views
  • Other (please specify)

What is the main purpose of your developer program? (Choose your Top 3)

  • Build and nurture a developer community
  • Drive awareness and adoption of our products/services
  • Drive brand awareness
  • Drive engagement of our product(s)
  • Drive sales and grow our pipeline
  • Find new channels to market
  • Gather feedback and input on our products/services
  • Get code contributions
  • Provide education and support for developers
  • Reduce churn rate and risk
  • Simplify or reduce the cost of support
  • Support internal developers / engineers
  • Not sure
  • N/A
  • Other (please specify)

How do you measure the overall success of your program? (Choose your Top 3)

  • Active users
  • API calls
  • Budget
  • Churn reduction rate
  • Churn/Customers left
  • Code contributions
  • Content engagement
  • Content produced
  • Customer satisfaction (CSAT)
  • Developer satisfaction (NPS)
  • DevRel leads
  • Document downloads or views
  • New product feature identification
  • New program members
  • Newsletter signups
  • Product downloads
  • Reduction in support calls
  • Revenue generated
  • Revenue influenced
  • Sales
  • Site visits
  • Social media activity
  • Time to 'Hello World"
  • Total program members
  • We don't measure our program
  • Website Activity
  • Other (please specify)
  • N/A

What are the biggest challenges for your developer program? (Choose your Top 3)

  • Attracting new developers
  • Continuous content creation - marketing/other
  • Continuous content creation - technical
  • Engaging and retaining developers
  • Generating revenue
  • Hiring - Community staff
  • Hiring - Marketing staff
  • Hiring - Technical staff
  • Ineffective or lack of tools to manage our program
  • Insufficient budget
  • Insufficient internal support
  • Insufficient training in developer relations
  • Limitations with our product(s)
  • Proving the business impact of developer relations
  • Scaling marketing and outreach to developers
  • Scaling support teams
  • Using AI tools to support our program
  • Other (please specify)
  • N/A

 Which of these tactics have been most effective for your marketing/ outreach to attract new developers? (Choose your Top 3)

  • Advertising
  • Content Marketing (blog posts, case studies, ebooks, etc.)
  • Email campaigns
  • Engaging with online tech communities or forums
  • Events - Attending
  • Events - Organizing your own conferences, workshops, etc.
  • Events - Public speaking
  • Events - Sponsoring
  • Hackathons and contests
  • Influencer engagements
  • N/A
  • Newsletter (third party)
  • Newsletters (yours)
  • Partnerships (i.e., technology/integration, support, channel/solution)
  • Sales / Business Development team
  • SEO / PPC
  • Social media
  • University outreach
  • Webinars
  • Other (please specify)

Which of these online channels have been the most effective in reaching and communicating with your developer community? (Choose your Top 3)

  • Branded Developer portal (i.e.:
  • Code Project
  • Company Website
  • Discord
  • Discourse
  • Facebook
  • GitHub
  • Hacker News
  • Hacker Noon
  • Hashnode
  • Intercom
  • LinkedIn
  • Medium
  • Reddit
  • Slack
  • Stack Overflow
  • TD;LR
  • TikTok
  • Twitch
  • Twitter
  • WhatsApp
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Other (please specify)
  • N/A

How often does your developer program conduct developer experience and friction audits to review the developer journey of your products and services?

  • Annually
  • Quarterly
  • Monthly
  • Irregularly
  • Never
  • Other (please specify)

Most developer research suggests that Documentation is the most significant factor for developers deciding to use a tool. On a scale of 1 to 5, does your company put enough resources into creating and maintaining your Documentation?

(5 being excellent and 1 being poor)

Which tool(s) does your program use for its documentation? (Choose ALL that apply)

  • AlphaDocs
  • Apiary
  • APIMatic
  • Code Hike
  • Confluence
  • Contentful
  • Docusaurus
  • Drupal
  • Gatsby
  • GitHub Pages / Jekyll
  • Home Grown (custom CMS)
  • Hugo
  • Markdown
  • Mintlify
  • Notion
  • Postman
  • Readme
  • ReadTheDocs
  • Redocly / Redoc
  • Sphinx
  • Theneo
  • Treblle
  • WordPress
  • Other (please specify)
  • None of the above

Do you offer SDKs or libraries as part of your developer experience? If so, how are they built? (Choose ALL that apply)

  • Commercial SDK generator (i.e., APIMatic, LibLab)
  • Open-source SDK generator (i.e., OpenAPI Generator)
  • Our community builds them
  • We handcraft them ourselves
  • We don’t offer SDKs, but we are considering offering them in the future
  • We don’t offer SDKs, and have no plans to offer them in the future
  • Other (please specify)
  • Not sure

In which of the following ways do you use AI in your work? (Choose ALL that apply)

  • Analyzing developer community feedback
  • Automating documentation generation
  • Automating repetitive tasks (e.g., scheduling, email outreach, etc.)
  • Competitive landscaping
  • Conducting sentiment analysis on social media
  • Content generation - image and video
  • Content generation - text, audio transcription, code, etc.
  • Content production
  • Enhancing code suggestions and completions
  • Managing developer support with chatbots
  • Personalizing developer outreach
  • Strategic or market research
  • I do not use AI in my work
  • Other (please specify)

Which specific generative AI tools do you currently use or plan to use in your DevRel work? (Choose ALL that apply)

  • ChatGPT (OpenAI)
  • DALL-E (OpenAI)
  • Discord Bots (e.g., MEE6)
  • GitHub Copilot
  • Google Gemini
  • IBM Watson Assistant
  • Microsoft Designer
  • Midjourney
  • Perplexity
  • ReadMe
  • Ghostwriter
  • Slack Bots (e.g., Slackbot, Meekan)
  • Stable Diffusion
  • SwaggerHub
  • Whisper AI
  • LLaMA
  • Other (please specify)
  • None of the above

What are the biggest challenges in selecting and getting approval to use generative AI tools for your developer program? (Choose your Top 3)

  • Addressing security concerns
  • Assessing tool effectiveness
  • Availability of training and support
  • Ensuring accuracy of output
  • Ensuring data security
  • Finding suitable tools
  • Managing costs (usage and budget approval for seats)
  • Navigating the internal approvals process
  • Proving the value and ROI to stakeholders
  • Receiving adequate support and training
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Seamless integration with existing systems
  • We don't use generative AI tools
  • Other (please specify)

What do you believe are the biggest challenges for the practice of Developer Relations? (Choose your Top 3)

  • A formalized way of working together for the practice, within the DevRel community
  • Awareness of the impact Developer Relations brings to an organization
  • Awareness of the practice
  • Burnout / mental health issues
  • I'm not sure
  • Lack of career paths
  • Lack of common definitions
  • Lack of education and and training for the role
  • Proving impact and ROI with data and metrics
  • Recruiting people into the practice
  • Respect and credibility for the role
  • Other (please specify)
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