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Last active December 1, 2017 22:16
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import nolds
from fbm import FBM
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# number of time steps (days) to predict ahead
n = 30
# number of FBMs to realize
c = 1000
# read in the csv
df = pd.read_csv("eth-cad-max.csv")
# get the prices col slice from df
prices = np.array(df['price'])
# scale prices
SCALER = 1000
prices = prices/SCALER
start = 0
subset = prices[start:]
# compute the (per timestep) volatility and drift of the time series by log returns
log_ret = []
foo = prices[0]
for i in range(len(prices)-1):
ret = prices[i+1]/foo
foo = prices[i+1]
log_ret = np.array(log_ret)
sigma = np.std(log_ret)
mu = np.average(log_ret)
# compute hurst exponent
H = nolds.hurst_rs(subset)
print("Calculated hurst exponent is " + str(H))
# realize the FBMs
FBMs = []
for i in range(c):
f = FBM(n=n, hurst=H, length=1, method='hosking')
f_sample = f.fbm()
FBMs = np.array(FBMs)
W_0 = prices[len(prices)-1]
WD = []
means = []
sds = []
# compute the mean and sd's at each time step across all realizations
for i in range(c):
foo = []
for t in range(n+1):
# apply the Wiener process with drift solution to the FBM realizations
w = W_0*np.exp(mu * t + sigma* FBMs[i,t])
foo = np.array(foo)
WD = np.array(WD)
for t in range(n):
m = WD[:,t]
foo = np.average(m)
foo = np.std(m)
means = np.array(means)
sds = np.array(sds)
# plot predicted means and 95% confidence region (2 sd's)
x = np.linspace(1,n,n)
# randomly plot every 11th realization
mod = 11
for i in range(c):
if (i % 11 == 0):
plt.plot(x,WD[i],linewidth=0.5, color = 'black')
plt.plot(x,means, linewidth=3, color='r', label='Predicted mean')
plt.fill_between(x, means-2*(sds), means+2*(sds), color = 'grey', label = "95% confidence region")
plt.xlabel('Time step (days)')
plt.ylabel('CAD$ (x1000)')
plt.legend(loc = 2)
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