Question 1: In Wayland Sway, how do I handle the bootup to login process?
Response 1: Sway is a window manager, not a display manager, and so doesn't handle the login process directly. You can start Sway directly from the console by typing sway
, or automate this process by adding the start command to your shell's profile file. Alternatively, you can use a display manager that supports Wayland, such as GDM, SDDM, or Ly, which can be installed and enabled to start at boot using systemctl
Question 2: Why would I like to use Void Linux?
Response 2: Void Linux is a rolling release, independent distribution. It uses runit as its init system, xbps as its package manager, and LibreSSL instead of OpenSSL. It offers glibc and musl libc variants, has a minimalist base install, supports non-free packages, and offers good documentation.
Question 3: What is the difference between Arch Linux and Void Linux?
Response 3: Arch Linux and Void Linux are both rolling release distributions, but they differ in a few key ways. Arch uses systemd and pacman, while Void uses runit and xbps. Void offers glibc and musl libc options. Arch uses the Arch Build System, while Void uses xbps-src. Arch has the Arch User Repository (AUR), while Void has a smaller repository and no direct equivalent to the AUR.
Question 4: How do I install Docker in Void Linux?
Response 4: Docker can be installed on Void Linux using xbps. You can enable and start the Docker service using the runit commands ln -s /etc/sv/docker /var/service/
and sv start docker
. You can add your user to the Docker group to run Docker without root permissions using usermod -aG docker $USER
Question 5: Can I install Void Linux without a user and only use root?
Response 5: While it's technically possible to install Void Linux and only use the root user, it is highly discouraged due to security risks, software compatibility issues, and the potential for accidental system damage. It is recommended to create a non-root user and use sudo
to perform actions that require root permissions.
Question 6: I do not agree with the user stuff in Linux at all so I want to use a single administrative user.
Response 6: While you can use Linux as a single user (root), it is generally considered a bad idea due to the associated security risks. If you don't want to enter a password every time you use sudo
, you can configure sudo
to allow password-less execution for your user by adding yourusername ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
to the sudo configuration file using visudo
Question 7: I don't agree with sudo either. I use runas instead when I want to defer a subset of my permissions to a subprocess.
Response 7: Linux distributions usually do not come with runas
as it is more common in Windows environments. Linux uses sudo
or su
for privilege escalation. However, runuser
is a similar command to runas
in Linux which allows you to run a command as another user, similar to sudo
or su
, but without requiring a password. This could be a viable alternative if you absolutely don't want to use sudo
. Please note that runuser
must be run as root, and it's typically used in scripts run as root where you need to briefly drop to a less privileged user. Using a system constantly as root is not recommended
'runas' is a mnemonic. There are several commands that facilitate the same feature as 'runuser'.