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Last active September 13, 2018 11:26
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MessagePack encoding/decoding with extended and binary types support in Python
import msgpack
def _encode_ext_type(obj):
if isinstance(obj, set): # encode 'set' with typecode 10
return msgpack.ExtType(10, packb(tuple(obj)))
raise TypeError("unknown extended type for %r" % type(obj))
def _decode_ext_type(typecode, data):
if typecode == 10: # decode a 'set' type
return set(unpackb(data))
raise TypeError("unknown extended typecode %d" % typecode)
def pack(obj, stream, **kwargs):
"""Pack object using MessagePack (with extended types support)
and write packed bytes to a stream."""
msgpack.pack(obj, stream, default=_encode_ext_type, use_bin_type=True, **kwargs)
def packb(obj, **kwargs):
"""Pack object using MessagePack (with extended types support)
and return packed bytes."""
return msgpack.packb(obj, default=_encode_ext_type, use_bin_type=True, **kwargs)
def packer(*args, **kwargs):
"""Return a MessagePack (with extended types support) Packer object."""
return msgpack.Packer(*args, default=_encode_ext_type, use_bin_type=True, **kwargs)
def unpack(stream, **kwargs):
"""Unpack a stream of packed bytes using MessagePack (with extended types support)
and return unpacked object."""
return msgpack.unpack(stream, ext_hook=_decode_ext_type, raw=False, **kwargs)
def unpackb(packed, **kwargs):
"""Unpack packed bytes using MessagePack (with extended types support)
and return unpacked object."""
return msgpack.unpackb(packed, ext_hook=_decode_ext_type, raw=False, **kwargs)
def unpacker(*args, **kwargs):
"""Return a MessagePack (with extended types support) Unpacker object."""
return msgpack.Unpacker(*args, ext_hook=_decode_ext_type, raw=False, **kwargs)
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