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Created June 3, 2022 15:18
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APEX_IR PLSQL used in APEX Instant Tip
l_report APEX_IR.T_REPORT;
l_region_id apex_application_page_regions.region_id%type;
l_binds varchar2(4000);
select region_id
into l_region_id
from apex_application_page_regions
where application_id = :APP_ID
and page_id = :APP_PAGE_ID
and static_id = 'custom_query';
l_report := APEX_IR.GET_REPORT (
p_page_id => :APP_PAGE_ID,
p_region_id => l_region_id );
:P2_UNDERLYING_SQL := l_report.sql_query ;
for i in 1..l_report.binds.count
l_binds := l_binds ||CHR(13)||CHR(10)||l_report.binds(i).name||' = '||l_report.binds(i).value;
end loop;
:P2_BIND_VALUES := l_binds;
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