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Last active September 11, 2022 08:47
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Azure Notification Hubs REST API in .NET Core [Read/Delete All Registrations of Channel]
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MyApp
* Thanks:
* Delete registration in Azure notification hub - Stack Overflow
* Notification Hub Rest API - The specified resource description is invalid - c# - azure - xmldocument - dotnet-httpclient - azure-notificationhub - TechQA
* | Convert your XML Examples into XmlSerializer compatable C# Classes
class Program
const string hubName = "***";
const string apiVersion = "?api-version=2015-01";
const string fullSharedAccessKey = @"Endpoint=sb://***;SharedAccessKeyName=***;SharedAccessKey=***";
const string messageChannel = @"/messages";
const string registrationChannel = @"/registrations";
const string installationChannel = @"/installations";
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
static async Task Core()
var feed = await ReadAllRegistrations();
if (feed == null)
Console.WriteLine($"hits count:{feed.Entry.Count}");
foreach (var entry in feed.Entry)
var registrationId = entry.Content.AppleRegistrationDescription == null ? entry.Content.GcmRegistrationDescription.RegistrationId
: entry.Content.AppleRegistrationDescription.RegistrationId;
//var resultStatusCode = await DeleteRegistration(registrationId);
public static async Task<Feed> ReadAllRegistrations()
var accessKey = ToAccessKey(fullSharedAccessKey);
Uri uri = new Uri($"{accessKey.Endpoint}{hubName}{registrationChannel}/{apiVersion}");
var sasToken = createToken(uri.AbsoluteUri, accessKey.SasKeyName, accessKey.SasKeyValue);
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var message = new HttpRequestMessage()
RequestUri = uri,
Method = HttpMethod.Get
message.Headers.Add("Authorization", sasToken);
message.Headers.Add("If-Match", "*");
var response = await client.SendAsync(message);
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return null;
var reader = XmlReader.Create(await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync());
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Feed));
var feed = serializer.Deserialize(reader) as Feed;
return feed;
public static async Task<HttpStatusCode> DeleteRegistration(string registrationId)
var accessKey = ToAccessKey(fullSharedAccessKey);
Uri uri = new Uri($"{accessKey.Endpoint}{hubName}{registrationChannel}/{registrationId}/{apiVersion}");
var sasToken = createToken(uri.AbsoluteUri, accessKey.SasKeyName, accessKey.SasKeyValue);
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var message = new HttpRequestMessage()
RequestUri = uri,
Method = HttpMethod.Delete
message.Headers.Add("Authorization", sasToken);
message.Headers.Add("If-Match", "*");
var response = await client.SendAsync(message);
return response.StatusCode;
private static AzureNotificationsAccessKey ToAccessKey(string connectionString)
var key = new AzureNotificationsAccessKey();
// Parse Connection string
char[] separator = { ';' };
string[] parts = connectionString.Split(separator);
for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
if (parts[i].StartsWith("Endpoint"))
key.Endpoint = "https" + parts[i].Substring(11);
if (parts[i].StartsWith("SharedAccessKeyName"))
key.SasKeyName = parts[i].Substring(20);
if (parts[i].StartsWith("SharedAccessKey"))
key.SasKeyValue = parts[i].Substring(16);
return key;
/// <summary>
/// Code for generating of SAS token for authorization with Service Bus
/// This handy function can be found on this helpful blog post:
/// </summary>
/// <param name="resourceUri"></param>
/// <param name="keyName"></param>
/// <param name="key"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string createToken(string resourceUri, string keyName, string key)
TimeSpan sinceEpoch = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
var expiry = Convert.ToString((int)sinceEpoch.TotalSeconds + 3600); //EXPIRES in 1h
string stringToSign = EncodeUrl(resourceUri) + "\n" + expiry;
System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 hmac = new System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key));
var signature = Convert.ToBase64String(hmac.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToSign)));
var sasToken = String.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
"SharedAccessSignature sig={1}&se={2}&skn={3}&sr={0}",
EncodeUrl(resourceUri), EncodeUrl(signature), expiry, keyName);
return sasToken;
private static string EncodeUrl(string resourceUri)
return System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode(resourceUri);
public class AzureNotificationsAccessKey
public string Endpoint { get; set; }
public string SasKeyName { get; set; }
public string SasKeyValue { get; set; }
[XmlRoot("feed", Namespace = "")]
public class Feed
[XmlElement(ElementName = "entry", Namespace = "")]
public List<Entry> Entry { get; set; }
[XmlRoot(ElementName = "entry", Namespace = "")]
public class Entry
[XmlElement(ElementName = "id", Namespace = "")]
public string Id { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "link", Namespace = "")]
public Link Link { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "updated", Namespace = "")]
public string Updated { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "content", Namespace = "")]
public Content Content { get; set; }
[XmlRoot(ElementName = "AppleRegistrationDescription", Namespace = "")]
public class AppleRegistrationDescription
[XmlElement(ElementName = "ETag", Namespace = "")]
public string ETag { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "ExpirationTime", Namespace = "")]
public string ExpirationTime { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "RegistrationId", Namespace = "")]
public string RegistrationId { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "Tags", Namespace = "")]
public string Tags { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "DeviceToken", Namespace = "")]
public string DeviceToken { get; set; }
[XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "xmlns")]
public string Xmlns { get; set; }
[XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "i", Namespace = "")]
public string I { get; set; }
[XmlRoot(ElementName = "content", Namespace = "")]
public class Content
[XmlElement(ElementName = "AppleRegistrationDescription", Namespace = "")]
public AppleRegistrationDescription AppleRegistrationDescription { get; set; }
[XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "type")]
public string Type { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "GcmRegistrationDescription", Namespace = "")]
public GcmRegistrationDescription GcmRegistrationDescription { get; set; }
[XmlRoot(ElementName = "link", Namespace = "")]
public class Link
[XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "rel")]
public string Rel { get; set; }
[XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "href")]
public string Href { get; set; }
public class GcmRegistrationDescription
[XmlElement(ElementName = "ETag", Namespace = "")]
public string ETag { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "ExpirationTime", Namespace = "")]
public string ExpirationTime { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "RegistrationId", Namespace = "")]
public string RegistrationId { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "Tags", Namespace = "")]
public string Tags { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "GcmRegistrationId", Namespace = "")]
public string GcmRegistrationId { get; set; }
[XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "xmlns")]
public string Xmlns { get; set; }
[XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "i", Namespace = "")]
public string I { get; set; }
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