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seandenigris / gist:2604215
Created May 5, 2012 17:34
Pharo Smalltalk REPL server
"Works out of the box in Pharo 2.0. For prior versions (definitely works in 1.3 and 1.4), first file in"
| command |
command := FileStream stdin nextLine.
command ~= 'exit' ] whileTrue: [ | result |
result := Compiler evaluate: command.
FileStream stdout nextPutAll: result asString; lf ].
Smalltalk snapshot: false andQuit: true.
LightGuard / slide_components.adoc
Last active May 16, 2018 12:26
Visual components in a presentation.
topic / title

I think we all know what these are.

sub topic / title



Typically applied to lists, but elements are scattered around the borders of the slide


Callouts from source typically, attention to a particular line

figure / object / media

Some sort of media (image, video, audio, etc) followed by text

source block

Source code or some other monospace section of text

pull / float

pull the content of the container to one side


We all know what these are


Think HTML table

emphasis (could be within a title, paragraph, etc)

Some sort of demarcation for grabbing attention