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Last active January 3, 2024 15:39
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  • Save hi-ko/ed2a6aff62dd5d0df0302a3b97189473 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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ALF_TICKET=$(curl -ks "http://localhost:$ALF_TOMCAT_PORT/alfresco/service/api/login.json?u=$ALF_ADMIN_USER&pw=$ALF_ADMIN_PW"|jq -r .data.ticket)
# validate ticket
curl -s -u "$ALF_ADMIN_USER:$ALF_ADMIN_PW" -X GET "http://localhost:$ALF_TOMCAT_PORT/alfresco/service/api/login/ticket/$ALF_TICKET"
# delete
curl -s -u "$ALF_ADMIN_USER:$ALF_ADMIN_PW" -X DELETE "http://localhost:$ALF_TOMCAT_PORT/alfresco/service/api/login/ticket/$ALF_TICKET?format=json"
# Alfresco users
curl -s -u "$ALF_ADMIN_USER:$ALF_ADMIN_PW" $ALFTOOLS_ENDPOINT/service/api/people | jq -r '.people[] .userName'
curl -s -u "$ALF_ADMIN_USER:$ALF_ADMIN_PW" $ALFTOOLS_ENDPOINT/service/api/people | jq -r '.people[] | "\(.userName),\(.firstName),\(.lastName),\(.email)"'
# Alfresco groups
curl -s -u "$ALF_ADMIN_USER:$ALF_ADMIN_PW" $ALFTOOLS_ENDPOINT/service/api/groups | jq -r '.data[] .shortName'
curl -s -u "$ALF_ADMIN_USER:$ALF_ADMIN_PW" $ALFTOOLS_ENDPOINT/service/api/groups | jq -r '.data[] | "\(.shortName),\(.fullName),\(.displayName)"'
# Alfresco sites
curl -s -u "$ALF_ADMIN_USER:$ALF_ADMIN_PW" $ALFTOOLS_ENDPOINT/service/api/sites | jq -r '.[] .shortName'
curl -s -u "$ALF_ADMIN_USER:$ALF_ADMIN_PW" $ALFTOOLS_ENDPOINT/service/api/sites | jq -r '.[] | "\(.shortName),\(.visibility),\(.title)"'
# Alfresco site memberships
curl -s -u "$ALF_ADMIN_USER:$ALF_ADMIN_PW" "$ALFTOOLS_ENDPOINT/service/api/sites/$shortname/memberships" | jq -r '.[] | "\(.authority.fullName),\(.role)"'
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