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% From AsciiMath
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\newcommand{\Bmp}[0]{\begin{pmatrix}} % round bracket
% Others
## Uniform B-spline
### Def. 1
Define $B^k : \RR \to \RR$ for $k: 0, 1, ...$ by:
&\equiv E_{[0, 1)}(x)
1 ~~(\t{if}~~ x \in [0, 1)) \\
0 ~~(\t{otherwise}),
B^k(x) &\equiv x B^{k-1}(x) + (k + 1 - x) B^{k - 1}(x - 1).
- For the translation of function, we denote $B^k_i(x) \equiv B^k(x - i)$.
- For the translation, recursive definition becomes:
$$B^k_i(x) = (x - i) B^{k - 1}_i(x) + (k + 1 - (x - i)) B^{k - 1}_{i + 1}(x).$$
- It's easy to see that $\t{supp}(B^k) = [0, k + 1]$.
- Also it's easy to see that $B^k$ is $k$-deg polynomial for all intervals of the form $[i, i + 1]$.
### Prop. 2 (Derivatives)
\del_x B^k_i = k (B^{k-1}_i - B^{k-1}_{i + 1}).
- Strictly speaking, for $k = 1$, it only holds when $x \in (i, i + 1)$ (i.e. interior).
- When $k > 1$, both $\del_x B^k$ and $B^{k-1}$ are continuous, so this becomes true for whole $\RR$.
We prove this by induction.
For the initial case of $k = 1$, we directly see:
\del_x B^1_0(x)
1 &(\t{if}~~ x \in (0, 1)) \\
-1 &(\t{if}~~ x \in (1, 2)) \\
0 &(\t{otherwise})
\Ec \\
&= B^0_0(x) - B^0_{1}(x).
For $k > 1$, from the recursive definition, we have:
\del_x B^k_{i}
\del_x \l(
(x - i) B^{k - 1}_{i}
(k + 1 - (x - i)) B^{k - 1}_{i + 1}
\r) \\
(B^{k-1}(x) - B^{k - 1}_1(x))
+ (x - i) \del_x B^{k - 1}_{i}
+ (k + 1 - (x - i)) \del_x B^{k - 1}_{i + 1} \\
(B^{k-1}(x) - B^{k - 1}_1(x)) \\
+ (k - 1)
(x - i) ( B^{k-2}_{i} - B^{k - 2}_{i + 1} )
(k + 1 - (x - i)) ( B^{k-2}_{i + 1} - B^{k - 2}_{i + 2} )
\r) \\
&~~~~~~(\because \t{IH}).
Here, the last term becomes:
& (x - i) ( B^{k-2}_{i} - B^{k - 2}_{i + 1} )
+ (k + 1 - (x - i)) ( B^{k-2}_{i + 1} - B^{k - 2}_{i + 2} ) \\
(x - i) B^{k-2}_{i}
+ (k - (x - i)) B^{k-2}_{i + 1}
- (x - (i + 1)) B^{k - 2}_{i + 1}
+ (k - (x - (i + 1))) B^{k - 2}_{i + 2} \\
B^{k - 1}_i - B^{k - 1}_{i + 1}.
\del_x B^k_{i}
= (B^{k-1}(x) - B^{k - 1}_1(x)) + (k - 1) (...)
= k (B^{k-1}(x) - B^{k - 1}_1(x)).
### Prop. 3
\sum_{i \in \ZZ} B^k_i(x)
= \sum_{i = ⌊x⌋ - k}^{⌊x⌋} B^k_i(x)
= k!.
We prove this by induction.
For the base case $k = 0$, obviously $\sum_{i} B^0_i = \sum_{i} E_{[i, i + 1]} = 1$.
For the case $k > 0$, we have:
\sum_{i} B^{k}_{i}
&= \sum_{i} (x - i) B^{k - 1}_{i} + (k + 1 - (x - i)) B^{k - 1}_{i + 1} \\
&= \sum_{i} ((x - i) + (k + 1 - (x - (i - 1)))) B^{k - 1}_{i} \\
&= k \sum_{i} B^{k - 1}_{i} = k (k - 1)! ~~(\because \t{IH}) \\
&= k!.
### Prop. 4 (Linear independence)
For $(a_i)_i \in \RR^\ZZ$,
\sum_{i \in \ZZ} a_i B^k_i =0 \implies \forall i.~ a_i = 0
- Inifinite sum on the RHS is well-defined because each $B^k_i$ has compact support.
- If we consider the single interval, then we see that, for $x \in [0, 1]$,
\sum_{i \in -k, .., 0} a_i B^k_i = 0 \implies a_i = 0.
This means that these $k+1$ polynomials $\{ B^k_i(x) \}_{i: -k, .., -1, 0}$ is independent,
ant thus they make basis for degree-$k$ polynomials.
We prove this by induction.
For $k = 0$, this is obvious.
For $k > 0$, by taking the derivative of the sum:
0 &= \sum_i a_i \del_x B^k_i \\
&= k \sum_i a_i (B^{k - 1}_i - B^{k - 1}_{i + 1}) ~~(\because \t{Prop. 2}) \\
&= k \sum_i (a_i - a_{i - 1}) B^{k-1}_i.
Thus, by IH, we have $a_i - a_{i - 1} = 0$, and thus $\forall_i. ~ a_i = c$.
But, from Prop. 3, we see:
0 = \sum_i a_i B^k_i = c \sum_i B^k_i = c k!.
Therefore, we obtain $a_i = c = 0$.
### Prop. 5 (Subdivision property)
B^k(x / 2) = \frac{1}{2^k} \sum_{i: 0, .., k + 1} \binom{k + 1}{i} B^k_i(x).
- We denote these coefficient as $(s^k_i)_i$ i.e. $B^k(x/2) = \sum_i s^k_i B^k_i(x)$.
- For the translation, it becomes:
B^k_j(x/2) = B^k((x - 2j) / 2) = \sum_i s^k_i B^k_i(x - 2j) = \sum_i s^k_i B^k_{i + 2j}.
For $k = 0$, it reduces to $B^0(x/2) = B^0(x)$ and it holds true.
For $k > 0$, we expand LHS as:
2^k B^k(x/2)
2^k \l(
x/2 B^{k-1}(x/2) + (k + 1 - x/2) B^{k-1}_1(x/2)
\r) \\
2^{k - 1} \l(
x B^{k-1}(x/2) + (2(k + 1) - x) B^{k-1}_1(x/2)
\r) \\
\binom{k}{i} \l(
x B^{k-1}_i(x) + (2 (k + 1) - x) B^{k-1}_{i + 2}(x)
~~ (\because \t{IH}) \\
\binom{k}{i} x +
\binom{k}{i - 2} (2 (k + 1) - x)
~~ (\because \t{slide sum index of the 2nd term}) \\
\binom{k}{i} - \binom{k}{i - 2}
\r) x +
\binom{k}{i - 2} 2 (k + 1)
Next, we expand RHS as:
&\sum_i \binom{k+1}{i} B^k_i \\
\sum_i \binom{k+1}{i} \l(
(x - i) B^{k - 1}_i + (k + 1 - (x - i)) B^{k - 1}_{i + 1}
\r) \\
\binom{k+1}{i} (x - i) +
\binom{k+1}{i - 1} (k - (x - i))
~~(\because \t{slide sum index of the 2nd term}) \\
\l(\binom{k+1}{i} - \binom{k+1}{i-1} \r) x
- \binom{k+1}{i} i
+ \binom{k+1}{i - 1} (k + i)
For the term with $x$, from usual binomial coefficient identity, we have:
\binom{k+1}{i} - \binom{k+1}{i-1}
\l( \binom{k}{i} + \binom{k}{i-1} \r) -
\l( \binom{k}{i-1} + \binom{k}{i-2} \r)
= \binom{k}{i} - \binom{k}{i - 2}.
For the other terms, we resort to direct compututation by factorial:
&- \binom{k+1}{i} i
+ \binom{k+1}{i - 1} (k + i) \\
\frac{(k + 1)!}{(k + 1 - i)! ~ i!} (- i) +
\frac{(k + 1)!}{(k + 1 - (i - 1))! ~ (i - 1)!} (k + i) \\
\frac{(k + 1)!}{(k + 1 - (i - 1))! ~ (i - 1)!} \l(
- (k + 1 - (i - 1)) + (k + i)
\r) \\
\frac{(k + 1)!}{(k + 1 - (i - 1))! ~ (i - 1)!} 2 (i - 1) \\
(k + 1)
\frac{k!}{(k + (i - 2))! ~ i!} 2.
### Prop. 6 (1D subidivision mask)
Given $(a_i)_i, (b_i)_i \in \RR^\ZZ$ s.t. $b_{i_0} = \sum\limits_{p + 2i = i_0} s^k_p a_i$, then:
\sum_i a_i B^k_i(x/2) = \sum_i b_i B^k_i(x).
- Converse holds from the fact that B-splines $(B^k_i)_i$ forms basis.
- For the special case of $k = 3$, we have:
(s_0, s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4)
= \frac{1}{8}(1, 4, 6, 4, 1),
and thus:
&= (s_0, s_2, s_4) \Bmp a_0 \\ a_{-1} \\ a_{-2} \Emp
= \frac{1}{8} (1, 6, 1) \Bmp a_0 \\ a_{-1} \\ a_{-2} \Emp, \\\\
&= (s_1, s_3) \Bmp a_{-1} \\ a_{-2} \Emp
= \frac{1}{8} (4, 4) \Bmp a_{-1} \\ a_{-2} \Emp.
Since $B^3_0(x)$ has maximum at $x = 2$,
so we can interpret $b_0$ represents a finer version of control point value at $x = 2$ and
$a_0$ represents a coarser one at $x = 4$.
From this point of view, applying such rewriting of index (here using hat $\hat{a}, \hat{b}$),
we are lead to:
\hat{b}_2 &= \frac{1}{8} (1, 6, 1) \Bmp \hat{a}_4 \\ \hat{a}_2 \\ \hat{a}_0 \Emp
~~(\t{aka. vertex mask}),
\hat{b}_1 &= \frac{1}{2} (1, 1) \Bmp \hat{a}_2 \\ \hat{a}_0 \Emp
~~(\t{aka. edge mask}).
A bit more graphically (excuse my ascii), it's represented by something like:
[ Geometry (o: original, +: new) ]
o -- + -- o -- + -- o
[ Edge mask ]
1 -- + -- 6@ -- + -- 1
[ Vertex mask ]
1 -- @ -- 1
From Prop. 5, we have:
\sum_i a_i B^k_i(x/2)
= \sum_i a_i \sum_p s^k_p B^k_{p + 2i} (x)
= \sum_{i_0}
\l( \sum_{p + 2i = i_0} s^k_p a_i \r) B^k_{i_0}(x).
### Def. 7 (2D B-spline)
Define $B^{k, l} : \RR^2 \to \RR$ by:
B^{k, l}(x, y) \equiv B^k(x) B^l(y).
- When $k = l$, we denote $B^k(x, y) \equiv B^{k, k}(x, y)$.
- For the translation of the function,
we denote $B^{k, l}_{i, j}(x, y) \equiv B^{k, l}(x-i, y-j) = B^k_i(x) B^l_j(y)$.
- Many property easily follows from 1D case, e.g. basis, linear independence.
### Prop. 8 (2D subdivision mask)
Given $(a_{i, j})_{i, j} \in \RR^{\ZZ \xx \ZZ}$, we have:
\sum_{i, j} a_{i, j} B^{k, l}_{i, j}(x/2, y/2)
= \sum_i b_i B^{k, l}_{i, j}(x, y),
with $(b_{i, j})$ given by:
b_{i_0, j_0} =
\sum_{\substack{p + 2i = i_0 \\ q + 2j = j_0}} s^k_p s^l_q a_{i, j}.
Simply applying 1D case twice, we obtain the result:
\sum_{i, j} a_{i, j} B^{k, l}_{i, j}(x/2, y/2)
&= \sum_{i, j} a_{i, j} B^k_i(x/2) B^l_j(y/2) \\
&= \sum_{i, j} a_{i, j}
\sum_p s^k_p B^k_{p + 2i}(x)
\sum_q s^l_q B^l_{q + 2j}(y) \\
\sum_{i_0, j_0}
\sum_{\substack{p + 2i = i_0 \\ q + 2j = j_0}}
s^k_p s^l_q a_{i, j}
B^k_{i_0}(x) B^l_{j_0}(y) \\
\sum_{i_0, j_0} b_{i_0, j_0} B^{k, l}_{i_0, j_0}(x, y).
- For the special case of $k = l = 3$, we have (denoting $s_i \equiv s^3_i$):
b_{0, 0}
\Bmp s_0 & s_2 & s_4 \Emp
a_{0, 0} & a_{-1, 0} & a_{-2, 0} \\
a_{0, -1} & a_{-1, -1} & a_{-2, -1} \\
a_{0, -2} & a_{-1, -2} & a_{-2, -2} \\
\Bmp s_0 \\ s_2 \\ s_4 \Emp, \\\\
b_{0, -1}
\Bmp s_1 & s_3 \Emp
a_{0, -1} & a_{-1, -1} & a_{-2, -1} \\
a_{0, -2} & a_{-1, -2} & a_{-2, -2} \\
\Bmp s_0 \\ s_2 \\ s_4 \Emp, \\\\
b_{-1, -1}
\Bmp s_1 & s_3 \Emp
a_{-1, -1} & a_{-2, -1} \\
a_{-1, -2} & a_{-2, -2} \\
\Bmp s_1 \\ s_3 \Emp.
Or, graphically, we write:
[ Geometry (o: original, +: new) ]
o -- + -- o -- + -- o
| | | | |
+ -- + -- + -- + -- +
| | | | |
o -- + -- o -- + -- o
| | | | |
+ -- + -- + -- + -- +
| | | | |
o -- + -- o -- + -- o
[ Face mask ]
1 -- + -- 1
| | |
+ -- @ -- +
| | |
1 -- + -- 1
[ Edge mask ]
1 -- + -- 6 -- + -- 1
| | | | |
+ -- + -- @ -- + -- +
| | | | |
1 -- + -- 6 -- + -- 1
[ Vertex mask ]
1 -- + -- 6 -- + -- 1
| | | | |
+ -- + -- + -- + -- +
| | | | |
6 -- + --36@-- + -- 6
| | | | |
+ -- + -- + -- + -- +
| | | | |
1 -- + -- 6 -- + -- 1
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