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Created October 5, 2022 13:33
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public class MyStack : TerraformStack
public MyStack(Construct scope, string id) : base(scope, id)
var azurermProviderConfig = new AzurermProviderConfig() { Features = new AzurermProviderFeatures() };
var azurermProvider = new AzurermProvider(this, "AzureRm", azurermProviderConfig);
var rg = BuildResourceGroup();
var functionStorageAccount = BuildFunctionStorageAccount(rg);
var appServicePlan = BuildAppServicePlan(rg);
BuildFunction(rg, appServicePlan, functionStorageAccount);
private void BuildFunction(ResourceGroup rg, ServicePlan appServicePlan, StorageAccount functionStorageAccount)
var functionAppConfig = new LinuxFunctionAppConfig
Name = "hibrifuncapp",
ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
Location = rg.Location,
ServicePlanId = appServicePlan.Id,
AppSettings = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
StorageAccountName = functionStorageAccount.Name,
StorageAccountAccessKey = functionStorageAccount.SecondaryAccessKey,
SiteConfig = new LinuxFunctionAppSiteConfig
ApplicationStack = new LinuxFunctionAppSiteConfigApplicationStack
DotnetVersion = "6.0"
var functionApp = new LinuxFunctionApp(this, "functionapp", functionAppConfig);
private ServicePlan BuildAppServicePlan(ResourceGroup rg)
var appServicePlanConfig = new ServicePlanConfig
Name = "test-plan",
ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
Location = rg.Location,
OsType = "Linux",
SkuName = "B1"
var appServicePlan = new ServicePlan(this, "test-plan", appServicePlanConfig);
return appServicePlan;
private StorageAccount BuildFunctionStorageAccount(ResourceGroup rg)
var storageAccountConfig = new StorageAccountConfig
Name = "hibrifuncstr",
ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
Location = rg.Location,
AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
AccountTier = "Standard"
var functionStorageAccount = new StorageAccount(this, "hibrifuncstr", storageAccountConfig);
return functionStorageAccount;
private ResourceGroup BuildResourceGroup()
ResourceGroup rg = new ResourceGroup(this, "hibri-test", new ResourceGroupConfig
Location = "uksouth",
Name = "hibri-test"
return rg;
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