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Created February 9, 2020 17:34
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truncated cost in Sinkhorn
import numpy as np
import warnings
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.stats import norm as gaussian
def make_gaussians(grid, n_hists, loc=None, scale=None, normed=True,
"""Generate random gaussian histograms.
if loc is None:
loc = np.zeros(n_hists)
if scale is None:
scale = np.ones(n_hists)
if mass is None:
mass = np.ones(n_hists)
coefs = np.empty((len(grid), n_hists))
for i, (l, s) in enumerate(zip(loc, scale)):
coefs[:, i] = gaussian.pdf(grid, loc=l, scale=s)
if normed:
coefs /= coefs.sum(axis=0)
coefs *= mass
return coefs
def sinkhorn(p, q, K, epsilon, maxiter=5000, tol=1e-8):
"""Compute the Wasserstein divergence between histograms.
err = 10
log = dict(err=[])
b = np.ones_like(p)
Kb =
for i in range(maxiter):
a = p / Kb
Ka =
b = q / Ka
Kb =
err = abs(p - a * Kb).max()
if err < tol:
if np.isnan(Kb).any():
warnings.warn("Numerical Errors ! Stopped at last stable "
if i == maxiter - 1:
warnings.warn("*** Maxiter reached ! err = {} ***".format(err))
log['flag'] = 3
f = (np.log(a + 1e-100) * p).sum()
f += (np.log(b + 1e-100) * q).sum()
f *= epsilon
return f, i
if __name__ == "__main__":
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from time import time
epsilon = 1.
n_dim = 5
dimensions = np.linspace(10, 100, n_dim).astype(int) * 100
means = np.array([-0.05, 0.05])
sigma = 0.4
std = sigma * np.ones(2)
# cut-off for the squared ground metric
thresholds = np.array([0.1, 0.05, 0.002])
sparsity = []
n_thresh = len(thresholds)
times, times_sparse, loss, loss_sparse = np.zeros((4, n_thresh, n_dim))
times_np, loss_np = np.zeros((2, n_thresh, n_dim))
for ii, threshold in enumerate(thresholds):
print(">> Doing threshold %s / %s" % (ii + 1, n_thresh))
for jj, n_features in enumerate(dimensions):
print("Doing n_features %s / %s" % (jj + 1, n_dim))
grid = np.linspace(-5., 5., n_features)
M = (grid[:, None] - grid[None, :]) ** 2
Ms = M.copy()
K = np.exp(- M / epsilon)
Ms[Ms > threshold * M.max()] = float("inf")
Ks = np.exp(- Ms / epsilon)
Ks = sparse.csr_matrix(Ks)
x, y = make_gaussians(grid, 2, loc=means, scale=std).T
t = time()
f, i = sinkhorn(x, y, K, epsilon)
t = time() - t
times[ii, jj] = t
loss[ii, jj] = f
print("niter of full M", i)
ts = time()
fs, i = sinkhorn(x, y, Ks, epsilon)
ts = time() - ts
times_sparse[ii, jj] = ts
loss_sparse[ii, jj] = fs
print("niter of truncated-sparse", i)
ts = time()
fs, i = sinkhorn(x, y, Ks.toarray(), epsilon)
ts = time() - ts
times_np[ii, jj] = ts
loss_np[ii, jj] = fs
print("niter of truncated-numpy", i)
sparsity.append((Ks > 0).mean())
titles = ["Loss", "Time"]
labels = ["Full M", "Truncated M (scipy.sparse)",
"Truncated M (numpy)"]
f, axes = plt.subplots(2, n_thresh, figsize=(18, 6), sharex=True)
all_data = [[loss, loss_sparse, loss_np], [times, times_sparse, times_np]]
for ii, (ax_group, title, data) in enumerate(zip(axes, titles, all_data)):
tmp = np.stack(data)
tmp = np.swapaxes(tmp, 0, 1)
for ax, data, sp in zip(ax_group.flatten(), tmp, sparsity):
for data, label in zip(data, labels):
ax.plot(dimensions, data, lw=2, label=label)
ax.set_xlabel("# bins (dimension)")
if ii == 0:
ax.set_title("nnz = %.2f %%" % (sp * 100))
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