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Created February 12, 2019 12:10
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let solveByBacktracking moves solved initialState =
let rec inner state =
// to do: backtrack immediately if arrive at state we've seen before. (This can't happen for knight's tour or n queens as below.)
match state with
| Some progress when (progress |> solved |> not) ->
progress |> moves |> (Some >> inner) |> Seq.tryFind Option.isSome |> Option.flatten
| _ -> state
initialState |> Some |> inner
let describe row =
let groupContiguousBy projection list =
let folder x groups =
let key = x |> projection
match groups with
| (k, group)::rest when k = key ->
(k, x::group)::rest
| _ -> (key, [x])::groups
[] |> Array.foldBack folder list
row |> groupContiguousBy id |> List.where fst |> (snd >> List.length)
let makePuzzle (grid: bool[,]) =
let rows = [0..Array2D.length1 grid-1] |> (fun i -> grid.[i,*])
let columns = [0..Array2D.length2 grid-1] |> (fun j -> grid.[*,j])
(rows |> describe, columns |> describe)
let consistent description partial =
let solveNonogram (horizontals, verticals) =
let n = horizontals |> List.length
let m = verticals |> List.length
let solved (_, grid) =
makePuzzle grid = (horizontals, verticals)
let moves (depth, grid) =
if depth < n*m then
let i = depth / m
let j = depth % n
printfn "%A" (i, j)
assert (i < Array2D.length1 grid)
assert (j < Array2D.length2 grid)
seq {
for x in [true; false] do
let copy = Array2D.copy grid
copy.[i, j] <- x
yield (depth+1, copy)
let empty = Array2D.create n m false
(0, empty) |> solveByBacktracking moves solved |> snd
let easy = [[false; true; false]; [true;true;false]] |> array2D
let solution = easy |> makePuzzle |> solveNonogram
solution |> printfn "%A"
// solveNonogram ([[3];[2;1];[3;2];[2;2];[6];[1;5];[6];[1];[2]], [[1;2];[3;1];[1;5];[7;1];[5];[3];[4];[3]]) |> printfn "%A"
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