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Created February 8, 2019 15:17
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type Token = Text of string | Number of int | LeftBracket | RightBracket
let tokenize (compressed:string) : Token list =
let folder tokens c =
match c with
| '[' -> LeftBracket :: tokens
| ']' -> RightBracket :: tokens
| _ when System.Char.IsDigit c ->
let digit = c |> string |> int
match tokens with
| (Number n :: rest) -> (Number (10*n+digit)) :: rest
| _ -> Number digit :: tokens
| _ ->
let c = c |> string
match tokens with
| (Text s :: rest) -> Text (s+c) :: rest
| _ -> Text c :: tokens
compressed.ToCharArray() |> Array.toList |> List.fold folder [] |> List.rev
type SolutionState =
| Basic
| Multiplier of int
type PartialSolution = {
message : string;
state : SolutionState;
parent: PartialSolution option;
let solveTokens (tokens: Token list) =
let folder solution token =
match token with
| Text s -> { solution with message = solution.message + s}
| Number n ->
match solution.state with
| Basic -> { solution with state = Multiplier n}
| _ -> failwith "illegal number"
| LeftBracket ->
match solution.state with
| Multiplier n -> { message = ""; state = Basic; parent = Some solution}
| _ -> failwith "illegal left bracket"
| RightBracket ->
match (solution.state, solution.parent) with
| (Basic, Some parent) ->
match parent.state with
| Multiplier n ->
let replicated = solution.message |> String.replicate n
{parent with message = parent.message + replicated; state = Basic}
| _ -> failwith "unexpected"
| _ -> failwith "illegal right bracket"
let empty = { message = ""; state = Basic; parent = None }
let solution = tokens |> List.fold folder empty
match solution.state, solution.parent with
| Basic, None -> solution.message
| _ -> failwith "invalid input"
let solve = tokenize >> solveTokens
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