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Created February 10, 2014 22:41
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Unique syntax of Yaourt and Pacman
Synchronize with the repository db package:
# pacman -Sy
Upgrading your entire system:
# pacman -Su
Forcing the system update skipping errors:
# pacman -Suf
Install one or more packages:
# pacman -S <package-name> <package-name-2>
Remove one or more packages:
# pacman -R <package-name> <package-name-2>
Remove a package and its dependencies:
# pacman -Rs <package-name>
Remove a dependency of the package (useful for re-installing the same):
# pacman -Rdd <package-name>
Empty the cache and remove unused repo:
# pacman -Scc
Search for an installed package:
# pacman -Q <package-name>
Finding information on an installed package:
# pacman -Qi <package-name>
Membership of the file-packages:
# pacman -Qo <package-name>
# pacman -Qo /path/of/file
Install a package is not present in the repository:
# pacman -U /path/<package-name>.tar.gz
Download a package without installing it:
# pacman -Sw <package-name>
Remove unused dependencies:
# pacman -R $(pacman -Qdtq)
For more information visit WiKi or pacman man.
Yaourt (Yet AnOther User Repository Tool)
To install Yaourt open a terminal as root and modify with your favorite editor the configuration file of pacman:
# nano /etc/pacman.conf
at the end of the file and add the lines:
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =$arch
save and run the command:
# pacman -Sy base-devel yaourt
Additional Features:
In addition to all the features of pacman, yaourt includes many additional features and is recommended to be used with a simple user and not root. Let’s see what they are and how to use them.
Search and install a package:
$ yaourt <package-name>
Update the system also including the installed packages from the AUR:
$ yaourt -Syua
Update packages on the server git, svn bzr:
$ yaourt -Syu -devel
Create a package from source:
$ yaourt -Sb <package-name>
Manage (modify, merge, remove) the *. Pacnew or *. Pacsave:
$ yaourt -C
Download the PKGBUILD for this package in the AUR:
$ yaourt -G <package-name>
Back up the Local Database:
$ yaourt -B
Display statistics about installed packages etc.:
$ yaourt --stats
To learn early and quickly these commands you should use Yaourt-GUI, a gui for pacman and yaourt bash commands that returns to its use so as to store them and use them when they become more practical. Obviously the project is “made” and you can find it HERE or in the Project section of this site.
Guide of the old site
ArchLinux, Linux archlinux, li
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