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Last active August 23, 2017 15:28
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Log/File Analysis

What Where Notes
review shell history files .*_history
temp. editor files .vi/.vim/.lesshst/sqlite*

Look for suspicious files

What Where Notes
hidden files
temp. files /tmp, /dev/shm look in /etc/fstab for tmpfs
incorrect permissions
file owners e.g, incorrect withing web root

Exfiltration / Lateral Movement

What Where Notes
scan for webshells web root limit to know file extentions & file size
upload/download activity ftp, curl, wget, perl/python, scp, sftp, browser history, web logs


What Where Notes
suspicious software installed via packge manager (yum.log, dpkg.log...) nmap, openssh...
sources within package managers
pre/post scripts/commands from dependencies with package managers e.g. stealing env. variables or executing something malicious after install with npm
application specific logs database etc.
kernel modules
suspicious accounts /etc/passwd look for users with UID 0:0 (root) & default shells
suspicious accounts /etc/sudoers
suspicious accounts /etc/shadow look for accounts with no password set
env variables echo out env variables & also look for scripts/tools which are doing the same as sensitive information may be contained within them

Weak/Default Configurations

What Where Notes
SSH password authentication permitted
SSH root login permitted
SSH max failed logons
3rd party within web root outdated CMS, file upload functionality, incorrect permissions and file validation on uploads


What Where Notes
numerous failed attempts single user
numerous failed logons /var/log/(b u
SSH ssh -T
SSH *known_hosts
priv. escalation sudo/su (/var/log/auth*.log*, /var/log/sudo*.log*)
correlation of source Ip/hostname for users logging on easy to see shared accounts/logging in from places that arent normal
from suspicious processes web server processes e.g., explicit creds to auth. and logon process is C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\InetMgr.exe


What Where Notes
cron jobs
init.d scripts
trojanized binaries
added to .bashrc/.profile/.bash_aliases
web browser plugins/extentions/addons


What Where Notes
processes with no file on disk
reverse shells/tunnelers/listeners CLI args. via Auditd
parent/child relationships


What Where Notes
DNS cache
hosts file /etc/hosts


What Where Notes
tampering with shell history UNSET, HISTSIZE, > /dev/null
gaps within logs /var/log/ files and/or web logs (e.g., attacker using something like white cat log cleaner)


What Where Notes
Distro info. /etc/*-release
Install date /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*_key files usually created during install
System name /etc/hostname
IP address(es) /etc/hosts static
IP address(es) /var/lib/dhclient DHCP
Timezone /etc/localtime needs to be decoded, strings or zdump

Log Standards/Pipeline/Recommendations

What Description Notes
AuditD exec & connect, file integrity, priv. escalation epoch in () is key to track/correlate additional event entries

Typical Analysis Workflow for LR data

  1. Review shell history
  2. Review tmpfs (/tmp, /dev/shm, tmpfs in /etc/fstab etc.)
  3. Review history files of edit applications for files accessed/changed (.lesshst, .viminfo etc.)
  4. Look for hidden files/directories
  5. Review hits for webshell and A/V scans
  6. Look at listening ports
  7. Look at process listing (CLI, working directories, parent/child relationships, uptime etc.)
  8. Rewview SSH related files (authorized_keys, known_hosts, sshd_config etc.)
  9. Stack privileges of files/directories to spot excessive privileges
  10. Stack owner/group of files/directories to spot anomalies
  11. Review crontab
  12. Query IPs/file hashes (known trojanized binaries, C2's etc.)
  13. Review installed applications from package managers
  14. Consolidate file listings into timeline view -> filter/grep/time slice
  15. Look at shell's for users (/etc/passwd)
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