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Last active November 7, 2023 04:50
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Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
Uber's SSH CA A pam module that will authenticate a user based on them having an ssh certificate in their ssh-agent signed by a specified ssh CA. Linux
Netflix's BLESS An SSH Certificate Authority that runs as an AWS Lambda function and is used to sign SSH public keys. AWS,Linux
SSH Cert Authority An implementation of an SSH certificate authority/
Square's Sharkey Sharkey is a service for managing certificates for use by OpenSSH Linux
Google's IAP Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (Cloud IAP) controls access to your cloud applications running on Google Cloud Platform. Cloud IAP works by verifying a user’s identity and determining if that user should be allowed to access the application. Google Cloud Platform
Google's Security Key Enforce the use of security keys to help deter phishing Various Sites
Microsoft LAPS Win
Google Authenticator
Google Push
Slack's securitybot Slack
Dropbox's securitybot An open-source implementation of a distributed alerting chat bot Slack, DUO
Powershell 5.0 Contains enhanced logging capabilities, Default in Windows 10 Win


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
AirBnB's StreamAlert A serverless, realtime data analysis framework which empowers you to ingest, analyze, and alert on data from any environment, using datasources and alerting logic you define. AWS
Yelp's Elastalert A simple framework for alerting on anomalies, spikes, or other patterns of interest from data in Elasticsearch.
Windows Event Forwarding A repository for using windows event forwarding for incident detection and response ref1 ref2 Win
Example Sysmon config Sysmon configuration file template with default high-quality event tracing Win
Palantir's Windows Event Forwarding Guidance Building blocks for organizations to rapidly evaluate and deploy WEF to a production environment, and centralize public efforts to improve WEF subscriptions and encourage adoption. Win
clara Serverless, real-time, ClamAV+Yara scanning for your S3 Buckets AWS
bucket-antivirus-function Serverless antivirus for cloud storage AWS
Endgame's Varna An AWS serverless cloud security tool that parses and alerts on CloudTrail logs using Event Query Language (EQL). AWS


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
DropBox's Securitybot An open-source implementation of a distributed alerting chat bot for Slack
Slack Write-up/tutorial
Errbot Cylance's Cybot

Ticketing/Incident Tracking/Sharing/Review

Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
PagerDuty PagerDuty is an agile incident management solution that integrates with ITOps and DevOps monitoring stacks to improve operational reliability and agility.
The Hive A Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
ThreatResponse A Free Open Source Security Suite for Hardening and Responding in AWS AWS
Timesketch An open source tool for collaborative forensic timeline analysis.
MISP Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) and Threat Sharing, is an open source software solution for collecting, storing, distributing and sharing cyber security indicators and threat about cyber security incidents analysis and malware analysis.
FIR FIR (Fast Incident Response) is an cybersecurity incident management platform designed with agility and speed in mind. It allows for easy creation, tracking, and reporting of cybersecurity incidents.
Threat Note Lightweight Investigation Notebook usage examples
Netflix's Dispatch Dispatch helps us effectively manage security incidents by deeply integrating with existing tools used throughout an organization (Slack, GSuite, Jira, etc.)


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
go-flashpaper A simple go-based service for creating one time use links to text data or individual files.
ownCloud A self-hosted file sync and share server.
GitLab Git repository management, issue tracking, code review, an IDE, activity streams, wikis, and more.


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
Slack's go-audit An alternative to the auditd daemon written in go
DevAudit Open-source, cross-platform, multi-purpose security auditing tool Linux/Mac/Win
HardenTools A collection of simple utilities designed to disable a number of "features" exposed by operating systems, and primary consumer applications. Win
Process Tracking Win
PowerShell Enhanced Logging Win
Sysmon Config Sysmon configuration file template with default high-quality event tracing Win
Sysmon Queries Write-up/turotial Win
sysmon-modular A repository of sysmon configuration modules Win
WMI Monitor Ceates a new Event Subscriber to monitor for newly created WMI Event Consumers and processes. Win
WMIMon A tool to monitor WMI activity on Windows Win
Uproot A Host Based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) that leverages Permanent Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Event Susbcriptions to detect malicious activity on a network. Win
Mozilla's SSH Scan A SSH configuration and policy scanner Linux/Mac
MacOS Security & Privacy Guide Write-up/turorial Mac
KnockKnock A command line python script that displays persistent OS X binaries that are set to execute automatically at each boot. Mac
Security Monkey Monitors policy changes and alerts on insecure configurations in an AWS account AWS
dockerscan Docker security analysis & hacking tools
DUO's Phinn A toolkit to generate an offline Chrome extension to detect phishing attacks using a bespoke convolutional neural network. Chrome
Windows Defender Exploit Guard Windows Defender Exploit Guard is a new set of intrusion prevention capabilities that ships with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. The four components of Windows Defender Exploit Guard are designed to lock down the device against a wide variety of attack vectors and block behaviors commonly used in malware attacks, while enabling enterprises to balance their security risk and productivity requirements Win
Unfetter A Suite of open source tools leveraging the MITRE ATT&CK framework to help measure your security posture.
Caldera An automated adversary emulation system that performs post-compromise adversarial behavior within Windows Enterprise networks & maps to MIRE ATT&CK framework. , DetectionLab
Uber's metta A tool for basic adversarial simulation via MIRE ATT&CK framework.
Endpoint isolation Instructions for hardening via Windows firewall Win
Dow Jones' Hammer An AWS tool that identifies misconfigurations and insecure data exposures within most popular AWS resources, across all regions and accounts. AWS
T-Mobile's PacBot
Policy as Code Bot (PacBot) is a platform for continuous compliance monitoring, compliance reporting and security automation for the cloud. AWS
DUO's CloudMapper Helps you analyze your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments. AWS
DUO's CloudTracker Helps you find over-privileged IAM users and roles by comparing CloudTrail logs with current IAM policies. AWS
Scout2 Security auditing tool for AWS environments. AWS
ScoutSuite Multi-Cloud Security Auditing Tool AWS/Azure/GCP
DUO's Parliment AWS IAM linting library AWS
auth0's Repo Supervisor Serverless tool that scans your code for security misconfiguration, search for passwords and secrets SecretsDetection
DUO's Secret Bridge Monitors Github for leaked secrets SecretsDetection
AWS Lab's git-secrets Prevents you from committing secrets and credentials into git repositories SecretsDetection
Yelp's detect-secrets An enterprise friendly way of detecting and preventing secrets in code. SecretsDetection
Lyft's Cartography A Python/Neo4j tool that exposes otherwise hidden dependency relationships between your service's assets so that you may validate assumptions about security risks. AWS/GCP/GSuite
Salesforce's Cloudsplaining An AWS IAM Security Assessment tool that identifies violations of least privilege and generates a risk-prioritized HTML report with a triage worksheet. AWS
LambdaGuard LambdaGuard is an AWS Lambda auditing tool designed to create asset visibility and provide actionable results. It provides a meaningful overview in terms of statistical analysis, AWS service dependencies and configuration checks from the security perspective. AWS


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
DUO's IsThisLegit A dashboard and Chrome extension that makes it easy to receive, analyze, and respond to phishing reports. G-Suite
G-Suite tips Various pointers, settings and addons related to G-Suite G-Suite


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
UtilityBelt A Python library for being a CND Batman.
Malice A free open source version of VirusTotal that anyone can use at any scale
Threatstream's Bulk DNS Resolver Lightning-fast high-performance bulk DNS resolution tool
Threatstream's Symhash A tool to create symbol table hashes for Mach-O executables (i.e. imphash for MacOS binaries). Mac
Google's Santa A binary whitelisting/blacklisting system for macOS.
MITRE's Multiscanner A modular file scanning/analysis framework
Cortex Analysis engine allowing querying of IP and email addresses, URLs, domain names, files or hashes, can be analyzed one by one or in bulk mode using a Web interface.
Threat Intelligence Curated list of Threat-Intelligence Feeds & Tools & Frameworks
ActorTrackr An open source web application for storing/searching/linking Actor related data. Linux
APTnotes A repository of publicly-available papers and blogs (sorted by year) related to malicious campaigns/activity/software that have been associated with vendor-defined APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) groups and/or tool-sets.
awesome-iocs A curated list of indicators of compromise (and a few IOC related tools)
spiderfoot AN open source intelligence automation tool. Its goal is to automate the process of gathering intelligence about a given target, which may be an IP address, domain name, hostname or network subnet.
yeti A platform meant to organize observables, indicators of compromise, TTPs, and knowledge on threats in a single, unified repository
GOSINT a project used for collecting, processing, and exporting high quality indicators of compromise (IOCs).
Intel 471 [PDF] Threat Intelligence Program Checklist
PasteHunter Scans PasteBin with YARA rules and puts results into ElasticSearch
pastemon Content Monitoring Tool


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
Threat Hunting Project Write-up/tutorial
ThreatHunter-Playbook Write-up/tutorial
Scumblr A web application that allows performing periodic syncs of data sources which helps you streamline proactive security through an intelligent automation framework to help you identify, track, and resolve security issues faster.
Palantir's Alerting and Detection Strategies Framework Building blocks for development of alerting strategies
MITRE ATT&CK Matrix Invoke-ATTACKAPI, Red Canary's Atomic Red Team, Cobalt Strick mapping
JP CERT's Hunting Lateral Movement PDF


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
BRO A powerful network analysis framework
MITRE's ChopShop Protocol Analysis/Decoder Framework


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
mac_apt A framework for parsing Mac OSX artifacts from a dead disk mac
ACE Part of Invoke-IR
PowerForensics Part of Invoke-IR
Velociraptor A tool for collecting host based state information using Velocidex Query Language (VQL) queries
forseti security Terraform deployment scripts for open source incident response and digital forensics tools (Timesketch, Turbinia, GRR) GCP
Google's GiftStick Software to make a 1-Click bootable drive to push evidence to the cloud (incl. system firmware)
Google's libcloudforensics Python library to carry out DFIR analysis on the Cloud GCP / AWS


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
FireEye's FLARE VM A fully customizable, Windows-based security distribution for malware analysis, incident response, penetration testing, etc.
AirBnB's BinaryAlert Serverless, Real-time & Retroactive Malware Detection leveragingg YARA in AWS
Malboxes Builds malware analysis Windows virtual machines so that you don’t have to.
Yelp's AMIRA A service for automatically running the analysis on the OSXCollector output files.
Cuckoo An automated dynamic malware analysis system
Cuckoo-modified Aheavily modified version of Cuckoo Sandbox provided under the GPL by Optiv, Inc.
Viper Binary analysis and management framework Malware Repo
Netflix's Fido Fully Integrated Defense Operation (FIDO) is an orchestration layer used to automate the incident response process by evaluating, assessing and responding to malware.
awesome-malware-analysis A curated list of awesome malware analysis tools and resources
FAME Framework meant to facilitate analysis of malicious files, leveraging as much knowledge as possible in order to speed up and automate end-to-end analysis. (not a sandbox replacement)


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
OSQuery extensions, kolide, osquery-python Linux/Mac/Win
Heroku's Windmill A TLS server that delivers configuration to osquery and also allows you to roll out new configs to small samples of servers to make sure that the new config does not cause problem before deploying to all machines.
Endpoint Detection and Response (XLSX) Spreadsheet comparing various endpoint solutions
SysMon A curated list of resources for learning about deploying, managing and hunting with Microsoft Sysmon.
Carbon Black Red Canary's CB utils
Netflix's Stethoscope A web application that collects information from existing device data sources (e.g., JAMF or LANDESK) on a given user’s devices and gives them clear and specific recommendations for securing their systems


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
doorman An osquery fleet manager that allows administrators to remotely manage the osquery configurations retrieved by nodes. Mac
Google's MacOps Utilities, tools, and scripts for managing and tracking a fleet of Macintoshes in a corporate environment Mac
munki A set of tools that, used together with a webserver-based repository of packages and package metadata, can be used by OS X administrators to manage software installs (and in many cases removals) on OS X client machines. Mac
fleet A fleet manager for osquery Linux/Mac/Win

Package/Configuration Management/Deployment

Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
Chocolatey A Windows-based package management system with thousands of packages Win


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
FireEye's Commando VM A fully customized, Windows-based security distribution for penetration testing and red teaming.


Name/Link Description/Purpose Tags
CyberChef A web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis
stoQ A super-simple framework that allows cyber analysts to organize and automate repetitive, data-driven tasks
YaraGuardian Web UI for managing, editing etc. YARA rules
awesome-security A curated list of awesome software, libraries, documents, books, resources and cools stuffs about security.
awesome-forensics A curated list of awesome free forensic analysis tools and resources.
Slack's Nebula A scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security
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