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Forked from davegurnell/ios-scroll.js
Created January 24, 2011 16:38
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/* iOS scrollpane jQuery plugin, v1.0
* ==================================
* (c) 2011 Dave Gurnell
* Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported licence:
/* Initialise a scrollpane. Use this on HTML like:
* <div id="viewport">
* <div>First page</div>
* <div>Second page</div>
* <div>Third page</div>
* </div>
* $("#viewport").scrollPane();
* The method wil automatically position and resize the pages
* so they're the same size as the viewport. Touching and dragging
* on the pages will flip between them in the style of the iOS home
* screen. Options:
* - direction: "horizontal" or "vertical", default "horizontal"
* The scroll direction.
* - deadzone: int, default 25
* Distance the user has to drag before a page transition is
* triggered. Avoids accidental page transitions caused by
* brushing against the screen.
* - draggable: boolean, default true
* Setting this to false disables the touch gestures. This is
* useful if you only want to transition using the $().showpage()
* method (see bottom of the file).
* - setupCss: boolean, default true
* Whether to edit the CSS rules for the viewport and pages.
* Set this to false to do your own layout, but bear in mind the
* plugin only works if the pages are the same size as the viewport.
* Note that this option does not affect whether the method sets
* -webkit-transition and -webkit-transform on the viewport.
* - onscroll: (int int int -> void), default empty function
* Callback function that gets invoked whenever the page scrolls.
* Use this to hook up animations and status indicators elsewhere
* on the page.
* Arguments to the function are:
* - pos : int
* the (typically negative) position that we're scrolling to, in pixels
* - page : real
* the (typically positive, possibly fractional) position that we're
* scrolling to, in units of a page
* - duration : int
* the number of milliseconds we're going to take to get there
* - onscrollfinish: (int int -> void), default empty function
* Callback function that gets invoked when the viewport settles on a
* new page. pos and page arguments are the same as for onscroll.
$.fn.scrollpane = function(options) {
options = $.extend({
direction: "horizontal",
deadzone: 25,
draggable: true,
setupCss: true,
onscroll: function(pos, page, duration) { },
onscrollfinish: function(pos, page) { }
}, options);
return this.each(function () {
// the scroll pane viewport
// jQuery
var outerElem = $(this);
// a large div containing the scrolling content
// jQuery
var innerElem = $("<div></div>");
// cache these for later
// natural
var outerWidth = outerElem.width();
var outerHeight = outerElem.height();
// boolean
var horizontal = (options.direction == "horizontal");
// the number of pixels the user has to drag and release to trigger a page transition
// natural
var deadzone = Math.max(0, options.deadzone);
// the index of the current page. changed after the user completes each scrolling gesture.
// integer
var currentPage = 0;
// width of a page
// integer
var scrollUnit = horizontal ? outerWidth : outerHeight;
// x coordinate on the transform. -ve numbers go to the right,
// so this goes -ve as currentPage goes +ve
// integer (pixels)
var currentPos = 0;
// min and max scroll position:
// integer (pixels)
var scrollMax = 0;
var scrollMin = -scrollUnit * (innerElem.children().length - 1);
// time to settle after touched:
// natural (ms)
var settleTime = 500;
// dragMid and dragEnd are updated each frame of dragging:
// integer (pixels)
var dragStart = 0; // touch position when dragging starts
var dragMid = 0; // touch position on the last touchmove event
var dragEnd = 0; // touch position on this touchmove event
// +1 if dragging in +ve x direction, -1 if dragging in -ve x direction
// U(-1, +1)
var dragDir = 0;
if(options.setupCss) {
outerElem.css({ "position": "relative", "overflow": "hidden" });
// position the pages:
innerElem.children().each(function(index) {
$(this).css({ "position" : "absolute",
"display" : "block",
"width" : outerWidth,
"height" : outerHeight })
.css(horizontal ? "left" : "top", scrollUnit * index);
// natural natural boolean -> void
function scrollTo(position, duration, finish) {
options.onscroll(position, -position/scrollUnit, duration);
"-webkit-transition": "all " + (duration == 0 ? "0" : duration + "ms"),
"-webkit-transform": horizontal ?
("translate3d(" + position + "px, 0, 0)") :
("translate3d(0, " + position + "px, 0)") });
if(finish) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
options.onscrollfinish(position, -position/scrollUnit, duration);
// Immediately set the 3D transform on the scroll pane.
// This causes Safari to create OpenGL resources to manage the animation.
// This sometimes causes a brief flicker, so best to do it at page load
// rather than waiting until the user starts to drag.
scrollTo(0, 0, true);
// set up the menu callback:"showpage", function(page) {
// int
page = page < 0
? innerElem.children().length + page
: page;
currentPos = Math.max(scrollMin, Math.min(scrollMax, -page * scrollUnit));
currentPage = -currentPos / scrollUnit;
console.log("pos " + currentPos);
console.log("page " + currentPage);
scrollTo(currentPos, settleTime, true);
// bind the touch drag events:
if(options.draggable) {
outerElem.bind("touchstart", function(wrap) {
var evt = wrap.originalEvent;
if(evt.touches.length == 1) {
dragStart = dragEnd = dragMid = horizontal ? evt.touches[0].pageX : evt.touches[0].pageY;
// bind the touch drag event:
}).bind("touchmove", function(wrap) {
var evt = wrap.originalEvent;
if(evt.touches.length == 1) {
dragEnd = horizontal ? evt.touches[0].pageX : evt.touches[0].pageY;
dragDir = (dragEnd - dragMid) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
currentPos += dragEnd - dragMid;
dragMid = dragEnd;
scrollTo(currentPos, 0, false);
// bind the touch end event:
}).bind("touchend", function(wrap) {
var evt = wrap.originalEvent;
// boolean
var reset = Math.abs(dragEnd - dragStart) < deadzone;
// real
var scrollPage = -1.0 * currentPos / scrollUnit;
// natural
var nextPage = reset
? currentPage
: (dragDir < 0
? Math.ceil(scrollPage)
: Math.floor(scrollPage));
// int
var nextPos = Math.max(scrollMin,
-scrollUnit * nextPage));
currentPos = nextPos;
currentPage = nextPage;
scrollTo(nextPos, settleTime, true);
// Once you've initialized a scrollpane with $().scrollpane(),
// you can use this method to cause it to programmatically scroll
// to a particular page. Useful for creating a navigation menu, or
// those little dots on Apple-store-style product galleries.
// Pages are indexed from 0 upwards. Negative numbers can be used
// to index pages from the right.
// int -> jQuery
$.fn.showpage = function(index) {
var fn ="showpage");
return this;
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