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Created February 15, 2011 12:02
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Add Magic Fields support to FlashPress
* This function returns a Magic Fields group
* @param string $name_group The name of the group you are looking for
* @param integer $post_id The Wordpress post id
public function getMagicFieldsGroup( $name_group, $post_id=NULL ) {
$group = get_group( $name_group, $post_id );
$order = get( 'order', 1, 1, true, $post_id );
$g = false;
$g -> {'sections'} = array();
foreach( $group as $key => $value )
$section = false;
foreach( $value as $k => $v )
$section -> {$k} = $v[1];
array_push( $g->sections, $section );
$g->{'order'} = $order;
return $g;
* This function returns all posts in a category along with the associated magic fields
* @param string $category_name The name of the category you are looking for
* @param string $number_posts The maximum number of posts you would like returned
* @param string $group_name The name of the magic fields group to retrieve
public function getCategoryWithMagicFields( $category_name, $number_posts=10, $group_name=NULL )
$args = 'numberposts=' . $number_posts . '&category_name=' . $category_name;
$myPosts = get_posts($args);
$p = $this->postDataParser($myPosts);
$results = array();
foreach( $p as $value)
$magicFieldsGroup = $this->getMagicFieldsGroup( $group_name, (int)$value->ID );
$magicFieldsGroup->{'title'} = $value->post_title;
$magicFieldsGroup->{'name'} = $value->post_name;
array_push( $results, $magicFieldsGroup );
return $results;
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