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Created September 2, 2018 06:06
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Contract example of the KyberNetwork after small modification
// KyberExample.sol 修正後
pragma solidity 0.4.18;
import "./ERC20Interface.sol";
import "./KyberNetworkProxy.sol";
contract KyberExample {
//It is possible to take minRate from kyber contract, but best to get it as an input from the user.
ERC20 constant internal ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS = ERC20(0x00eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee);
event SwapTokenChange(uint balanceBefore, uint balanceAfter, uint change);
event SwapEtherChange(uint startBalance, uint currentBalance, uint change);
//must have default payable since this contract expected to receive change
function() public payable {}
//@param _kyberNetworkProxy kyberNetworkProxy contract address
//@param srcToken source token contract address
//@param srcQty in token wei
//@param destToken destination token contract address
//@param destAddress address to send swapped tokens to
function swapTokenToToken (KyberNetworkProxyInterface _kyberNetworkProxy, ERC20 srcToken, uint srcQty, ERC20 destToken, address destAddress) public {
uint minRate;
//getExpectedRate returns expected rate and slippage rate
//we use the slippage rate as the minRate
(, minRate) = _kyberNetworkProxy.getExpectedRate(srcToken, destToken, srcQty);
//check that user has transferred tokens to this contract
require(srcToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, srcQty));
// Mitigate ERC20 Approve front-running attack, by initially setting
// allowance to 0
require(srcToken.approve(_kyberNetworkProxy, 0));
//approve tokens so network can take them during the swap
srcToken.approve(address(_kyberNetworkProxy), srcQty);
uint destAmount = _kyberNetworkProxy.swapTokenToToken(srcToken, srcQty, destToken, minRate);
//send received tokens to destination address
require(destToken.transfer(destAddress, destAmount));
//@dev assumed to be receiving ether wei
//@param _kyberNetworkProxy kyberNetworkProxy contract address
//@param token destination token contract address
//@param destAddress address to send swapped tokens to
function swapEtherToToken (KyberNetworkProxyInterface _kyberNetworkProxy, ERC20 token, address destAddress) public payable {
uint minRate;
(, minRate) = _kyberNetworkProxy.getExpectedRate(ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS, token, msg.value);
//will send back tokens to this contract's address
uint destAmount = _kyberNetworkProxy.swapEtherToToken.value(msg.value)(token, minRate);
//send received tokens to destination address
require(token.transfer(destAddress, destAmount));
//@param _kyberNetworkProxy kyberNetworkProxy contract address
//@param token source token contract address
//@param tokenQty token wei amount
//@param destAddress address to send swapped ETH to
function swapTokenToEther (KyberNetworkProxyInterface _kyberNetworkProxy, ERC20 token, uint tokenQty, address destAddress) public {
uint minRate;
(, minRate) = _kyberNetworkProxy.getExpectedRate(token, ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS, tokenQty);
//check that user has transferred tokens to this contract
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, tokenQty));
// Mitigate ERC20 Approve front-running attack, by initially setting
// allowance to 0
require(token.approve(_kyberNetworkProxy, 0));
//approve tokens so network can take them during the swap
token.approve(address(_kyberNetworkProxy), tokenQty);
uint destAmount = _kyberNetworkProxy.swapTokenToEther(token, tokenQty, minRate);
//send received ethers to destination address
//@param _kyberNetworkProxy kyberNetworkProxy contract address
//@param srcToken source token contract address
//@param srcQty in token wei
//@param destToken destination token contract address
//@param destAddress address to send swapped tokens to
//@param maxDestQty max number of tokens in swap outcome. will be sent to destAddress
//@param minRate minimum conversion rate for the swap
function swapTokenToTokenWithChange (
KyberNetworkProxyInterface _kyberNetworkProxy,
ERC20 srcToken,
uint srcQty,
ERC20 destToken,
address destAddress,
uint maxDestQty,
uint minRate
uint startSrcBalance = srcToken.balanceOf(this);
//check that tokens has been transferred to this contract
require(srcToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, srcQty));
// Mitigate ERC20 Approve front-running attack, by initially setting
// allowance to 0
require(srcToken.approve(_kyberNetworkProxy, 0));
//approve tokens so network can take them during the swap
srcToken.approve(address(_kyberNetworkProxy), srcQty);, srcQty, destToken, destAddress, maxDestQty, minRate, 0);
uint change = srcToken.balanceOf(this) - startSrcBalance;
SwapTokenChange(startSrcBalance, srcToken.balanceOf(this), change);
//return any remaining source tokens to user
srcToken.transfer(msg.sender, change);
//@param _kyberNetworkProxy kyberNetworkProxy contract address
//@param token destination token contract address
//@param destAddress address to send swapped tokens to
//@param maxDestQty max number of tokens in swap outcome. will be sent to destAddress
//@param minRate minimum conversion rate for the swap
function swapEtherToTokenWithChange (
KyberNetworkProxyInterface _kyberNetworkProxy,
ERC20 token,
address destAddress,
uint maxDestQty,
uint minRate
//note that this.balance has increased by msg.value before the execution of this function
uint startEthBalance = this.balance;
//send swapped tokens to dest address. change will be sent to this contract., msg.value, token, destAddress, maxDestQty, minRate, 0);
//calculate contract starting ETH balance before receiving msg.value (startEthBalance - msg.value)
//change = current balance after trade - starting ETH contract balance (this.balance - (startEthBalance - msg.value))
uint change = this.balance - (startEthBalance - msg.value);
SwapEtherChange(startEthBalance, this.balance, change);
//return change to msg.sender
//@param _kyberNetworkProxy kyberNetworkProxy contract address
//@param token source token contract address
//@param tokenQty token wei amount
//@param destAddress address to send swapped tokens to
//@param maxDestQty max number of tokens in swap outcome. will be sent to destAddress
//@param minRate minimum conversion rate for the swap
function swapTokenToEtherWithChange (
KyberNetworkProxyInterface _kyberNetworkProxy,
ERC20 token,
uint tokenQty,
address destAddress,
uint maxDestQty,
uint minRate
uint startTokenBalance = token.balanceOf(this);
//check that tokens has been transferred to this contract
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, tokenQty));
// Mitigate ERC20 Approve front-running attack, by initially setting
// allowance to 0
require(token.approve(_kyberNetworkProxy, 0));
//approve tokens so network can take them during the swap
token.approve(address(_kyberNetworkProxy), tokenQty);, tokenQty, ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS, destAddress, maxDestQty, minRate, 0);
uint change = token.balanceOf(this) - startTokenBalance;
SwapTokenChange(startTokenBalance, token.balanceOf(this), change);
//return any remaining source tokens to user
token.transfer(msg.sender, change);
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