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Last active August 31, 2015 13:08
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import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as TokenSymbols
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
data Impl
data Impl = ImplNum Integer | ImplSym String | ImplOp String
deriving Show
generate_exp :: String -> [Impl] -> [Impl] -> [Impl]
-- prefix notation
-- generate_exp op lhs rhs = [ImplOp op] ++ lhs ++ rhs
-- infix notation
-- generate_exp op lhs rhs = lhs ++ [ImplOp op] ++ rhs
-- postfix notation
generate_exp op lhs rhs = lhs ++ rhs ++ [ImplOp op]
(<||>) f g = \x -> (f x) <|> (g x)
lexer :: TokenSymbols.TokenParser ()
lexer = TokenSymbols.makeTokenParser emptyDef
symbol = TokenSymbols.symbol lexer
number = TokenSymbols.natural lexer
ident = TokenSymbols.identifier lexer
calc expr BNF
infix -> exp
exp -> term "+" exp | term "-" exp | term
term -> factor "*" term | factor "/" term | factor
factor -> ident | number | "(" exp ")"
calc expr BNF (re-define)
infix -> exp
exp -> term exp'
exp' -> "+" term exp' | "-" term exp' | e
term -> factor term'
term' -> "*" factor term' | "/" factor term' | e
factor -> ident | number | "(" exp ")"
e -> nil
convert_str s = parse parse_infix "convert_str" s
parse_infix = parse_exp
parse_exp = parse_term >>= parse_exp'
parse_exp' = parse_exp_op "+"
<||> parse_exp_op "-"
<||> return
parse_exp_op op lhs = generate_exp op lhs <$>
(symbol op *> parse_term) >>= parse_exp'
parse_term = parse_factor >>= parse_term'
parse_term' = parse_term_op "*"
<||> parse_term_op "/"
<||> return
parse_term_op op lhs = generate_exp op lhs <$>
(symbol op *> parse_factor) >>= parse_term'
parse_factor = parse_factor_number
<|> parse_factor_ident
<|> parse_factor_exp
parse_factor_number = (\x -> [ImplNum x]) <$>
parse_factor_ident = (\x -> [ImplSym x]) <$>
parse_factor_exp = symbol "(" *> parse_exp <* symbol ")"
main = do
print $ convert_str "1+2*3-4"
print $ convert_str "(1+2)*(3-4)"
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