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Last active September 11, 2024 13:03
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Gitignore - Exclude all except specific subdirectory
# If all files excluded and you will include only specific sub-directories
# the parent path must matched before.
# Un-ignore the affected subdirectory
# Ignore subdirectory and all including directories and files to match pattern as valid for the next pattern
# This pattern only works with the two previous patterns
# (i remember it was working alone on older git versions)
# Another example
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5c077yP commented Sep 6, 2023


@anisriva have you read the comments above?

@martin-braun yes i did, and i specifically tried yours as well it seem to only work for the immediate child directory.

For me worked to re-include every individual parent again, meaning


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Thank you!
I wanted to share my example, maybe it would help someone.

My .gitignore:

# Disable all directories.

# Enable `Jenkins Service/init.groovy.d`.
!Jenkins Service/
Jenkins Service/*
!Jenkins Service/init.groovy.d/

# Enable `Scripts`.

After git add .:

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
        new file:   .gitignore
        new file:   Jenkins Service/init.groovy.d/BuildRerunner.groovy
        new file:   Jenkins Service/init.groovy.d/rerun-last-prod-build.groovy
        new file:   Jenkins Service/init.groovy.d/rerun-zombie-builds.groovy
        new file:   Scripts/jenkins-delete-cache.bat

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Thanks for the solution!
In my case git add * must be used after configuration of the gitignore file. Somehow git add . does not work.

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Awesome, thanks!

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