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Created May 25, 2021 07:38
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Flattened Base64 Recovery
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Author: Caleb Stewart
# Date: January 20th, 2019
# This code, given a lowercased Base64 string, will determine the correct and original Base64 encoding
from pwn import *
import sys
import argparse
def all_case_combos(inp):
n = len(inp)
# Number of permutations is 2^n
mx = 1 << n
# Converting string to lower case
inp = inp.lower()
# Using all subsequences and permuting them
i = long(0)
while i < mx:
# If j-th bit is set, we convert it to upper case
combination = [k for k in inp]
for j in xrange(n):
if (((i >> j) & 1) == 1):
combination[j] = inp[j].upper()
temp = ""
# Printing current combination
for j in combination:
temp += j
i += 1
yield temp
def count_printable(s):
n = len([c for c in s if ord(c) >= 32 and ord(c) <= 126])
return n
def base64_pad(s):
if (len(s)%4) == 0:
return s
return s.ljust(len(s)+3-(int((len(s)/4)*3)%3), '=')
def bruteforce_base64(flat):
# The entire result in the correct case
result = ''
# Iterate through each 4 character (3 byte) chunkk
for i in range(0, len(flat), 4):
p = log.progress('bruteforcing chunk[{0}:{1}]'.format(i,i+4))
# Indicates whether the next loop failed
found = 0
# Iterate all cases of this chunk
for option in all_case_combos(flat[i:i+4]):
# Make sure the padding is right
option = base64_pad(option)
p.status('trying case {0}'.format(option))
# Decode the data
data = option.decode('base64')
# Count the printable characters
nprint = count_printable(data)
# We consider is success if it is all ascii printable
if nprint == len(data):
p.success("correct case is {0}".format(option))
result += option.replace('=', '')
found = 1
# Make sure the last loop succeeded. If not, we have completely failed
if found == 0:
p.failure('unable to find correct case')
return None
# We found it
return result
# Parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='bruteforce base64 case')
parser.add_argument('base64', help='the base64 input you want to bruteforce')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Padding
args.base64 = base64_pad(args.base64)
# Loop condition
cont = 'y'
# Loop forever
while cont.upper() == 'Y':'bruteforcing case of {0}'.format(args.base64))
# Brute force it!
result = base64_pad(bruteforce_base64(args.base64))
# Check if we failed
if result == None:
log.error('failed to bruteforce {0}!'.format(args.base64))
# Should we continue?'the correct case is {0}'.format(result))'the decoded output is: {0}'.format(result.decode('base64')))
# loop till they listen
cont = ''
while cont.upper() != 'Y' and cont.upper() != 'N':
cont = raw_input('should we continue? (y/n) ').rstrip()
# If we continue, the result is now our target
args.base64 = result.decode('base64')
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