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Last active October 1, 2018 21:36
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Autotask to Exact Online invoice-to-book-keeping converter
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import csv
from datetime import datetime
import dateutil.parser
from glob import glob
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
columns = [ 'allocation', 'invoice_no', 'invoice_date', 'pay_date', 'customer_number',
'tax_total', 'tax_total_s', 'invoice_total', 'invoice_total_s', 'allocation_code',
def add_col(table, inp_col, new_col, func):
global columns
columns += [new_col]
for row in table:
i = columns.index(inp_col)
val = row[i]
row += [func(val)]
def main():
print('knasboll v0.4')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input-wildcard', default='*.xml', help='invoice XML files to process')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-file', default='dalas-invoice-import.csv', help='output Excel file for import into book-keeping software')
options = parser.parse_args()
# load table
allocation_lookup = eval(open('allocation.cfg').read())
table = []
for fn in glob(options.input_wildcard):
print('processing %s...' % fn)
# load import file and place each row in table
ns = dict([node for _,node in ET.iterparse(fn, events=['start-ns'])])
ns['ns'] = ns['']
e = ET.parse(fn).getroot()
for account in e.findall('ns:account', ns):
customer_id = account.find('ns:cust_id', ns).text
for invoice in account.findall('ns:invoice', ns):
invoice_date = invoice.find('ns:invoice_date', ns).text
timestamp = dateutil.parser.parse(invoice_date).timestamp()
invoice_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat().partition('T')[0]
payment_date = invoice.find('ns:payment_due_date', ns).text
timestamp = dateutil.parser.parse(payment_date).timestamp()
payment_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat().partition('T')[0]
tax_total = invoice.find('ns:total_tax_value', ns).text
tax_total = float(tax_total)
tax_total_s = ('%.2f'%float(tax_total)).replace('.',',')
invoice_total = invoice.find('ns:invoice_total', ns).text
invoice_total = float(invoice_total) + tax_total
invoice_total_s = ('%.2f'%invoice_total).replace('.',',')
invoice_number = invoice.find('ns:invoice_number', ns).text
for invoice_item in invoice.findall('ns:invoice_item', ns):
allocation = invoice_item.find('ns:allocation_code_name', ns).text
if allocation not in allocation_lookup:
print('FATAL: no such allocation %s in allocation.cfg' % allocation)
allocation_code = allocation_lookup[allocation]
table += [[allocation, invoice_number, invoice_date, payment_date, customer_id, tax_total, tax_total_s, invoice_total, invoice_total_s, allocation_code]]
add_col(table, 'invoice_date', 'year', lambda s: s.split('-')[0])
add_col(table, 'invoice_date', 'month', lambda s: s.split('-')[1])
add_col(table, 'invoice_date', 'journal', lambda x: '70')
add_col(table, 'invoice_date', 'payment_condition', lambda x: '01')
add_col(table, 'invoice_date', 'vat_code', lambda x: '04')
add_col(table, 'invoice_date', 'currency', lambda x: 'EUR')
add_col(table, 'invoice_date', 'exchange_fact', lambda x: 1.0)
cols = ['journal','year','month','invoice_no','allocation','invoice_date','pay_date','currency','exchange_fact','payment_condition','customer_number','allocation_code','allocation','vat_code','invoice_total','tax_total']
wf = open(options.output_file, 'w', newline='')
wr = csv.writer(wf)
t = [[row[columns.index(c)] for row in table] for c in cols]
for row in zip(*t):
# finish with a nice message
total = sum(row[columns.index('invoice_total')] for row in table)
print('Dala, your bester agent havs convertidid the %i invoice thingies for totals %.2f evro and writing it to %s!' % (len(table), total, options.output_file))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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